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Posts posted by kotsak

  1. Opposite my apartment building on Rama 3 there is, or there was, a car storage place which belongs to Honda. It used to be packed with cars waiting to be delivered to the dealers. A lot of people used to be working there preparing the vehicles (washing, cleaning, etc) and then loading them on trailers. Now the place is dead empty, they have cleared the cars long time ago and no soul in sight, not even a security guard. It used to be very busy for the last 2-3 years.

    I've attached a photo as well. The car park in front and the warehouse at the back (with the open roof) were used to be filled with cars. Not sure if the covered area buidlings were being used as well. Either they have moved operations elsewhere in the town, which I doubt, or things are really gone tits up.


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  2. Kind of unusual move since most of the times when banking staff were involved in illegal activities resulting to money loss for the customers, the banks would simply shrug it off and ask the customers to sod off, totally ignoring the fact that the staff were under their watch when the crimes took place.

    Apparently this time the amount is so huge that soding off is not an option anymore :D

  3. The army should remove all the rice from the storage facilities and store in on military bases around the country.

    It doesn't make sense to leave the rice in warehouses run by/owned by people who may have or were part of the group ripping off the government.

    Actually it works better for them to blame the warehouses' owners rather than having to store the rice themselves and having their own people stealing it and then having noone to blame for it ;)

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  4. The Index has fallen, mainly because Thai people are in serious debt with the loans they have taken and can't pay back.

    Repossessions have already started, people haven't got any money to spend.

    I hope we are not heading for an economic recession.

    Although, I do hope that the present government will implement laws and practices to avoid that.

    But this is only a hope........................we have to wait and see.

    It's either here or in psarokostaina ;)

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