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Posts posted by kotsak

  1. More bad publicity for the Thai tourism industry ... wonder how TAT will spin this one.

    There's no way I'd ever travel in one of these death traps. Mind you the same could be said for the taxis and minivans as well.

    "We may not have roller coasters but we have roads and drivers that can give you the same thrill"

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  2. The other newspaper reports this rather differently, saying in effect that ISPs now have the authority and responsibility to block websites on their own initiative. No need for instruction from the authorities. No need for a court order.

    The effect is going to be that ISPs are going to block even marginally dubious sites for fear of reprisals from the authorities. We're going to be seeing a lot more green screens in the future, I fear.

    That's the marvel of the system.. Self-censorship due to the fear of being brushed with the same brush.

  3. "Gen Prem told Gen Prayut's delegation to take pride in the May 22 power seizure."

    Still anyone doubting that Sutheps roadshow and the following coup was orchestrated by the feudal masters and their mighty sponsors??

    To stay within forum rules, I will leave it there......................................coffee1.gif


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