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Posts posted by jpolten

  1. Reason being,every time I've had a conversation with tourists and some other expats it always leads to some personal questions.........

    Some Q's are OK,some are just plain nosy!


    Where are you from.......ok

    Do you live here..........ok

    Where did you get the money for......nosy

    How much do you earn...........nosy

    How much are you worth.........nosy

    Whats your GF like in bed.......fuc_k off nosy

    I put good money that you just made up those last four questions just for the sake of argument. No other expat has ever asked me what I'm worth or what my gf is like in bed. And the only people that regularly ever asked me how much money I make is usually Asians, especially Chinese taxi drivers.

    :) the Q's were not asked by random strangers that i met on the street...

    Q 3 was asked from a German who lives not so far after i bought a new Vigo

    Q 4-6 were asked by a fellow Brit with a few to many drinks, who thought we were best mates after a 20 min chat in a bkk bar

  2. I only say hello to other foreigners i see on a regular basis......tourists and people i don't see from time to time,i ignore

    Reason being,every time I've had a conversation with tourists and some other expats it always leads to some personal questions.........

    Some Q's are OK,some are just plain nosy!


    Where are you from.......ok

    Do you live here..........ok

    Where did you get the money for......nosy

    How much do you earn...........nosy

    How much are you worth.........nosy

    Whats your GF like in bed.......fuc_k off nosy

  3. Friend told me today of the suspicious death of an English or Irish man in the Jomtien area,have some friends there and been able to contact all but two!

    Those that i contacted have no info on the death,can anyone give more info?


  4. You do not know who the Snipers work for!!!

    How about this angle - Mr. Thaksin and his friends got pissed off with Seh Daeng, and ordered someone to shoot him, they shot him, the Reds blame the Army, as everyone would believe this, then the fighting begins, fault of all of this is the Army for apparently shooting Seh Daeng.

    A sniper is taught to go for a head shot, as a definite kill, not a leg shot. When someone is running the only thing that stays in a constant is the head, the legs and body move too much as well as the arms.

    Marksmen/Snipers are taught to shoot at the center of chest (heart),also taught to shoot to wound so more will come out to help and then be shot too.....

    Head shots can be easily missed because it moves a lot when a target is moving or standing still (unless your very close)

    In another thread it was mentioned that Seh Daeng was shot with a 308....i don't believe so, because most of his head would be on the street if it was a 308

    Believe me , If some one shoots to Maim it is luck, with today's calibre and Gun quality they kill. how do you disable anyone with a high velocity bullet. You only have to hit some one, On impact it takes out what ever is hit , I have seen bullet holes as small as a pencil, turn the victim over. and half of there back has gone . If you hit the head it just explodes like a ripe Mellon.

    The NATO caliber 5.56mm (.223) is useless,Forces that use it have been complaining about it for years because it has no stopping power!

    As for shooting to wound,its easily done by a good marksman,and has been taught as a tactic.....you wound one,two come to help him,you shoot two,four

    come to help....so on,so on...

  5. You do not know who the Snipers work for!!!

    How about this angle - Mr. Thaksin and his friends got pissed off with Seh Daeng, and ordered someone to shoot him, they shot him, the Reds blame the Army, as everyone would believe this, then the fighting begins, fault of all of this is the Army for apparently shooting Seh Daeng.

    A sniper is taught to go for a head shot, as a definite kill, not a leg shot. When someone is running the only thing that stays in a constant is the head, the legs and body move too much as well as the arms.

    Marksmen/Snipers are taught to shoot at the center of chest (heart),also taught to shoot to wound so more will come out to help and then be shot too.....

    Head shots can be easily missed because it moves a lot when a target is moving or standing still (unless your very close)

    In another thread it was mentioned that Seh Daeng was shot with a 308....i don't believe so, because most of his head would be on the street if it was a 308

  6. Like Ian,most wildlife doesn't bother me (as long as i see them first),but something running across my feet would make me jump!

    Seen a lot of rats in Chiang Mai too,mostly around the moat area....Hunted and eaten them in Isan with the locals (but wouldn't eat to many)with a small

    light on the fore head and an air gun with a bicycle pump hooked up on it...one of the locals even had an old type musket :)

  7. Thailand is not stable enough to have nuclear plants,the security forces can't even control the streets at the moment!...

    If or when they are built its going to be a big target for political protesters with them knowing the whole world will listen if they were to take over a plant and i hope there will be very tight and strong security in place!

    I don't under stand why they can't build several large solar plants...maybe cheaper and surely safer...its not like they don't have sunshine/light

  8. Very sad story. 28 years and about to be a father. Tragic. I have had a concealed carry permit here in the US for 16 years and thank God have never needed to make use of it. But there have been times (roadside breakdowns at night and dodgy characters giving my wife and I the evil eye) I am glad "it" was close at hand. All it takes is body language and a look to let would be assailants know that you are not easy prey. They are predators and instinctively seek out the weak in the herd. Don't be one and more importantly, don't look like one.

    If I ever made it over to Thailand to live, I'm afraid I would have no choice but to go discretely outside the law and carry. After all these years, I would feel totally naked and unprepared without it. The Thai monkey house beats cremation any day in my book. At least you have hope and not a bowl of ash.

    The USA has one of the highest Murder rates in the world, specifically because of their lax and ridiculous gun laws.

    And anyone that thinks a Thai Jail would be fun has to rethink that.

    The best solution is to leave your gun at home and stay out of trouble, or if you can't stay out of trouble, then don't come here.


    Most murders in the USA are made with illegal firearms and if the Gov changed the laws on carry permits every law abiding citizen would be a sitting duck!

    They don't just give a permit to anyone,you have to have police clearance and show you can handle the weapon!

    IMHO the USA has the right laws,the right to carry a weapon and protect yourself and your family,and i think this should be the same the world over!

    I don't think this man was looking for trouble,just making his way home with his wife and unborn,and look what happened...a couple of hahoo's attacked him

    and i think if he could carry weapon in Thailand or anywhere (im not saying he would carry) things might have turned out different!

    RIP Andrew

  9. 17624-1.jpg

    Just a few tools i have in the garden shed (please note the chain saw and circular saw in the bottom left of photo for special occasions)

    Or if someone really pisses me of i just send the gf round :):D :D

    Seriously,be careful what you carry and use,these days the attacker or offender seem to have more rights than the victim!

  10. Could there be another one in our lifetime ? Yes of course.

    Do i 'fear' one ? Nope.

    If i see the tide going out at a fast rate at any of the beaches, i will be heading for the high-ground !

    It could happen again tomorrow,next week,next month or not for a hundred years....

    I don't fear another,but knowing they have warning buoys now gives a little peace of mind!(i hope they keep them well maintained)

    Just so you know....the tide don't always go out before an event like this!!

  11. I've always believed new elections would be the only way out of this mess. It's just a shame there was such resistance by those clinging to power and that it had to come to boiling point.

    New elections wil not solve anything....if the Reds win, yellow accuse reds of corruption, vote rigging...take to the streets....yellows win, reds accuse yellows of corruption and vote rigging and take to the streets....... and so the cycle continues...are you seeing a pattern ??

    wrong, if the reds win, Thaksin will be back as president for life and Thailand will become a second Burma

    & there goes a flying pig - 34,000ft :)

    :D Don't think he will become PM again,but if the Reds win an election Im sure he'll be pulling the strings

  12. Anupong should be fired for the mess he made last Saturday

    Anupong has just implemented the option which has been choosen by the government.

    The Guy who has given the Green light to utilisation of Snipers should be fired ....

    Who's that guy exactly - Natthawut, Arisman, Juthuporn, Weng, Seh Daeng, big T and who should fire him or them? Fired on, in case they resist arrest would be be the better action for who ever ordered those snipers and grenade throwers!

    The Army snipers on the Satri Wittaya school who have started the massacre

    Sorry,don't believe the Army had Snipers shooting into the protesters,on the other hand those black ninjas (that i think were put there by a certain

    person to stir up the sh*t) could have easily shot into both parties to get things going and make the Army and Gov look bad.

    I think that maybe some of these Ninjas could even be foreign like one poster pointed out from the photo!

  13. Why are you mouthing of at Thai culture when you have the likes of the catholics that say no condoms while they protect there own that molest children?

    Some time ago in the west the catholic church said it was a sin to use condoms ect ect.....but who listens to the church any more??

    Ive spent some time in west Africa and the catholic church is telling people that it is a sin to use condoms and I've been told by some of the locals that

    the church is telling them there is no such thing as HIV/AIDS!!

    Another thing,in thailand and africa do you think condoms are available in rural areas,and if they were,do you think they have the money to pay for them?

  14. I have loved the place since I arrived in 1989 and the good has always outweighed the bad. Things have kept improving over the years - IMHO - and I don't want to live anywhere else.


    Been looking for a pair of those all over thailand,but can't seem to find them anywhere!!

    Where can i get a pair?????????........did you have them custom made??????......can i buy them from you...pleeeeaasssee!!

  15. accusations like this, and the subsequently rapid media coverage and statements by police make me very nervous about the Thai justice system. Everybody on this thread should just sloooow down! We all know what everybody thinks about child molesters and the punishments that should be handed out, so lets not have another thread full of 'chop his nuts off' let him rot in jail' etc etc. What concerns me here on the face of it is that a four year old child claims some form of abuse in the toilets, 'last year'! but cannot give a date (obviously). I am inclined to agree with the poster whose initial thoughts are that the guy is being set up. The rights of the family to privacy are important, but so are the rights of the accused until they are proven beyond doubt, guilty!

    The kids of my ex went to a private boarding school in the UK. It was very good and very exclusive. One 9 year old girl at the school laid a claim of abuse against the Headmaster. The shock that went around was incredible, parents meetings were called and the Headmasters wife and kids who lived at the school faced a public inquisition, it was sick. The Headmaster was immediately suspended by the board. 14 months and untold family trauma later at the court case the now 10 year old suddenly admitted under questioning that her mother had put her up to it as 'she didn't like the headmaster' <deleted>! There never was any abuse, the Headmaster ended up divorced prior to the court case and he lost his Job as it was for a teacher with a 'Family' to live in at the school. The teacher, his wife and their two lovely children had their entire lives wrecked by some vindictive cow twisting the mind of her 9 year old daughter. I don't know what happened to the cow of a mother that started it, but even if she got 2 years inside, it was nothing compared to the lost lifetime of a destroyed family.

    Don't be too hasty now!

    Think its to late...the mans photo,name, details have been posted on the net and the papers,if hes innocent it doesn't really matter because things like that

    don't go away and im sure the ozzie papers have heard of this too!!

    My feeling is people who make false claims like this should be punished as much as someone who did the crime for reasons in your above story...the mans life is ruined because the mother "didn't like him"

    It could just be someone with a grudge,or it could be something innocent (maybe the kid caught himself in his zipper or couldn't close his zipper),think its very sad the thai media and police hang someone before getting the facts (but in thailand your guilty until proven innocent)

    If hes guilty i hope he gets what he deserves...and if innocent hes going to pay anyway :)

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