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Posts posted by jpolten

  1. Are you taking any drugs or medication of any sort?

    Other than alcohol these would be the most likely causes. As you are evidebtly male aged about 40 menopause obviously not a factor.

    if no drug use, no medications then what Latindancer says is correct, something unuusual is going on.

    What hospital did you go to and what tests did they run? Would help to know that for purposes of exclusion of some of the many possible causes.

    Also, when you say your hands shake -- do you have an anxious feeling when that occurs? In other words might this be anxiety?

    Thanks for the reply,been to a different hospital and results came back ok..im not on any meds and dont use drugs

    Yourself and xstatic are correct (got a pm from xstatic)...the doc had a long chat with me,asking about everything past and present and she is thinking

    what you guys are thinking...anxiety!!

    Sweats,shaking,some other things and a pain in my chest that woke me during the night had me thinking the worst..looks like my past is catching up with me :)

  2. If you drink a lot of coffee then give it up. Give caffeine a miss completely....100%.

    I do drink a bit of coffee,but i don't think that would give the problems Im having....or maybe it would :)

    I'll try another hospital and see what they think

    Thanks for the replies,got a giggle out of some of them!!!

  3. Over the last two months I've been having some strange feelings, shaking hands,blushing,strange sleeping patterns and i think maybe a slight depression.

    The gf noticed this too and brought me to hospital to get checked out,they did some tests,blood tests,blood pressure ect and every thing came back ok

    Any thoughts?....I don't want to hear that i'm dying :)

  4. Something is wrong here.

    The OPs post was last July 2009, yet someone on another forum is an OP of exactly the same statement only dated a couple of days ago.

    Check out:

    Shanghai Expat


    Whoever cut and paste missed the h in hello :D

    Wonder if it was that guy i was having words with a few hours ago :D

    nasajsc thats a waist of an MBA and PhD,thought you might have a bit more of an imagination :)

  5. I am starting to feel very uncomfortable with the way this thread is going. The girl in question has every right to her privacy and should not be being 'checked out' by anybody. You won't stop the villagers gossiping, so forget it. God knows how many pervs that frequent this site are going to be stalking around the coffee shops in question trying to track this girl down, you are crossing the boundries and the Mods should wipe this thread. The gossiping is the subject of the thread, not conducting private investigations in to an innocent persons life.

    Ya..your right!

    I was told two things,i knew there was something wrong so i followed it up (by chance i was in the area) to prove what the villagers said was untrue and

    trying to make the point that they were wrong,but they didn't want to know :)

  6. Sorry,i've just seen another of you posts where you claim to have an MBA and a Phd.....and you still have to ask a question like that :):D

    That's correct, I have an MBA from Monash Uni, and a PhD form Australian National University. I work in senior management

    here for a multi-national on a full expat package. Any other questions you have?

    Ya...with your MBA and PhD why do you ask stupid questions to obvious answers?

  7. To the OP, your girlfriend didn't say anything about you hunting down the "prostitute" you met at a party back in the village? "Gee, honey, it's nice she really works in a coffee shop and all but WHY did you find it necessary to go looking for her after everyone told you that she's a prostitute? SMACK!"

    nasajsc - we were thinking the same thing at the same time. :D

    No,she didn't....and i think she'd know better!

    Wasn't hunting down anyone,i was told two things and i was in the area and wanted to see for myself :)

  8. My question is, why did the OP go especially to the coffee shop where this girl worked?

    I would think his gf would be very jealous... got to be careful, lots of gf's go crazy on television

    when their guy starts seeing another girl, even as a friend.

    Sorry,i've just seen another of you posts where you claim to have an MBA and a Phd.....and you still have to ask a question like that :):D

  9. Don't you know that coffee shops and mcdonalds is where old sexpats send their girlfriends after taking them out of the bar? They do need a good backstory with proof that they are not bargirls..

    Doesnt make sense that an uneducated village girl can speak a single word of english unless she's worked in a bar, even then.. why would she work a in coffee shop, theres better paying jobs for people with passable english

    Also possible that she did this type of work before,but again she didn't seem the type......soft spoken,polite girl that had passable english, not like the aggressive

    bar girls with bad,even fowl english!

    How do you know shes uneducated?..my understanding is that you would maybe need a degree to get a job in Mcdonalds or Starbucks and i also believe

    they do background checks :D

    My question is, why did the OP go especially to the coffee shop where this girl worked?

    I would think his gf would be very jealous... got to be careful, lots of gf's go crazy on television

    when their guy starts seeing another girl, even as a friend.

    I thought it was obvious but i'll answer anyway........

    People said she was a prostitute...she told me she worked in a famous coffee shop on sukhumvit,me being in the area thought i feel like a coffee and a look-see


  10. Don't you know that coffee shops and mcdonalds is where old sexpats send their girlfriends after taking them out of the bar? They do need a good backstory with proof that they are not bargirls..

    Doesnt make sense that an uneducated village girl can speak a single word of english unless she's worked in a bar, even then.. why would she work a in coffee shop, theres better paying jobs for people with passable english

    Also possible that she did this type of work before,but again she didn't seem the type......soft spoken,polite girl that had passable english, not like the aggressive

    bar girls with bad,even fowl english!

    How do you know shes uneducated?..my understanding is that you would maybe need a degree to get a job in Mcdonalds or Starbucks and i also believe

    they do background checks :)

  11. I'm afraid that it is easier for them to see some deficiency in her for not wanting to stay in Issan, and heaven forbid, date a foreigner! Rather than looking at themselves and their own inadequacies, they will gossip and lie about her.

    If your girlfriend is so sure of this poor girl's actions and motives, and you want a fun spate of uncomfortable silence, ask your girlfriend if she knows what the rest of the village says about your girlfriend when she's not around! Gossip is number one in Thailand.

    What is worse, is that the nicer and more innocent the girl, the more they will slag her off if she dates a foreigner. It's almost as if they are more offended that anyone other than a "bad girl" would ever think of being with anyone other than Thai.

    :):D ...nice one....i might ask her what they say about her....FROM A DISTANCE...can't see it going down to well!!

    Next time you into that Coffee shop, ask one of the other employees how much they make per day, month or whatever.

    It is probably ridiculously low

    Then ask the girl in question where she lives in BKK and how much she is paying for rent

    Between daily transportation and rent, you should have a good idea if she is only working there or as some speculate pulling a night gig

    What kind of mobile phone?

    Any gold jewelry?

    All these are tell tale signs of what how she is living off (by herself with one job) and if her salary and these things do not match up, either a BF is giving her or she is working at night

    What is your fascination that you decided to follow up on her story?

    If am surprised your GF did not toss you when you told her you did that

    Right now it is possible your GF is right, she might work in coffee shop and also work at night

    I would never side against the GF until I had concrete facts as they always have a way of knowing more than us

    Ok...here's a fact...they said she was a prostitute and wasn't working in a coffee shop....i have eyes and have seen her working there!!

    The possibility of her working extra at night.....maybe...but didn't seem the type!!

    Her rent,gold and other things.....maybe she lives with the BF in BKK and he spends a little money on her...and she saves some!!

    As for siding against my GF...i didn't,just stated some facts on what i've seen...and starting to wonder what kind of woman im spending my time with, maybe she is just going with what others say but after what i told her she still wont listen

  12. I'm afraid that it is easier for them to see some deficiency in her for not wanting to stay in Issan, and heaven forbid, date a foreigner! Rather than looking at themselves and their own inadequacies, they will gossip and lie about her.

    If your girlfriend is so sure of this poor girl's actions and motives, and you want a fun spate of uncomfortable silence, ask your girlfriend if she knows what the rest of the village says about your girlfriend when she's not around! Gossip is number one in Thailand.

    What is worse, is that the nicer and more innocent the girl, the more they will slag her off if she dates a foreigner. It's almost as if they are more offended that anyone other than a "bad girl" would ever think of being with anyone other than Thai.

    :):D ...nice one....i might ask her what they say about her....FROM A DISTANCE...can't see it going down to well!!

  13. Best part of course when it was all over, guess who got the bill? Ahh no problem $3,000 baht, .. but I mean this shit is what its all about.

    WHY do you pay?? Why do you support the abuse of foreigners in Thailand?

    If we STOP paying for them, they will one day stop looking at us at ATM cash cows.

    Please, STOP paying for these women, have some self respect.

    :) not sure what your saying here....maybe you posted in the wrong topic :D

  14. On my last visit to the GF's village in Isan there was a party for a young man who was becoming a monk,lots of people eating,drinking,dancing.....

    There was one young girl 25-30 (i think it was the young mans cousin) that everyone seemed to show an interest in and a lot of whispering and watching her,on seeing this i asked the GF was there something wrong and she told me that the girl was a prostitute working in bangkok....ok i took he word for it and said no more....

    Sometime later i got chatting to this girl,she was well dressed and very polite (didn't seem like your average bar girl) and asked her about herself.....

    she told me she was living in BKK, worked in a well known coffee shop on sukhumvit and had a western BF ect ect...later i told the GF what she said and the GF said that's what she tells everyone but its a lie!

    The following week i had a meeting in BKK and after the meet felt like a coffee :D ordered the coffee and sat down,looking around i couldn't see this girl (so i was

    starting to believe what the GF said,or maybe she just has a day off,or maybe im in the wrong place) finished the coffee and got up to leave when i heard a voice saying hello john how are you?...i turned to see the girl from the village standing there in her uniform serving some customers...we chatted for a minute and i left

    for the hotel to change and pack for the trip back to Isan.

    I think i shook my head from the time i walked out the coffee shop door till a got back to Isan,when i got back i told the GF where i was and who i saw there and

    she wouldn't accept what i told her! She told the family what i said and they didn't want to know (smiling and shaking their heads)

    So what is it with people not accepting the truth...is it because there was so much lies told that there would be too much face lost?

    I'll be bringing a camera next time i feel like a coffee there!! :)

  15. Farang cannot own a firearm in LOS,some farang buy firearms in the "wifes name" to be held at there home and can be transported to and from

    the firing range in your motor which i think is considered a part of your home!

    As for carrying or using in self defense,i think the judge would throw the book at you....get it in your wife's name and use it on the range :)

  16. Remember reading a thread on this before......lottery rules say you must be in the UK,but i know some people who play abroad and win small

    amounts and are paid these amounts...but if you win big its very possible they could refuse to pay because you were not in the Uk when you purchased the ticket :)

  17. A couple of the coincidences outlined in this thread are out there.

    Yes,a few coincidences,but they are not out there :)

    Even the locals in this guys home town are afraid of him...hes a total wacko!,and i wasn't shocked to here he'd done this type of thing before!

  18. I think the police may have misunderstood when he mentioned the package you were carrying in the front of your pants and the crack you had in the back of your pants, and how he wanted to take both

    To the OP,

    Don't ask open ended questions to the girls. Ask yes/no questions and learn to read Thai smiles. It makes me think of talking to my 5 year old. 'What did you do at school today?' 'Nothing' ' Did you sing a song?' 'Yes' 'Did you ....?' 'Yes.' It's not immaturity on the gal's part, it's cultural.

    Gays in denial can be troublesome... I know from personal experience. Telling him to <deleted> off only worsened the situation.

    Asking the girls to come with you was clever!

    Was there no recourse to identify the guy who made the complaint? I would have said (as if anyone could have thought of it at the time, considering the stress you were under) "Who made this complaint?"

    A mate of mine sometimes gets searched when he arrives in BKK from Pattaya. He handles it like you did and and the BIB are apologetic.

    Even sometimes when you ask a yes/no question you still wont get a straight answer :D

    Someone earlier in this thread also pointed out that a person making a complaint must point the finger,but i didn't see him,i asked the police who said this and one of the girls said the police man gave a description of someone fitting that bloke,they said he made the complaint at the police box on the corner of nana just a few meters from the bar,gave my description and walked away (i can fully understand that the coppers have to follow this up)

    Ive heard all about fit ups by the BIB and i insisted that a couple of girls be there for the search....i think the coppers knew it was BS,but they have to do there jobs!

    As i said before,i cant understand why he hit on me in this sort of bar or why he made that complaint but it could have turned out very different for me and thats what made me so angry :)

  19. Well,made that trip to ireland last weekend and sure enough it is him!

    Username5 pm'd me some info and even offered to meet with me for the day saying i know some people you should talk to,so he took me to a bar

    and told me to ask a guy do you know this person.....the guy looked at me shook his head and said NOPE!!

    I asked username5 <deleted> is wrong with him and he said they used to be mates "but something happened",sometime later another guy walked in and sat

    next to the guy i was trying to talk to, noticed the two of them talking and looking at me...(im starting to get a little worried now)

    Then username went over to talk to them and after and few minutes there was a lot of laughter and they called me over to join them, they told

    me all about this guy and some of the things he gets up to.

    I was right,he is gay or bi.....the story is he had come out with it,but then changed his mind,run off to thailand and married a thai girl,came back and

    tried to blame another of his mates!!

    They told me there could be up to 20 people who have had some kind of problem with him and there is even a pending court case!

    I said that im not even sure this is the same guy,and one of them said "ok,hold on a minute" and he made a few calls.

    30-40 minutes later the two guys start smiling and nodding saying "is that him,is that him" i turned around and sure enough that was him

    I walked straight up to him and asked "remember me?",for a second he didn't,but then his face dropped, i never seen anyone move as fast for the door! :)

    The guys later told me that he has ruined a lot of people with his lies and even a couple of families lifes....

    they said "Dont look at him" "Dont talk to him" and give him a very wide birth!!

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