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Posts posted by jpolten

  1. OP


    Just an idea.....change the number and tell her to give the new number to people she knows,one at a time every two or three days and if he rings

    in between you might have an idea of who's giving him the number!

    Good luck!......some crazies out there! :D

    agreed lot of looneys out there.

    and w yr sage advice i think u one of them :D


  2. OP

    You girl could be genuine so don't listen to other posters sh*t

    If she is playing around or known him from before why would she tell you about the calls!

    From your post he is obviously watching you and your girl,probably even knows where you live so be careful...but one thing i find strange is

    where did he get her number...you say not many people have this number so i think it would be easy to find out who gave it to him!

    Get your girl to ask friends and family if any stranger asked for her number lately(or is this a business number she uses)

    Like another poster said...change the number...and if he rings again something smells,could be her or someone she knows giving him

    the number!

    Just an idea.....change the number and tell her to give the new number to people she knows,one at a time every two or three days and if he rings

    in between you might have an idea of who's giving him the number!

    Good luck!......some crazies out there! :)

  3. I'm sure a lot of you might know each other in person and have expat friends near by,but i think there are also expats who's only contact with others is here

    on TV because of there location or preference.

    With more and more murders and other nasty things happening to expats i think it might be a good idea for members to contact other members if he/she

    feels in some sort of danger,you don't have to post to the forum,just PM 1-2 members with your details and your problem and who might be involved!

    In other threads FRED2007 posted he was having some problems with someone torching one of his units and his gf/wife fearing he might be shot.

    Another thread someone noticed NEVERDIE was missing from the forum for a while,but its good to know there was someone here that knows him and he

    is holidaying in Oz!

    Its just a thought,but maybe a good idea.

  4. If a little slap on the back gets you excited, wait till episode 4. A big fight erupted at the TP Van and I am in the thick of it, trying to stop everyone fighting!!!! It actually happened in April 2008 and was filmed for the pilot of the show.

    The point is that you claim you are there to help tourists and that you aren't a police officer, yet you seem to think it is acceptable to slap people from behind because they have been annoying earlier. You then stand there smiling while a tourist, who you're there to help, is assaulted, even making a little joke about it. That is not the behaviour of a professional and the slap was completely unjustified, unnecessary and constituted common assault, regardless of what your supervisor thinks.

    Thanks for that, whoever you are and wherever you are. :)

    Had to laugh at the Kosovan guy,what a tit and he deserved a slap.

    This guy makes the TP look like pussy cats

  5. So protecting yourself from a TUG with a gun wouldn't be as you say "common sense"??

    jj clearly said in one of the clips (uncut or cut i'm not sure now) That knives would be used also.

    Can you imagine how that would have looked?

    Is not using common sense to avoid confrontation, Common sense in it'self?

    He who walks away from a fight lives to fight another day.

    It takes a bigger man to walk away from a fight than rush headlong into one.

    Your right!,it does take a bigger man to walk away!

    From what i remember of the vid jj said the marine DID try to walk or "run" away but was taken back by jj and his buddy's!

    JJ tried to bully the marine out of 44k,after a while the marine said he'd pay 35k (which i think everyone here knows was way too much) and jj pulled a rifle out!

    I don't know about anyone else here,but being held against your will and talk of knifes and guns waved about,to me is a big red flag!

  6. I find it a bit odd too,brief or no brief when someone pulls a gun your life is in danger and I'd have drove khun jj's adams apple out the back of his neck

    before he could raise that rifle! :D

    Followed by life in a Thai prison, but hey, You saved 3500 baht right?

    Everyone's a tough guy on the internet. :)

    You mean to tell me you would stand there and do nothing??....not knowing if its a bb or a .308??....not knowing if he's joking or going to shoot you??

    When someone pulls a gun YOU have the right to protect yourself!!

    What are you....a marine?? :D

    No cdnvic is not a marine (at least i don't think so)

    Just someone with some common sense in Thailand.

    So protecting yourself from a TUG with a gun wouldn't be as you say "common sense"??

  7. Wow, I am surprised! Some common sense at last!! And as we all know, if the Vice Governor says it's a go, it's a go.

    Phuket jet-skis: agreement reached on insurance scheme

    The insurance scheme is hoped to put an end to Phuket's well-known 'jet-ski scam'.

    PATONG, PHUKET: Phuket jet-ski operators will have to get accident insurance for their vehicles or cease doing business on Phuket's beaches, it was agreed at the key ‘jet-ski summit’ in Patong today.

    Inside the packed meeting hall at Patong Municipality today were Vice Governor Smith Palawatvichai, Phuket Provincial Police Commander Pekad Tantipong, Kathu Police Superintendent Grissak Songmoonnark, Deputy Mayor of Patong Chairat Sukhabaan, Director of Phuket Provincial Insurance Office Suwimon Saelim, and around 50 jet-ski operators – including the island’s now infamous Winai ‘JJ’ Naiman.

    Police chief Maj Gen Pekad said three US Navy representatives had met with him recently in advance of the arrival in Phuket of around 4,000 sailors on three US warships next week.

    “They said they have forbidden their men from hiring jet-skis,” he said.

    “I told them not to worry because I guarantee from now on there will be no more scams or problems involving jet-skis in Phuket,” he said.

    He told the assembled jet-ski operators they had to sign up to the insurance scheme – “without making a fuss”.

    President of Phuket Jet-ski Association Anusorn Sahreh agreed insurance for jet-skis would be a good thing “in an ideal world”, but said in the current economic climate, his members just couldn’t afford it.

    “We only work six months a year. We’re not all rich,” he said.

    Mr Anusorn said his preferred solution to the problem was for every jet-ski outfit in Phuket to agree to use the same rental contract.

    While disputes with tourists were common in Patong, they were quite rare in other parts of the island such as Bang Tao, he said.

    Nevertheless Vice Gov Smith, who chaired the meeting, said the insurance scheme would have to go ahead.

    One insurance company has already said it is willing to insure jet-skis.

    Danai Rojjintavej, manager of the Phuket branch of Bangkok Insurance, told the meeting his company would be glad to provide the service, “but we’ll need to see the operators’ rental contracts first.”

    Jet-ski operators and insurance companies will now meet on September 23 to exchange information and settle insurance costs.

    A source in the governor’s office told the Gazette that operators would have to insure their jet-skis within one month of that meeting or stop doing business.

    – Kitima Pornmongkhonwat

    Wont make any difference,they will insure to keep in operation but who do you think is going to pay for the insurance??......do you think they will claim from their policies so their premium will rise the following year......this wont change a thing!!

    Hope there are more Doc's made..one after the other and hope more scams are exposed by the overseas media

  8. I find it a bit odd too,brief or no brief when someone pulls a gun your life is in danger and I'd have drove khun jj's adams apple out the back of his neck

    before he could raise that rifle! :D

    Followed by life in a Thai prison, but hey, You saved 3500 baht right?

    Everyone's a tough guy on the internet. :)

    You mean to tell me you would stand there and do nothing??....not knowing if its a bb or a .308??....not knowing if he's joking or going to shoot you??

    When someone pulls a gun YOU have the right to protect yourself!!

    What are you....a marine?? :D

  9. One thing I find very odd is that about 6 Royal Marines are held in check by 3 Thai guys, one of them with a gun. I know that they would probably have been briefed about how to behave when in a sticky situation, but that wouldnt really cover something like this. I would have thought that 6 Royal Marines would have started twatting people the moment that gun arrived on the scene. The situation was either staged, they werent Marines, or we better up their training a bit. I believe that on shore conduct is not expected to be maintained when the locals start pulling guns on you.

    I find it a bit odd too,brief or no brief when someone pulls a gun your life is in danger and I'd have drove khun jj's adams apple out the back of his neck

    before he could raise that rifle! :)

  10. There might be something in dreams and your gut feeling

    Believe it or not, had a dream about a water accident and was dating a girl in bangkok who had family and friends in the south, remember ringing her

    one day asking her to stay away from water........3 months later the waves hit

  11. People are still arguing about if the jet ski scene was staged or not,do you think it matters anymore?????,people around the world are seeing this Doc and

    if people believe it or not is going to be bad for Thailands tourism!!

    Someone mentioned that scams happen all around the world,this is true of course....but most countries have a good police force that are not involved in

    the scams and are there to help people (locals and tourists) and enforce the law!!

    Scams have been around in Thailand for a long long time,and a lot are backed up by the police!I don't think they will ever stamp this out,its deep rooted and maybe impossible to remove,maybe the TAT should print a (YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED A-Z SCAM LEAFLET) and give to all touching down at swampy,

    then its up to the tourist to use their common sense!

    Against what some people here think,i would like to see a lot more tourist police, but not sitting on their arse's on walking street!!! dealing with them would be easier than the Thai cops....

  12. It took me ten years in Thailand to find a good wife. My experiences tell me that the two fatal flaws in a partner are gambling and jealously. Those flaws are worse than drugs and they don't/can't change. You may think that jealousy is cute but it smothers you after a while.

    one of the big factors i see in a thai/farang relationship is the constant fear(thai wife/gf) that other thai women will take the farang away,its a constant insecurity with thai women,and not without some foundation imho.

    Very true,jealousy and fear of losing to another!

    Dated a girl in Bangkok that was like this,i couldn't go anywhere alone...woke up one morning to find i had no smokes so said was popping down 7/11 for a pack.....

    had to wait for her to shower,dress,make-up.....all for some smokes....that was the last straw and soon after we sadly parted....nice girl but couldn't live like that...


  13. What i would do is confront the friends in front of the wife.....be nice but firm.......explain the situation and that its hurting the relationship!

    Another question would be....have her friends an agenda?....why are they making matters worse for their friend? :)

    Or maybe her friends see something you and his wife don't......is he being a good boy?

  14. ^Apart from jetski incident - everything was the tourist's doing. So as far as I am concerned nothing really bad for Thailand's reputation except for few visiting muppets getting themselves in trouble.

    Fair comment and very true....but there's only been one episode....lets wait and see...i think bravo have a lot more to show!

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