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Posts posted by watcharacters

  1. 18 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The issue at hand is not trespass. 


    If you have difficulty understanding that, write to the CEO of Starbucks an ask him why he's taking the extraordinary steps he is.


    Specifically ask him why his are staff being given Racial Training and not being trained in the laws of trespass?


    It's pretty simple if you think about it. 



    I'll bet the manager of the affected Starbucks wishes he could turn back the clock.    What an expensive mistake he made in not finding a better way to deal with  this non-customer matter.     

    He can probably kiss goodbye any hopes he may have had  for a successful career with Starbucks.

    For me this whole things  brings  up another important issue;    Toilet availability.

    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, Thongkorn said:

    It’s about time people started to stand up against rip off merchants. It’s about princeable. Well done.  A few more vidios  and maybe just maybe the Thais will get it,


    Thanks Thongkorn, for the  unintentional chuckle you  gave me first thing in the morning.


    I could easily have written the same thing but simply remember a  saying  regarding  the head person in a school.


    Hats off to you my friend. :smile:


  3. On 4/13/2018 at 7:11 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    By the way, anyone interested in this subject should definitely read the original, and much longer, Washington Post report that the Reuters report above summarizes.


    The WP article has a more apt and reflective headline for the content of the article:





    The "lewd dossier allegations" subject relates to the much reported Steele dossier on Trump and his alleged Russian hooker escapades that allegedly included "golden showering" by the ladies. The thrust of the WP report, based on Comey's memoir, is that the hookers subject was something that Trump brought up repeatedly with Comey, seemingly, almost every time they spoke.


    But beyond that, there's a ton of gems on the Trump presidency here:


    Well, I think everyone pretty much already knows the answer to that question.  And then...


    And then lastly, in keeping with TV's general fair use policy of three paragraphs of quoted material, a final reference:




    Thank you much for posting the  Washington Post article.


    Reading it  ASAP.

  4. 4 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

    There are just too many sexy girls in Thailand to ignore them


    When I hear a comment like this it definitely sets off the Loser Alarm.


    Some loser that moved to Thailand because he has had no success in love, sex or anything else related to women in his own country.


    All of a sudden, moves to Thailand and falls into the "handsum man" syndrome.


    Do you honestly think Thailand has the sexiest girls in world? If you do, then you sure haven't been around much


    You might say Thailand has some of the easiest girls around, but on a world stage no where near the sexiest


    Your just a user, someday you will get used and you will deserve it.

    Feel sorry for what ever Thai girl crosses your path and falls for your line of BS



    "You might say Thailand has some of the easiest girls around, but on a world stage no where near the sexiest"


    Please enlighten the TVF members as to which country holds "The Most Beautiful women in the world distinction".



    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, BobTH said:

    My apologies and you are correct, I was not clear about what to purchase. I wasn't sure if I would be better off with a smart phone or a tablet of some sort. But after all the excellent replies, including yours I am now leaning more towards a tablet. My parents have WiFi at their homes that I can use and it will get away from the use of SIM cards and if I purchase here I will have warranty protection. So that is my plan since I rarely use a phone anyway. Again thanks for all of the great replies, I learned a lot and took notes on all of them.


    You can easily get by with a single device.


    Just buy pants with large pockets:





    I think this video is great.   I'm relieved Mr. Major didn't get taken down by the woman he confronted.     I wish someone could post the background info. on what led up to this event.


    The Major is lucky he listened to the lady in the striped shirt.   Had  he not listened I fear he'd have been in store for a butt tanning when he got home. :smile:


    That's a really brave family we see in action.    I'll try to remember to not invite them to the next annual picnic. 


    I wonder how the motorbike lady managed to maintain  her resolve?   Is she a known social activist?   If she did in fact give Mr. Major the finger I wonder why she did so?


    Any further details available?




    We  stayed in a former old Colonial mansion converted to a boutique hotel a few years back.    I located it through trip advisor and the poster even gave thought to spreading her treasure on  such a forum.   She didn't want it "discovered".    I don't remember the area where it's located. but I think it was around  140 USD at the time but I may be mistaken.  (+/-)


    It had soundproofing such as I've never seen anywhere and the room was gigantic and included  a sitting room.      I'd look it up again if  and when I return to Hanoi.


    I could only find it by checking  my agoda history and then only if it went back that far.


    To add:    I once met a fellow  in Thailand, a hotel owner who told me he thought I was crazy to spend 11 days in Hanoi.    (That was all the time we had due to school obligations.)  He said it's a boring place not worth more than a two day visit.      

    I'm of the mind he's utterly daft.   Hanoi is fascinating, charming and beautiful.

  8. Just now, UncleTouchyFingers said:


    Apple has a Thailand store online:




    No reason to visit a brick & morter shop. Its based out of Singapore and I alot from here. No import tax and no mark ups. 



    I'm aware of that and have  bought a few products from the Thailand online Apple Store.


    My post was directed to a  member who implied an official Apple Store would be arriving in Bangkok.    I'm wondering how accurate that post is.


    P.S.   Any import and tax fees are built into the price of whatever is purchased.


    Good luck.

  9. 19 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    You will soon have the Apple Flagship store in Bangkok....without any hesitation, buy in Thailand...but from a fully reputable seller of course....yes it may cost a few hundred dollars more...but you'll get world class service from the Apple Store and it could avoid warranty issues if needed later on. IMHO


    I would not buy in the USA,  or by internet definately not,....to many issues with carriers blocking the phone etc. etc. as mentioned here.......enjoy your trip however at Uncle Sam's and be safe !



    This is a tantalizing post.


    Are you just speculating or posting with information you know as a fact?


    I understand such a thing would be a game changer in that Apple  could open  up policies and options that are only available in countries with an official Apple Store.



  10. On 4/13/2018 at 9:50 AM, DavidAlexander said:

    Everyone complains about Thai police (minor) corruption. My last ticket in the States was 'running' a red light at 6am one Sunday morning, could see 200 meters in every direction, except for the <deleted> motorcycle cop. Cost?..$200, 6000 baht.

    Yeah it went into the city coffers instead of the cop's back pocket but I see little difference. Many US police jurisdictions have quotas for tickets, gotta pay the bills.

    "Many US police jurisdictions have quotas for tickets, gotta pay the bills."


    I hope one day to see some proof of that claim if it exists.


    Still waiting.

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