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Posts posted by GeorgeO

  1. Thexxxxxxxxxxxxx is on bail with sedition charges, and he is threatening the court presidents with sedition charges. Funny circus! tongue.png

    Yes, the irony is just wonderful ... but one wonders, if they are going after virtually every court in the land, exactly which court are they going to file these charges with...?

    • Like 2
  2. This is big news that will affect a lot of people.

    Kudos to Thai visa for getting the info out there.

    I wouldn't fancy being a border runner right now - that said, going in and out of Thailand every 30 days means you aren't a tourist anyway and are probably milking the system.

    Immigration seem to be on one at the moment!

    I know many people who rely on the border runs; however, I don't believe any of them were attempting to milk the system. They were unaware what they were doing was illegal.

    This crackdown is actually advantageous to tourists on extended stays since it is much cheaper to apply for and receive a Visa than to make the monthly border runs.

    It seems odd that there is such an industry set up to support this practice and which advertise their services openly if, in fact, it was against the law.

    Sorry, I know this is somewhat off topic, but Thailand also has another very lucrative industry which openly advertises it services, but yet that is also supposed to be illegal; and doesn't it seem rather odd that places like Soi Cowboy, which aren't supposed to exist, even have constant police patrols...?!

  3. Well, at least they didn't urge the public to join the peaceful UDD led pro-government protests.

    And remember, last time the CAPO warned that some had to be careful because violence could erupt indeed violence eruption with a few grenades lobbed here, there and a CC judge house.

    Truly CAPO wants peace for all the right people and reasons

    Why would they "urge the public to join the peaceful UDD led pro-government protests"? Stupid thing to say really.

    Rubl give up with grenades already. The last time CAPO warned people of violence it was provided by the peaceful PDRC protesters throwing them at the police, or did you conveniently forget that?

    You have a problem with CAPO trying to defuse a potentially violent situation just because it involves people that you supposedly "back"?

    Still pretending CAPO is something other than a control tool of PTP?

    Remember Chalerm laughing off the UDD calls for armed rebellion and applauding murder saying they were only having fun? And, Surapong's many veiled threats? All aimed at those opposing the caretaker government and its supporters. Never once condemning violent and illegal acts by those who support the caretaker government. Just another PTP attack vehicle that consumes large budgets with no accountability in true PTP style.

    I have a problem with a group, now headed by people who have been dismissed, who clearly act in a partisan way for their own cause, making veiled threats to anyone who dares stand up against their somewhat self benefiting version of the law.

    Hear, hear, and if there was an effective police force in Thailand, they would be visiting this guy and giving him a stern warning that he is no longer in charge, so he must step down and stop inciting violence, or look forward to a spell inside...! And, indeed, while they were at it, they could round up the rest of the thugs to join him...!!

  4. Am waiting for the CAPO statement on the UDD tomorrow.

    Hmm, must have too much time on my hands.

    Ain't gonna happen... Don't threaten me CAPO I have the right to protest! That's the current Thai position in Bkk.

    ... indeed, I recall that the courts refused to recognise arrest warrants against numerous PDRC leaders, so they overturned them on the grounds that every Thai citizen had the right to protest against what they saw as a corrupt government.

    Once again CAPO (essentially, Chalerm and Tarit) choose to ignore this and come out with the usual threats...!!

  5. Very telling your list.

    You claim the EC as supporters! But the law requires they be neutral, so you're confirming what we've been saying!

    Likewise the courts, again same thing. Legally they're neutral and can only rule on issues not support politics.

    We've been saying this all along, the independent agencies are appointed by the rigged Senate. Duh!

    This group:

    Thai Chamber of Commerce, Board of Trade, the Environmentalists,medical association, Supa, private banks, GSB, AoT, labor unions, Green Politics group, Thai Constitution Protection Association, Provincial Electricity Authority,

    Lots of them are just front groups for you with a few people behind them, the Provincial Electricity Authority does not support you, they simply met you. GSB are not yours you had to try to have a run on that bank to influence it, AOT you hit up for a donation on threat of taking over their airport again, so no, they don't support you.

    bangkok middle class, business owner, state enterprise staff, - I wonder how this group stacks up. I bet a vote would show majority PT now.

    civil servants, - did not join your many demands for strikes and blocks on elections.

    rural teachers, academics, - Ahhh, I remember the video as PDRC thugs tried to close schools, scared kids screaming. No.

    global economists, IMF, World bank, Moody's,UNHCR, Human Rights Watch,the corn farmer, rubber farmers, rice farmers, - nope, you tried, you failed to fool them

    the Thai press, - nope, they turned on you a long time ago.

    military, - nope

    Buddhist monks - nope (its the Buddhist law they stay out of politics BTW)

    NIDA poll and Bangkok Poll - interesting, because I think Nida and Dusit are just marketing for your side, your side requires us believe their polls as real and independent, yet the numbers show they're fake. Here you've made the mistake of listing them as supporters!

    Regime side - if that was true, how come 7 months in, you're a small mob living in the park and they're still the government in power. They took back the government building. You are in retreat down to Lumpini.

    "You claim the EC as supporters! But the law requires they be neutral, so you're confirming what we've been saying!"

    That was your very first sentence and you expect me to take you seriously for the rest of your post?

    Supporters of what? I have claimed that the EC are supporters of democracy. I have not said they are not neutral. You put words in my mouth. It seems to be the only way you can attempt to win an argument.

    No wonder the PTP and UDD can so easily manipulate their supporters. They cannot understand and extract the meanings from basic sentences.

    Unfortunately I can not dumb my post down anymore mate.

    And as with previous members. When you start your rebuttal by misinterpreting what I said and by putting words in my mouth then that is where I leave the conversation.

    Probably a good thing for you too under the circumstances after reading the rest of your post.

    Take care and please don't demonize me, don't be condescending, don't quote me out of context, don't change the subject and don't cherry pick”

    The EC ran the 2011 election, they certified Yingluk as the winner. They already signed up for elections in 2014. So EC as supporters of democracy??? Yet you block elections? I think you could not block elections if the EC hadn't been so keen to try to help you block elections back in February.

    I've also found that screaming school kids clip. The one where your PDRC guys tried to close a school and the teacher had to plead with your goons that the kids need to study.

    Yet you claim support of rural teachers?

    ... and just how does blocking a school entrance stand up against the murder of young children by the Red Shirt terrorists...?! Try to find some real perspective will you?!

    • Like 1
  6. Their are claims that the NACC are corrupt, bias agency that are abusing their powers. Most people wouldn't disagree with that assessment.

    Once the dust is settled, hopefully justice is served to the members of this group and they go behind bars.

    ......................................."Most people wouldn't disagree with that assessment."............................................

    Who are you to make this ridiculous statement ? Apart from being the latest pest on TV trying to make a name for himself.

    Justice is being served right now, and the corrupt and dishonest PTP crooks are not enjoying the taste of it one little bit.

    ...and No, Moo, you don't speak for me either...!

    If you really want to know how many people think specific agencies are corrupt, biased and abusing their power, try asking people what they think of of the CAPO and DSI...!

    I do, however, agree with you that justice should be served once the dust has settled, and that all of the PTP thieves should end up behind bars...!

    • Like 1
  7. So now we have the Prime Minister position that can be taken away if the incumbant fails to stop corruption. In future they will not have to prove that any corruption has taken place or name the people who have been corrupt.

    Seems like there will never be a stable government in Thailand again.

    Doesn't matter how you try to spin it, she was responsible for overseeing the scam scheme and failed to prevent billions of Baht from being skimmed. If they can show that she was actively involved in that part of the fiasco, then she will receive jail time like her brother, although no doubt, just like her brother, she will not be here to receive the verdict...!!

    • Like 2
  8. ... A full public investigation needs to be opened ...

    The one part of your typical non-sensical post that I agree with...!

    Once all of these thieves have fallen, and a full audit is carried out of the government coffers, the whole truth will be revealed regarding the damage that the puppet master and his blind followers have caused to this country. However, the sad thing is, the people who are going to suffer most from the resultant recession and inflation will be those to whom the PTP promised so much...!!

    The PTP thieves will, of course, already be running for the hills (or catching flights to Dubai) to spend their ill-gotten gains, so there will be a need to sign agreements with many countries to get these people extradited back to Thailand to face the music for the rape and pillage of this country.

    With any luck, they may even succeed in striking an agreement with Dubai so that the main culprit can be brought back to pay for this whole mess...!!

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  9. well, Abhisit, Suthep, and their yellow shirt supporters will have none of that.

    democracy, the constitution, the law, elections, justice... are 2nd class citizens who they will have no qualms subjugating in their all consuming priority, their irrational and childish pursuit of Thaksin.

    Stick with Mr T and the PTP, lemon boy, you totally deserve them.

    I support the democratic process and the rule of law and the people right to excersise their voting rights.

    I'm afraid it's you, lemon boy, who along with suthep and the rest has the obsession with thaksin, not me.

    I think the "lemon boy" thing only works one way .. he was referring to manao, moonao...!!

    It's you who keeps bringing up this comment on "obsession with Thaksin", so it would appear that you are the one obsessed. You also clearly demonstrate that with your constant references to Abhisit and Suthep, even in posts where their mention is of no relevance whatsoever.

    It's time you took a good long look at your stance. You consistently tell us that you support the rule of law, but turn a blind eye to any breaches by your beloved leader and his followers. I note that in another thread, you are in support of the red shirt call to disobey the ruling of the constitutional court. Is that your idea of being in support of the rule of law?

  10. The Pheu Thai spokesman called on the prime minister to adhere to laws by remaining in office, saying she might face legal actions if she resigned according to Section 181 of the Constitution.

    Adhere to the laws?? w00t.gif a tad selective about the law, aren't we boys? ............... .and who would bring legal action against her?/ Ah, yes...a threat from PTP.bah.gif

    This from a man who is still walking free as opposed to serving his jail sentence...! How about that for adherence to the law of the land...?!

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  11. Sign of a maturing democracy when people from the grass roots are speaking out against being discriminated and steam rolled by the elites through their proxies military and courts. If the Dem is not getting the message and reach out to the grass roots and instead scheme and corrupt their way to the top, they will never ever win any election. Awakening time for all. The army seem to understand and stay out. The courts; well will know soon.

    PDRC and Dem really have no role in any solution. Yes, I do agree that Taksin and Shin family stay out of politics and a new generation of PT leaders rise up and recognizes the need for reform. Thailand can benefit from reforms but not reform advocated by Suterp and AV that exclude outsiders from participating.

    The irony of your post is palpable:

    ..."reach out to the grass roots and instead scheme and corrupt their way to the top"...!!

    ... that is a perfect description of what the puppet master has been doing for the past three years (and indeed, for the years prior to him running away)...!!

  12. "A Commercial Counselor, Ms Amphawan Phichalai revealed that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation in April peaked at 107.47 points, which was a 2.45 percent increase from the same period last year."

    Does the counselor or the journalist have any idea of what the CPI is, how it is calculated or what is indicates? The above statement makes no sense without any reference to the base year or last year's result.

    How about 104.9 for last year...?!

    (104.9 x 102.45% = 107.47)

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