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Posts posted by GeorgeO

  1. What the appointed Senators really mean is resign for the sake of the old guard because the old guard wants their power back. With their overblown sense of entitlement, they believe it's going to come easy. Not this time.

    Congratulations on having succeeded in stringing together three sentences without one single reference to "thugs". Bravo...!!

    • Like 1
  2. why don't the appointed senators 'step down for the sake of the country' and allow the people to choose their senators. why is it just the caretaker cabinet-which already resigned, that should resign again..

    ...because the whole reason for the protests is that this caretaker government has been robbing the country blind for the past three years...!

    As opposed to some senators? Why should anypne take the statements of some senators who owe their positons to an appointment by a military dictatorship, the very same dictatorship that laid the foundations for this constitutional crisis when the wrote a new constitution without allowing for critical comment?

    ...and the government of the past three years has been a solution to the problem has it? Of course not, it has been the root of the problem. And how does your precious PTP government and its paid pack of wolves deal with critical comment....?!

    Take off your red-tinted glasses for a moment and recognise that what the Senate is trying to do is bring this political impasse to an end so that Thailand can start to move out of the rut that it is now in.

  3. Nice lip service; but how much of this money will they ever actually collect ? We will never know because smoke and mirrors is the name of the game followed my musical chairs and sweep it under the carpet.

    Next !

    ...exactly, amazing how they say they will be "asking" those involved to pay these huge amounts. Why "ask"...?

  4. Knowing how to drive well,

    When there are absolutely no incentive to do so.

    When there is absolutely no fear of any consequences for wreckless driving

    When the best time to make a phone call is while driving

    And when knowing how to drive well makes one think he can then go faster

    ...I would think that "wreckless" driving is something we would all love to see ... imagine that, no damaged cars anywhere...!

    We do, however, need to stamp out reckless driving...!!

  5. Ahh the old yellow tactic of we are pure!

    So anyone who goes against us is brain dead!

    I thought that comment was against forum rules!

    But go ahead no point just abuse !


    Do try to keep up ... the "brain dead" comment was from one of your own...!!

    ...perhaps you would care to report him...?

  6. That's calling the pot black, quote "not performing it's duty" UN-quote , if you and your party PTP had performed your duties in a fit and proper manner you would not be in this position, it is only through your shonky administration management skills that Thailand is in this mess.bah.gif

    ...not to mention the one-sided performance of duty by their pet police force...!! Jatuporn always fails to see that whenever he opens his mouth he provides the very means to turn his arguments upside down. If EVERYONE in authority had performed their duties as required, Thailand would be a far better place than it has become over the past three years.

  7. Yay reform reforms reforms. And yet still no one has outlined what reforms. JUST GOD DAMN REFORMS

    Another one who dosent keep up.

    Abhisit put forward his reform outlines that you say don't exist and they were widely publicized even being on this site.

    Suthep has been holding reform meetings with groups of experts in different fields who have gone away to put together reform plans for each sector.

    And wasn't it you who told me that PT had put together referendum plans then when I asked you to post them you disappeared ?

    If not you it was one of your red mates so try asking them, not many of them so should be an easy job.

    So Abhisit's couple of points which anyone could of done, constitutes a 'plan' for reform of an entire country!!! hahah Well i for one would like a little bit more detail of the reforms. If you are happy to just being told that they plan to reform this, and that's it, well that's up to you. Personally i would prefer a little more information. Seems like the PDRC supporters you just mindlessly follow rather than challenging things, you just believe what your told.

    Why does Suthep not enlighten us about his reform plans? I may have missed it, but i have not seen any news about 'experts' going away to put together reform plans after meeting Suthep. Who are these experts on reforming the election? reforming the police? reforming the army? Its a complete nonsense.

    No it was not me.

    ...that's "could have", not "could of"...!

  8. The PDRC who you say would reject it without their ever being asked about a referendum. Or did you mean the Dem's. I am not sure as you,didn't separate them.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    The Dems and PDRC are the same, there is no difference.

    I dont think its much of a stretch to assume that they dont want a referendum, considering the political party of the protesters have boycotted the last one and threaten to boycott the next, and their militant arm the PDRC have been campaigning on an anti election platform, so i dont think i am stretching it to far saying it would be rejected.

    I'm sorry, but for you to refer to the PDRC as the "militant" arm of the Democrats is a slap in the face to the majority of the peaceful protesters who have come out to demand change, in particular, those who have died at the hands of Red Shirt militants, including young children...!!

  9. A police was quoted as saying that Satish should surrender or face deportation.

    So Chalerm the police makes out now who get deported ? I thought Chalerm got flat on his face once already trying to get Satish deported.

    Correct. The courts held that Satish erred in appearing on stage, but said that he should be released on the undertaking that he did not appear on stage again, which he hasn't. So what is it that Chalerm/Tarit believe they have on the guy...?!

    • Like 2
  10. A good question!

    Why allow a mob access and just stand by and do nothing why they derail any talks of going forward?

    And a no comment to boot.

    Very suss!

    A couple of better questions would be: (i) why has no action been taken to apprehend the Red Shirt killers of peaceful protesters, including children; and (ii) why is Jatuporn still walking free, despite having breached his bail conditions on so many occasions. I think that the act of speaking out against the Army Chief would fit nicely into his bail conditions.

  11. Well, since they promised a million people and only got thousands, I don't suppose that "escalate" means increase their numbers. They've already thrown their best punch, there, and it bounced off like a nerf ball. So, what does "escalate" mean? If their track record indicates anything, it perhaps means arson, random pipe bombs, grenades, drive-bys, etc. But wait, that would still not mean escalation, because these things are already happening on a daily occurrence right now. So what does it mean? Anthrax attacks? Nerve gas? Abducting school children? What?

    I heard there where some issues regarding payments. It could be the reason less people showed up.

    They have even used the joker: Robert Amsterdam.

    He was on CNBC Asia this morning.....meant to b an interview....he was just spewing it out non-stop....what nice piece of crappola

    Still he must b creaming it off Thaksin....it shows how immature the country really is when a guy like that can just cruise in and out stirring up the hornets nest....can see it happening elsewhere.....he would be in the slammer for sedition

    I think it's fine that he can appear on international TV and show himself up for what he really is.

    Yingluck made that huge mistake of giving an interview on Al Jazeerah, and look where she is now.

    The rest of world must surely be starting to wake up to what a gang of thugs it is that is currently running Thailand (and clearly, not from within Thailand's borders)...!!

  12. 1,000 baht a day on an unsecured loan of 300,000 is only 10% interest, not a bad deal. Better than some banks here, the banks are the real loan sharks.

    Your morals are as questionable as your maths ... but assuming you are referring to 10% per month, do you really think that is not a bad deal, and that the banks are worse than that? I can certainly tell you that that is not the case...!

  13. Undoubtedly he has a good case against these judges, but who will adjudicate on it? More bent judges!

    hahahahahaha as funny as charlem.....can you prove their bent....nooooocoffee1.gif

    Yes it can be proven, in an open court that is not biased. All one has to do is watch, listen and be able to read what has been quoted by these people tio interpet what they are aying. If you dont like it go back to your country.

    We are increasingly seeing certain posters demanding that anyone opposed to their view should "go back to their own country". This is not something that you get from the more astute contributors to this forum, since such contributors are capable of backing up their argument without trying to dispose of the opposition in some way. Please note that I specifically use the term "contributors" so as to effectively exclude a significant group of individuals/trolls who add nothing to the lively debate.

    This "go home" stance is, however, typical of the PTP/Red Shirt response to any difficult argument, one which starts with a demand to see opponents "go back home" (as in the case of the demonstrating farmers) and quickly escalates to demonising their opponents with claims of crimes against democracy, subsequently rising to shootings and bombings at the houses of their opponents, and ultimately, much worse.

    DieHard, as opposed to telling you to "go back to your own country", I would prefer to see you staying here, but gaining some perspective on what is going on around you and perhaps reconsidering your view. You are supporting a group of people whose only interest is in getting what they can out of the trough before taking your advice, and "leaving the country". Throughout this process, they rely upon very dangerous elements of society to ensure that no-one gets in their way. And mark my words, what they will leave behind is the biggest mess that Thailand has ever seen, and it will take a considerable period of time for the country to get over the aftermath of their incompetence.

    I will be staying here, and I will be looking forward to witnessing the massive leap forward which Thailand is set to experience just as soon as all of these corrupt "politicians" have been dismissed from their nepotistic appointments, reforms have taken place, and free and fair elections have been put in place bringing in new faces with a shared desire for the betterment of the country. These new faces will need to be very much aware that if they are found guilty of the sort of things that this current, most corrupt ever, government has been up to for the past three years, they can look forward to serious jail time.

    Let us not forget that everyone, including you DieHard, has the freedom to leave this country whenever they wish, so it doesn't fall upon any of us to demand that any individual does so at any particular time; consequently, it would be better if you were to refrain from making such comments, and instead, state your own view, and allow your opponents the same courtesy.

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  14. Hard to keep track of public enemy number one these days, Suthep, the 9 judges or the fake monk with his thug guards

    If you are referring to TVF public enemy No.1, then you win that hands down.

    So we have nine judges all coming to the same conclusion, and Surapong disagreeing with it, so the conclusion is that the only one who is in step is Surapong and all of these judges are out of step....?!

    Grow up Moo...!

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