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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. Dental Hospital is great. I was a patient for ten years. Just requested my records and I need to move on.

    Just too expensive, especiallybas my dollar slides into oblivion.

    B1500 clean

    B150 check

    B1650 (without flouride)**

    USD 56

    Plus bitewing

    Plus panorama

    If needed

    I am also in thr market for a dentist, what about Thanakit near US embassy?

  2. If you use extensions or even a multi o, you will.have to have some sort of residence. So if you do leave Sakaew, you will need to have some base to put on the visa application. You could do single o visa in Vientiane and list a hitel I suppose.

    There is a recent thread about Pattaya. Appears Immigration there is requiring a lease on top of everytjing for extensions.

    You have to decide what works for you and your wife.

    From my perspective, easiest option for most is living in Bangkok, Pattaya and CM in that order. Seems like the more provincial the office, the more hassles, money grubbing, lack of knowledge about the rule of law or the willingness to operate within the limits of it.

    Issan seems like such a headache with Immigration I don't know why any foreigner would settle down there. Horrorvstories ate posted daily.

    Good luck

  3. Judging by your responses and I mean this in a non agro way - you sound like you need some serious clue-ing in on how the game works here. You labor under misimpressions and it seems like the cops see you as any easy mark.

    Also, stop asking your wife to sort things out for you. Smile, play stupid, see how it all develops and abdorb and learn from the experience

    No idea what this registration thing is. Maybe related to you homestay but Id be shocked if the flunkie stamping your pp outbound cares at all about it.

    Don't know what sort of situation your wife was in for her (you) to get some bs lecture about "bad farang" but I would not have been at all pleased. Corrupt cop lecturing me about random criminals that he has admitted to his country. Not my problem.

    Be careful that you are being shaken down by the cops - but if I may be so bold, your wife. My wife is not one to be argumentitive or get in a cops face but our conversation would have been done with the "bad farang" lecture. Your wife needs to step up snd providea buffer to that nonsense. She will need to be your guide dealing with this lot...what is typical nonsense all Thais suffer snd ehat part is simply a bridge too far.

    Good luck with Thailand. Its ok to push the envelope.

  4. What a nightmare. Just another case of making the farangs life here as troubledome as possible.

    Why don't you find a hotel to use as a base on arrival in Bangkok? Put the hotel details in full on your arrival card and then make your way up to SaKaew as you see fit. The day after you arrive, pop over to Immigration.

    The law is that wherever you are staying, you must (be) register/ed within 24 hours. OK...Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok - I get it. Some guy rolling into a village where he lives and is married to a local woman. Pretty much hardcase right there.

    What an ugly human being. Blah blah fine blah farang disrespect blah Thailand blah mo money mo money...These people need real jobs with real problems.

    Well Dork - he is being forewarned he will get hit upnfor the fine. Imagine no reciept either and if he pushes that then his life will be made miserable for any other business he must do with those cops.

    I have a Thai wife and we stay at our own house. The house is registered to my wife's name. Why should we stay in a hotel? And there is no hotel at our village! I see at our village many foreigners are coming to visit families of their girlfriends. They are probably not aware about the regulation and the fee to pay if failed to come in person to the Immigration Office in 24 hours term .

    Because you and or houseowner are required to report you on arrival. By staying at a hotel, you have met that requirement. In fact, the hotel is obligated to report and you are not required to do anything.

    After that, you are a free man. So you rock up to your place the next day, have a nice sleep and go see tje Immigration flunkie the next day at your leisure.

    You don't stay at a hotel in the village Einstein, in Bangkok! Besides, why would you want to drive all the way to Sakaew after a long trip anyway?

    The guy has pegged you as a mark. Pay up or get smart. Hes coming for you (r money).

  5. Many people have reported sucess sending things in.the mail. I've had two packages stolen one many years ago and another very recently (domestic from Suvanabum airport). Suspect that any farang name on the pkg and there is high likelihood ot will be stolen. Imsgine experience shows letters = catds = jackpot.

    Thai people are very honest but the bureauctatic class just sees it as their right to steal whether parcel, bogus fine, Immigration "fees", customs, land...list is endless really. Kleptocracy.

  6. What a nightmare. Just another case of making the farangs life here as troubledome as possible.

    Why don't you find a hotel to use as a base on arrival in Bangkok? Put the hotel details in full on your arrival card and then make your way up to SaKaew as you see fit. The day after you arrive, pop over to Immigration.

    The law is that wherever you are staying, you must (be) register/ed within 24 hours. OK...Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok - I get it. Some guy rolling into a village where he lives and is married to a local woman. Pretty much hardcase right there.

    What an ugly human being. Blah blah fine blah farang disrespect blah Thailand blah mo money mo money...These people need real jobs with real problems.

    Well Dork - he is being forewarned he will get hit upnfor the fine. Imagine no reciept either and if he pushes that then his life will be made miserable for any other business he must do with those cops.

  7. Haiter = bleach

    Sanitize and brighten clothes

    General sanitation

    Purify water

    Do not use bleach on colored clothes!!! There is special Haiter for clothes with color/s.

    Both types are available everywhere. Do not use the colored or scented types for water purification or food containers.

    • Like 1
  8. Might sound silly,but have you updated your AV lately ? .

    Yes, I got a message every day telling me my Avast has been updated.

    That is only updating av definitions, NOT the program.

  9. Lopburi -my wife glanced at the kr2 and told me there is nothing related to either divorce or current status.

    "The ledger" is presumably the general ledger or book where all sorts of info is stored. Presume there are loads of other forms, Im sure divorce has its own form - but my wife saw notbing on the form that would be an option of divorce or nullification of marriage.

    Thanks LiteBeer- no idea what they are doing. Certainly is not policy, like so many other whims.

    I'm not at all convinced there can even be changes made to the KR2 other than corrections or updates to information prior.

    So when the boss man asks you to drive 50km for an update, you can at least smile and know the truth.

  10. And excepting those:

    • who are Gay
    • who are already married/in a relationship
    • Are women who like men
    • Who find it an affordable relaxing place to live
    • who enjoy Thai culture

    • Don't suffer from involuntary celebacy outside of Thailand.

    I think you may have hit Mr Worldwide's problem firmly on his empty head!

    If you revisit my original post, I said 'major factor in my decision-making', and suddenly that has me humping someone's leg on Soi 4 at 2am ? If poontang was my only interest, I would go to PP - been there, and it just doesnt compare to Thailand, IMO. Kinda bizarre that as soon as I nominate a preference for Malaysia as a retirement destination in the SE Asia forum, I have people telling me that it's 'shit' and they would never consider a 'Muslim country', but mention Thai women as a major drawcard for LOS and suddenly I'm surrounded by the kind of purity and chastity that would make the prophet very proud indeed. :blink:

    Clearly, I'm the only member of AK who likes the fact that he can fly to a country where the women actually smile - regardless of the underlying motive for said smile. Somewhere in the mad daily rush to nominate another downside to life in Thailand, I have to wonder if a few of the cynics have forgotten what put them on the plane in the first place - my *guess* is that there was a woman somewhere in that heady mix.

    No argument from me, I'd far rather be in Malaysia and evrn Indonesia than the Philippines. I've never found Islam getting in the way of my game. In Malaysia, women are far more friendly (and Indo) because there is no stigma being seen with you because: sheis not considered a tart automatically, Malaysia is quite multicultural and any guy with money and likes Malaysia is a "catch".

    Don't especially find the women as pretty as the Thai though.

    Might even have a long shot at a Chinese beauty. Of course, if you are willing to go to Indo and do the takeawy deal, tons of Chinese stunners to choose from.

    No problem with Malaysia here - Saya tidak masala dengan Malaysia disini!

  11. After 26 years in farangland and 26 years in Asia, I chose Chiang Mai for retirement.

    Best place I've ever lived, and one reason I like it -- sex tourists generally don't come


    Who are all those guys sitting in bars on Loi Kroh Road and in massage parlors and brothels all over the city? Thank Buddha that Chiang Mai is not pure and proper as some would like. :D

    And until recently CM had abnormally high HIV rates, for decades.

    Then there are the fires/smoke....and they complain about a bit of haze in bkk.

  12. Can anyone comment on shipping older items, "antiquish" sorts of things. Tables, clocks, lamps, furniture mainly. American. English porcelin, crrystal glasses and items.

    When my parents pass I most likely get these instead of my siblings. Friend just had his last parent die, said auctioneer, rstate sales gave him dick for it. Rather like much of the stuff. If Im only going to get a few K for it, Id rather keep it.


  13. Where will Thailand be in 2020 and what will transpire en route?

    Real estate bubbles, currency issues, visa issues, farang citizenship, floods/draughts, education, banking, economy micro and macro, big cities, transport, technology and mobile, military, problems in south, environment, green initiatives, airports, finance, tourism, medical costs, insurance and hospitality and overall political (in)stability.

    Will the weight of the Thai bureaucracy crush Thailand as Greece?

  14. Download: GMER and Kaspersky free rootkit. If you have rootkit, REINSTALL

    If not...

    If you have a solid Internet connection go to Trend Micro and install HouseCall. It needs an active connection.

    After that, DL Eset trial and run that

    Delete both.

    Note: Turn Avast off for above.

    Run all the following:

    Spybot S/D




    Glary Utilities


    Eusing Registry Cleaner

    Reboot and check Hijackthis (dl) for mischief as well.

    Its all free. I run all that stuff on my pc, yes.

  15. Yes, but this KR2 does not state in any way that you are currently married. That is my point!

    It is merely a record of fact, in a ledger that two persons were married at this time on this date.

    This is what I find so amusing. There is no "updated" form.

    It is an errand of fools. Hunting snipe.

    Unless there is some safeguard preventing the release of the document - ie marriage current database or as I stated, nullifying document then updated document is a total joke (as opposed to the current half joke it is now).

    To nullify the document, to disallow its release there must be some trigger (manual) that bureaucrats do on divorce that disallows the release.

    I just really, really want to know if divorcees have access to.the record (they should) and if so, is it perhaps stamped DIVORCED.

    An industry of mindless papershufflers supporting one another at our expense and prace of mind.

  16. So comical... and pathetic.

    So many farang sex tourists and resident expats who've obviously encountered only

    two things worth remembering (for them) in Thailand -- hookers and temples.

    After 26 years in farangland and 26 years in Asia, I chose Chiang Mai for retirement.

    Best place I've ever lived, and one reason I like it -- sex tourists generally don't come

    here. Chiang Mai has everything a civilized bloke could want, yes, even temples.

    Chaing Mai is a total bore.

    To the poster that stated, Thailand has it all, Cambodia only Angkor Wat. Eastern Cambodia quite interesting, especially many yrars ago. Phnom Penh was also an absolutely lovely town until 1996. But Cambodia has its share of issues. Still, it eas crazy exotic.

    Angkor Wat - you guys simply do not know the experience. Cost was minimal, no crowds even on weekends, no wood walkeays to clutter your photos, you could hang out, string a hammock, burn a few reefers and just lounge all day listening to the birds. Best of all, much of the best bas reliefs and sculpture has been stolen or ruined by exposure. I have photos of tjings that do not now exist.

    Many of the temples are reaching tipping points where the entire exoerience is downgraded because the temple is so ruined. Years ago I knew so much about those temples I could be a guide.

    I've been to the Bagan temple complex four or five times as well.

    I've visited nearly every important temple from Bali to India (excluding deep South).

    Yeah, I love temples. I love History - I majored in it in school. So to people that roll their eyes, scoff..just a bunch of plebs.

    So please sit on your bar stool on Soi 4, visit the grand palace with your rental, take a bunch of photos and tell everyone back home what a traveler you are. Leave the real adventuring to adventurers.

    • Like 2
  17. I just go to the dollar store and buy the sticks that I fancy most. I've even bought women's deo when the mans was crazy expensive in years back.

    Understsnd that toiletries last a long time and companies greatly overcharge, but prices can be stupid expensive. In the end, all about the same crap...different smell, taste, marketing...

    Wish my wife wasnt so into cheap smells and lotions.

    I dislike the crystal thing. Does nothing for wetness and can wear off somewhat quickly.

    Don't much worry about aluminum, I'm sure I'm exposed to far greater chemical risks in Bangkok (Thailand) and if I eere at home, food is practically poison.

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