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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. OK, by their very nature - documents do not change, they cannot.

    So how does a different Amphur issue you a "new KR2" ?

    How is the existing marriage verified (attachment, stamp...)?

    The document we signed (4x) no way if I go to a different Anphur I will get an "original copy". Are you stating these are digitized and put in a db for the Amphurs to access all over Thailand.

    Wher on KR2 does it state and stamped - marriage in affect.


  2. I had a checkup at PraRam9 a few times. Everything was excellent but as Sheryl stated, The dx my overall condition and lab was weak, but acceptable for the price. Last year we bought coupons and got a great discount.

    This year the +50 pkg is B9k! The pkg does not even incl a stress test! Bunch of Hepatitus tests which I certainly do not need being married, vaccinated and boostered for A/B. Im convinced they add these on and unsuspecting parltients are clueless. Just more tests!

    What is worse is they offer basic lab, ekg, ultrasound for half - BUT IT IS NOT ON THE ENGLISH PAGE, ONLY THE THAI.


    I might call and ask, but might not.

    Thinking about Saint Louis. I think if you are reasonably healthy, just learn to read your own lab and seek specialist if something is wrong.

    I also have a weak impression of GPs here.

  3. For what it's worth...I used PP a few times to sell some personal items. I took such a loathing to it years ago that I decided I would not do any business with them -period.

    Not surprised.

    Good luck with the suit...in Thailand.

    PS Wont use ebay either.

  4. The KR2 is often required new each year, as it proofs that you are still married. Only when just married can you use the one the amphur give you when you got married.

    A new one costs something between 20 and 50 baht and can be gotten at any amphur, except for people married more than 12 years or so ago. (Older marriages are not in the online database yet)

    I am throughly confused by this.

    What does a new copy of my old information prove? I would imagine I could get this copy even if I were divorced. The document doesn't change, it can't. Im sure that anything coming out of Amphur gets an offical stamp and date so I am still perplexed.

    Are you stating that each year I need to go to the Amphur in which we were married and recieve a new stamped and dated copy of the registration - which does not show we remain married but only that the marriage occured.

    Further, we signed a book, how is this digitized (in Thailand no less) and put into a db so that I might aceess at a different Amphur.

    For a non-o marriage multi?

    Totally clueless as to what this accomplishes.

  5. Very annoying to see the multitude of for sale/rent posts up in the RE sub forum. Always posted by new users. Multiple posts often, obviously run as business. Farangs working illegally in Thailand. These people are obviously posting in the section to maximize their effort.

    Further, Ckassifieds...

    Ive made this point before...you need to clean up the sale-rent classifieds section - real estate as well, its pretty worthless. Overpriced, chaotic offered by farangs working illegally or their (bar)girlfriends working as interlocaturs. You just keep on keeping it that way and people will keep on going to other sites for rentals. The sales end of it is even more dodgy.

  6. Sprinkle delivers about b60 lg bottle

    I just add one drop chlorine to the tap.water per liter. Not really necc, drink the water out if tap tossed into microeave and brough to boil.

    If you suspect bad pipes...another story. Just try it and see if you get the squirts, fw times over a month.

    Im not concerned about heavy metals, perhaps I should be.

    Same situation as you. Restaurant stop selling 20L bottles, dont want to ealk it back from 7, dont want to pay b6 pl at 7 eithier! I only drink water so it would become a cost.

  7. You had the ability to easily emigrate. You were a white guy willing to do a black mans work. Surely appealing to the white boss.

    Try and find a job in Detroit now

    25% of the US workforce in making less than us10 per hour, which does not meet poverty standards even for a single person.

    Huge amounts of people in US and Europe have been shut out of the workplace. Due to age, nature of work changing, lack of political interest to keep jobs "at home" these jobs will never return. Yeah, many are dumbasses' But if you lose your job after 40 and do not have some stellar marketable skills, you are in very, very serious peril.

    Education is very costly and a huge racket. It does not prepare students for vocation nor does it educate. It does though do a stellar job of placing young people in debt.

    Everyone is being outsourced, even doctors and lawyers.

    The US pension system is bullshit, but works great for the wealthy. Take maximum amnt that can be stashed per annum, per year. Ammortize by 25 years and try and live off that. Haha.

    Congress has enacted numerous laws that not only clearly favor the wealthy but actually penalize the less well off. Top 1% more wealth than bottom 90% combined.

    If what you say is true than why is 47% of the US without a bank account, and 80% of the country insolvent.

    Not diminishing what you have done for yourself, but that was half century ago and the world is very different old man.

    Really murky, self serving thinking. I somehow muddled thru, so can everyone else.

    • Like 1
  8. Yes. I used to have such a fantastic vocabulary.

    Part of it went with myself dumbing it down for coworkers and especially my bosses.

    Rest of it went with 20 years in Asia.

    I definately have had brain farts while back in states.

    Not like you are gojng to.have an intelligent conversation with 95% of the farang here in Thailand.

    I should read more proper Literature. So many political snd economic blogs.

    • Like 1
  9. Indeed, how can one say that the beauty contestants are not beautiful?! Yet, I see a dozen more attractive, more beautiful.women every day.

    Modern women don't need this nonsense. Their besuty has opened a numberd of doors far more advantageous than a stupid finosaur pagent - even in Thailand.

    Pagents still huge in Phils because frankly, thats all they have unlike women in all other east Asian countries save for Cambodia and Lao.

  10. Given the choice I wonder which that age group would favour most, inheriting the accumulated welath of their parents or popping the housing buble and inheriting nothing, perhaps the complainers are simply people with poor parents, dunno.

    Well, one thing sure - it wont be their choice. It will be some f-tard bankers option.

    If the bubble was allowed to pop in 2005, younger persons inheritence would be looking pretty decent a decade down the line. The current state of suspended animation only serves the wealthy and powerful. Larceny and fraud on a monumental.scale. Read Sheila Bairs book, listen to Liz Warren.

    Seems to me the +55 crowd, really 60 up have had it really, really good in retrospect. Theyve enjoyed the best economies, pensions, low stress work environments and not subjected to a host of draconian work environment nonsense. Working class people could have simply lived in the same home, saved in govt fixed income and retired comfortably. They suck at the teet of govt and military pensions and healthcare.

    What is worse is that the older cannot seem to screw the young people hard enough or fast enough. Look at the US congress or... Cypress.

    The <55 crowd has been completely blindsided, now living in a new world order not only economically but socially - politically.

    Older people moaning about needing more. Please! The baby boomers ruined the world and are continuing to do so.

    Im just trying to run as far and as fast from the aftermath as I can.

    Baby boomers - a generation of takers, schemers and fraudsters.

    • Like 2
  11. Im seeing price rises in food. About 10% on processed foods in general. My dentist (Dental Hospital #49) raised clean and check 25% in one swoop. BTS fares in June to rise 5%. Cheap resty and sreet food is up 10-15%.

    If your money was not created, if you are bringing in funds from US, UK and EU that money has been debased thru QE. Which is essentially has the same affect as inflation (money worth less/larger pool of money). QE might also in and of itself cause inflation as well.

    Not much chance of goods (stuff) inflation but commodities??

    Its all so complicated now and the financial data so much bs. Very difficult to see up from down.

    BPB points to.dome wise housing purchases. Well, he bought some great property but who knows what will come of housing in EU. Lookbat Spain and Ireland. The US bubble is reinflating again and the mazters of the universe simply will not let it burst.

    In Thailand, you have hot money, overheated and misaligned economy lacking transparancy, housing bubble, vast weallth tied up in black money, a withering export market which is going to lrad to trade imbalances, mismanaged agro policies.

  12. I am very happy and thankful when I can converse outside the US in English.

    I sometimes even thank people for speaking English with me.

    When I am going to ask someone something, I always ask first IN THAI do you speak English?

    Im grateful my wife chose to pick up my slack and learn English. Its opened lots of doors for her but its the common language of our marriage. I know though, someday abd some way it will be a big bonus for her.

    English is the lingua franca of the world - but it doesnt mean everyone or anyone should speak it.

    My language skills really need an upgrade and overhaul. Sometimes, Im embarassed with my wife outside honestly. But you just never know when you are going to be done with Thailand. All that time and potentially money wasted. Have a friend fluent in Chinese. 12 yrs in China, heading back to Canada. Done.

  13. Standard pageant stuff, and not overly different to the hi-so wannabe mallrats slinking around Emporium any given day of the week. If you want beautiful women with *distinctive* features, spend some time in Indonesia. The women in your photos have a very 'cookie cutter' look - I'd call it 'Bangkok Katoey' regardless of their sexual authenticity.

    Hi-so boutique malls have a lot to answer for.Remember when Asian women had lovely long black hair and tanned skin ?


    Well, it wouldn't be THAT woman which has changed her hair color and lightened her skin ☺

    Lovely Issan face though.

  14. Well, they look stunning to me but in this day and age beauty contests in Asia have taken a wack. Women have other options, are educated and generally the prettiest dont need to go thru all.that bs to: have a great life, marry well, earn money. So its just the narcissists and or tramps left. True all over the world.

    The Korean faces thing, all beauties as well but the piece does not take into account again a number of factors:

    Korea has a pretty small gene pool and anyone that has interest in ethnicity knows this.

    Koreans have about a dozen last names. Koreans do not mix with outsiders and never did.

    Women pictured all about the same age, same social economic makeup.

    Women have had many surgeries. Same procedures, same hospitals possibly same doctors.

    Finally, you may be suffering from the "they all long the same" factor sadly, cannot differentiate Asian faces despite living here. I understand the moron that put the piece and the graphic cant, but you live here.

    The Korean gif also is created to give the impression of sameness.

  15. Why are you asking here? You have Google and your own two feet!

    You can plan on everything in thr Phils to be 25-50% more expensive than Thailand.

    Rooms are doubled priced as well. Rooms will be 50% over local price which you can pay with resident papers or catd or whatever.

    Worst value, worst country.

    • Like 1
  16. Why ask us? Go and find out yourself!!!

    If you have sex with a non prostitute in the Philippines, you are setting yourself up for blackail and potential rape charges

    Even readva lengthy acvount of a young guy who merely told a woman where he was staying. His name, etc...next she comes with cops and has him arrested. This eas a long while ago but Im sure story available via Google. Was in the provs.

    Id say soecial care to all those online fraudsters. You think you are going to go round the country and sample the fare, you are in for trouble.

    Why dont mods kill these sex threads!?

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