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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. I urge everyone to.ignore these sorts of posts. They almost always come from trolls with scant number of posts.

    What they do.after signing up is comment a bit to get their post # up.

    Then they bait you with this sort of nonsense.

    Posters putying this sort of crap should be immediately identifiedvas trolls snd banned

    This had to.be the stupid thing Ive read here in a long time.

    • Like 1
  2. So, Irish Ivan enjoyed his time in paradise, not getting into TOO much trouble. Lucky him and I mean that. The girls are sweet but dont pick up freelancers and be sure to check ID (hope its not fake or borrowed). Dont veer from the street.

    Taxi fare from where he recommends you stay, only b750 plus her tip. Plus barfine (double Pattaya) and whatever the "girl" wants PLUS the boatload of high priced drinks you had to buy her just to get her off the stage and keep her next to you. After all the drinks and you press her, up.to her to decide whether she even wants to go with you. In Thailand, the women understand the nature of the business. In Philippines, many women are content taking their few pesos for drinks (and its a few, the bars work them as slaves) - and let you go on your way. On a bad night, you could drop well in excess of 1500p and return to your dumpy room on that dumpy street - friendless.

    The fake name is great advice. In fact, the place is so dodgy you should have a fake, fake name. That is a name you give to any and all you meet and another you give to the "girls". That is because you cant trust the people around you either.

    More importantly, a fake name provides some cover for blackmail and extortion.

    Lets say she doesnt even sleep with you. You stupidly gab your hotel and name to her. She goes to the hotel, pays the staff for your last name, room# and checkout. She then goes to to the cops and gives them all this. The cops most likely wont come to the larger main hotels not out of fear, because the farang owners paid them off. Staying where Ivan told you about in Diamond, all bets off. They'll catch you up in the street or airport - you are arrested. Rape, assault...ciuld be anything. If you think this all bs, Google it.

    II if you thought any Filipino food outside bbq was even edible, you know nothing about food.

  3. But it all seriousness - get on the Internets and read up on this creepy place.

    Everyone is running scams, the white guys can be worst offenders. Cops, women, bar owners...

    The worst of it is that many of these scams are tied back to the hugely corrupt, venal AC police force. They will actively work with locals to place you in jail and extort money (underage scams, drugs scams, the rape scam and a dozen other 'only in the RP scams'. )

    From the moment you step off the plane, you have a target on your back in general in the RP. In AC its enough to be paranoid about.

    The clubs are total.clip joints (remind me of TJ rather than Pattaya).

    Situation more often than not is forced prostitution. Women brought to AC by lie and deceit. I thought wttf, you ate going to AC, is that not enuff to know? I met many young women totally clueless (Phils, dont think Asia, think Africa) from lack of info and education.

    Filipinos have a nice charm and this and that. It is this overarching faux civility not unlike India that keeps the place from coming unglued.

    Most Filipinos rate no better than chattle and anyone that has a govt job, abuses it with impunity.

    Then there is the Catholic church. As a non practicing Catholic I say its criminal.

    Enjoy the sex holiday. There is absoutely nothing in AC besides some shitty bars and a whole lot of trouble.

  4. Yum! Phad Khapow Moo Gorp! Or Khapow Neua.

    Even better...

    Phaa.chaa Moo Gorp (loads of basil but also copious use of green peppercorn)


    Phad Khapow is usually not made with such great meat, esp coming from the stalls. Better meat makes a big difference.

    If you dont like Phad Khapow, you dont like Thai food. It is clearly one of the "national dishes"

    If you are ever on.Koh Lipe and need an activity, go over to the NP on Koh Adang. They make the best Khapow Neua, swear. Only b60 over rice I think (not been this year), so also huge saving to overpriced Lipe food.

  5. I cannot possibly multiquote all of these sorts of arguments:

    But why him?

    There are so many similar, worse, this, that cases...blah blah political...

    Yeah, well politics works both ways. In his early years he clearly manipulated the system in his favor. In the latter years, the winds had changed and he was out.

    How is that so different than a few dozen autocrats around the world in past decades or two or three or firever...

    He is sort of Berlousconi jr.

    Sad day for Thailand when he returns. Dont know which is worse, the failed rule of law or the shitstorm he will bring.

    Taksin can never be a force for good in tbis country and I greatly empathize w red shirts.

  6. The real arrogance here is that he pays not even lipservice to serving his jail term or making resitution.

    Best he can come up with is vague promises about not stirring the pot.

    He jumped bail, he owes jailtime to the nationbased on his conviction/s. He had a trial unlike 2500+ people he had summarily executed.

    Yingluck will.shove something thru parliment before she leaves. She's one trick pony back working for the family when her term ends and she is not reelected.

    • Like 1
  7. Was a major screwup to be sure but I cannot think of another country I have visited where such a drama would ensue.

    How ugly, unbuddhist and throughly lacking in integrity. But this is Thailand so, no one is shocked.

    With the children about and later them in tears and it still did not change his attitude.

    Someone should call channel 3 see if they can get the cctv tape.

    • Like 1
  8. Interested in the suicides, I thought we all lived in paradise. Loss of funds,lost love, family problems here or home, general depression that existed prior to arrival.

    Both accident and suicide rates seem high, Im under impression not really very many American expats here, especially outside Phuket.

    The bulk going to Mexico or Caribbean.

    Not loads of backpackers or tourists as well.

  9. Feel sorry for this one. He took risks many of us would not. He came here in 89 when most of you had not even visited, now everyone is an expert.

    Sure loads of questions and he was in the end a dumbass but I would point to fact that his wife was arrested and charged.

    Really a foul woman - family. To steal one thing, to bleed him dry worse yet, in his late years.

    Lessons here Im sure.

  10. Wife recently bought a Nex4 and I inherited her old Gio. Its a bit of a turd, but all I really need.

    First, rooted and installed Clockwork Mod then Cyanogen 10.1 RC. Install went OK but the phone was laggy and buggy but not unstable. A bug with the ringtone, I gave up on running JB 4.2. Valliant attempt.

    Next installed not AOSPA but went back to Enhanced 286. I'm really loving this.

    Enhanced 286

    Holo Launcher


    Holo Locker

    Battery life is notoriously bad on this phone according to posts. I just ordered a new battery from Samsung for 400b.

    I expect to get two years out of the phone.

    Now I just have to figure out how to sell my Google Nex 4 when I bring it back in early Nov.

  11. Not to hijack...

    Can anyone reccomend an internist? Sheryl had given me a dr some years back at Samitjev but we sat on the issue so long her link died.

    Wife has crazy cholesterol count needs serios meds. Shes on 10-20mg Simvastin practically worthless. To compound matters, she is very disconcerned as she is seemingly in fine health.

    She now has insurance from her company so I think I can kii-bon her into taking some action, maybe...

  12. Just perception but I think the air is much, much better than decades past.

    Last few days slthough hot have been beautiful with eves a bit sticky.

    NGV, getting rid of old vehicled both ++

    So many old vehicles remain, so many new autos on the road.

    Its the pollution you dont see obviously...

    Well replace one belching bus with 10 brios and the effect is probably equal.

    Exactly my point - so many new autos on the road. Reminds me of the problems in LA.

  13. Just perception but I think the air is much, much better than decades past.

    13th isn't so bad. Id love to know the cities over and under. This is Asia, not the world.

    Last few days slthough hot have been beautiful with eves a bit sticky.

    NGV, getting rid of old vehicled both ++

    So many old vehicles remain, so many new autos on the road.

    Its the pollution you dont see obviously...

  14. Haha - I doubt you will even leave Santos street. Eat cheap crappy western food inside a cage.

    Go to a country, exist on a street.

    It's not a happy place.

    Oh, plan to pay at basic rates about 50% above Pattayas hotel prices. Food will be idible (you, not me) if you are a "it fills the hole! " sort of guy.

    So it looks like you will be paying 3000p + for a dump on Santos. Let the mugging begin and may the odds always be in your favor.

  15. Sigh...

    Good luck with it. Hope you are not set-up. With the questions you posited you will be scammed no doubt. Only question by how much.

    AC, such a lovely place. Broken promises and fetid dreams mixed with hopelessness and hunger. A veneer of not a time gone by, an innocence lost but rather a run down street of petty perversion long past its sell by date and usefulness.

    That's what I look for in my holiday spots.

    Oh...enjoy the food -and the beach at Subic. Lovely.

  16. The older women upcountry more than likely did their stint in Pattaya.

    Most are hookers, balance are scamstersAND hookers.

    Im sure there are a few decent women.

    But when you whittle down geography, personal preference, known possibilities for trouble - doesn't leave much.

    Big waste of time if you are honestly looking for a SO imo. The international sites even worse.

  17. Weird. I just checked my passport, and they stamped me in on January 1st, with the admitted until date being March 1st. That's only two months. I assume that's a mistake(?).

    You best leave by that date since you did not have it fixed immediately.

    Funny how it works...if they make a mistake, stamping you to leave too early, you must go.or you are overstay.

    If they make a mistake and stamp you +1-2 days (62,92) after the date you should go (based on entry date). You pay.

    Lesson - Thai Immigration doesn't make mistakes.

  18. I do not think they grant multiple O visas abroad. Its been my impression forever, they will want to push you into OA if you want a year, that is why it exists; especially in light of all the visa dodgers in the last decade.

    I think she could easily though get a double although would be cheaper 3x TRs. Double O would also give you a max of seven mos with extension assumong visa good for six mos.

    Thai immigration will make it hard for her to stay, there wont be a one year O and there wont be a bunch of extensions no matter what visa shes on imo. As a grandmother, surely they'd give her 30 even 90 days (?) one one visa. After that, if shes become a fixture at your local cop shop they are going to treat her the same as anyone else. Meaning, no longer granny come for a visit, now just another oldie living large in on the Mekong.

    I know a person can get a visa to visit their relatives sure. For farang, the wife and kids. Granny, doubtful. They will just give her a plain old O based on being +50 and wishing to spend ++ time in Thailand, non holiday related.

    My 2baht

  19. Thanks for all that.

    Will I need to schedule another appt for pickup? Hey, its government...

    Yes, I always get a 48 page passport. Wish they gave 96 page pps, I might actually get five plus years out of it.

    ★US85 for page add - considering what we recieve from US govt insofar as services, its pretty criminal. Page adds abroad should be free.

    Thx again.

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