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Posts posted by connda

  1. He said boats were now positioned at strategic locations along the Lad Phrao Canal, as their engine propellers could be used to facilitate the flow of water into the sea.

    Once again words fail me.

    The should give each of the MPs in the effected provinces 100K baht as part of their "Merit Making" budgets in order to coax the various higher entities to spare their provinces from floods. The MP can spend the Merit Making budget at their own discretion.

  2. The biter bit. smile.png

    unfortunately the scammed Thai women are not the same girls as the low life thai women that are scamming foreigners.

    surprisingly there are more nice normal Thai women out there who are also lonely and wish to find their prince who become easy victims. I doubt these Nigerians are targeting bar girls and the like who would only be interested in seeing money flow one way, inwards.

    I've seen this many times . its not isolated to any nationality. I've had attractive girls catch me on the internet through one site or another chat a bit , a few mails start talking sex then ask if they can visit, next thing you know they are asking to be sent air fares to be wired to them. or excess tax for packages sent in advace bla bla bla.

    I wonder if we can get the low-life Thai B girls to target the low-life Nigerians running their scams and vice versa. That would be a hoot!!! whistling.gif

  3. I have a solution for this: Sex change. Right now Mr Chumpon probably has his wish of a bigger penis considering the infection and swelling. However, if the infection leads to amputation, no problem! Transgender surgery (male to female) is state-of-the-art here in Thailand. Mr. Chumpon, with the aid of a little more estrogen in his diet, could become Ms. Chumpon.

    Just remember: Be careful what you wish for, especially when drinking Thai whiskey with your fishing buddies. Best of luck Khun Chumpon. wai.gif

  4. U.S. poverty rises despite economic recovery


    (Reuters) - The number of U.S. residents living in poverty edged up to 46.5 million last year, the latest sign that an economic recovery marked by a stock market boom has not trickled down to ordinary Americans.

    The figures from the Census Bureau on Tuesday highlighted the lingering scars from the 2007-2009 recession and added fresh fuel to debates over government austerity and widening income inequality. It could also renew calls to raise the minimum wage.

    Although the number of people in poverty went up from 46.2 million in 2011, the national poverty rate was unchanged at 15 percent, the annual report said. The poverty threshold in 2012 was an income of $23,492 for a family of four.

    "Today's data underscore that it is time for Congress to pivot from a focus on austerity to an agenda emphasizing jobs and shared economic growth," said Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress, a liberal policy group in Washington.

    Full story: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/17/us-usa-economy-poverty-idUSBRE98G0PN20130917

    -- REUTERS 2013-09-18

    Economic Recovery?


    Damn Lies!

    Government Statistics!

  5. What would u expect from a 60 plus years old rail way system......?!! Not the 1st nor would it be the last!!

    I expect that after of certain number of years , the wooden ties will rot and fall apart: which they are doing right on queue. So, look at the last time the wooden ties were replace, If they have never been replaced, then that particular batch of wooden ties have a life of almost 60 years exactly. Of course, if they are replaced with sub-standard timber to offset cost, expect a repeat in in 1/2 the time.

    Personally I think the fact that the ties are all giving out at the same time is actually blessing in disguise. SRT is really forced to address the problem. If it was happening every year of two, they would just go the temple to make merit, but never replace the rotten timbers.

    ...and High Speed Rail? Forget it. They can't adequately maintain a normal rail-line. With high speed rail, they kill a few thousand tourist before they moved to solve the problem.

    Me? Anymore I'll either drive my own car to BKK or fly. No more death buses, death vans, death trains, or any other deadly mode of transport.

  6. In any other country: Criminal Negligence. Everyone hurt of killed should be compensated plus 'pain and suffering'. However, they probably settle for 1/50th of the compensation they would recieive in a Western country. Let's say a person's spouse, who is a significant source of income for the other spouse, is killed. 100,000 to 1,000,000 baht might cover it in Thailand, but in the Western country, that's about 1/3 of an annual salary.

  7. And in a typically Thai-ficient manner, they had some poor sod up there with a 2" paint brush with the first tin of paint he found in the shed.

    Much more efficient to simply spray it over with white paint - and less frigging OBVIOUIS!!!! coffee1.gif

    Yeah, first time I saw it, I thought that the blacked-out area was part of the fuselage that was missing. My initial though was that part of the plane broke off.

  8. I wonder about the property....was it in his, or her name?

    how do we find out?

    Based upon the fact that an individual cannot own property in Thailand, and he clearly doesn't appear to be running a multi-million dollar company, then we know that the house would have to be in her name...!

    Wrong,land and house,two different animals.Off the top of my head,what about transportable homes,to be moved by truck if necessary.

    ...I gather he neither owned the house, nor was it transportable, as he would not feel the need to throw a tantrum. Interesting that many people criticize this man as being dull witted because he bought a home he cannot keep, as you can just as easily be divorced by a woman in the western world, and the courts will often grant the wife(and children) ownership of the house. The sad reality is that many men just feel obliged to buy property in a place where they probably never get any rights whatsoever. If it made him feel any better, he might want to know how many times the house was mortgaged without his knowledge.

    Usufruct contract...amen.

  9. I will avoid implant. I don't see myself with screw in my bone. And it cost a lot plus the pain.

    I sent pic to a friend to show to my doctor who has X ray of this tooth.

    I had one like that fixed in the US. My dentist drilled out the old amalgam (carefully), did a 'build up' and pin to give the crown a base, and then fitted the crown.

    You can get stainless/porcelain crowns in the 8k to 12k range. May 1 to 2k for the prep work on the tooth. The last crown I had done here cost me 10K for the crown and prep work. However, if you have money to throw away, the dentist are more than happy to supply you with crowns as expensive as you like.

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