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Posts posted by connda

  1. There's plenty of places that are difficult to park in CM, after all it is a city. You can park opposite Immigration or at the Airport parking lot or Airport Plaza and take a whole 5 minutes to walk to Immigration...why all the drama about lack of parking.If people insist at going at peak times ie 9am or 1.30 pm of course its going to be busy.

    Ohhh, Sparkles -- reread the post. How are you reading "drama" into my joy of getting a front row parking spot (the highlight of my visit!!!). If I hadn't, I would have drove next door and walked the 30 second walk to the Immigration Building. The post is about the queuing system inside the building -- not the parking outside. New glasses maybe? Puut len! :giggle:

  2. Ahh, another wonderful day at CM immigration. A simple 90 day reporting today. The trip started out great -- I found a parking place right up front, and downhill from there. I got there about 1:30. I don't even think they use the "ticketing queue" anymore (it sat very silently in the corner) so I headed for the middle counter with another dozen or so people. I just want a ticket for 90 day reporting -- but -- nobody was working the middle counter. I waited for about 5 minutes while eying the 90 day reporting desk with only one person standing there. I figured, "What the heck, time to act Thai.", and walked to the desk, stood next to the guy submitting his whole family's passports (I think he had about 6). I figured that would be another 15 minute wait (it was), but I figured that someone would show up to work the middle counter (they didn't) and I get a ticket. Just playing the odds. I figured that standing at the 90 day reporting counter was as good of a place to stand and wait than any other place in the room, and the counter was as good of a place for my paperwork and passport to be as any other place in the room. whistling.gif About 20 minutes after I arrived, with a line of folks standing out that back door, someone finally started working the middle counter. About that time, the young lady processing 90 day reports looks at my paperwork, looks at me, and says, "90 day?". Me -- big smile, "Chai, kap pom!!!", although by now there was at least 10 other forlorn looking foreigners hanging around the counter paperwork in hand. A minute and a half later I get my passport, I give her my politest, "Kawp kun maak naa krap!" and a big smile, I got a big smile in return, and I headed out the door. I still sort of wonder if she called the next number or just started processing whatever alpha male (or female) that bellied up to the counter first holding the correct forms. Not my worry -- water under the bridge for another 90 days (Thank God) rolleyes.gif

    But once more -- what a mess. If they could just get the queuing sorted out the place would run significantly better. Maybe I'm hoping for too much. wink.png

    I guess some things a Yellow House book doesn't solve.

    Posted in Cert of Residency thread

    "Just get your Yellow House Book and avoid the headache completely. smile.png"

    Still, hearty congratulations on having a yellow book, bet you've been wanting to say that on here for ages.

    It significantly smooths and limits the number of interactions I need to have with Thai bureaucracies. And it was a breeze to get considering the government offices in the Amphur I live in (not in Chiang Mai province) actually are pretty efficient organizations -- unlike CM immigration.

    And a "tip of the hat" for the "hearty congratulations". I've been waiting patiently for someone to pat me on the back. Thank you oh so very much! 555 emot-kiss.gif

  3. That is interesting. Sources tell me it is this aspect - the alleged 'duping' which is at the crux of it.

    If this guy has not 'done wrong' he can sue her for defamation and if she is lying he should do so!!! he certainly has enough evidence - this has a way to run

    In the west anyway a promise is a unilateral contract and not enforceable.

    If the girl gave him 'consideration' such as money or a item of measurable value then it could be considered an enforceable bilateral contract.

    Perhaps intimate activity is being counted as 'consideration'

    Does anyone know when this event took place? Are we talking recently?

    I think the bilateral contract would be null and void in a money (consideration) for sexual intimacy (consideration) scenario. Most courts would define that as prostitution.

  4. Ahh, another wonderful day at CM immigration. A simple 90 day reporting today. The trip started out great -- I found a parking place right up front, and downhill from there. I got there about 1:30. I don't even think they use the "ticketing queue" anymore (it sat very silently in the corner) so I headed for the middle counter with another dozen or so people. I just want a ticket for 90 day reporting -- but -- nobody was working the middle counter. I waited for about 5 minutes while eying the 90 day reporting desk with only one person standing there. I figured, "What the heck, time to act Thai.", and walked to the desk, stood next to the guy submitting his whole family's passports (I think he had about 6). I figured that would be another 15 minute wait (it was), but I figured that someone would show up to work the middle counter (they didn't) and I get a ticket. Just playing the odds. I figured that standing at the 90 day reporting counter was as good of a place to stand and wait than any other place in the room, and the counter was as good of a place for my paperwork and passport to be as any other place in the room. whistling.gif About 20 minutes after I arrived, with a line of folks standing out that back door, someone finally started working the middle counter. About that time, the young lady processing 90 day reports looks at my paperwork, looks at me, and says, "90 day?". Me -- big smile, "Chai, kap pom!!!", although by now there was at least 10 other forlorn looking foreigners hanging around the counter paperwork in hand. A minute and a half later I get my passport, I give her my politest, "Kawp kun maak naa krap!" and a big smile, I got a big smile in return, and I headed out the door. I still sort of wonder if she called the next number or just started processing whatever alpha male (or female) that bellied up to the counter first holding the correct forms. Not my worry -- water under the bridge for another 90 days (Thank God) rolleyes.gif

    But once more -- what a mess. If they could just get the queuing sorted out the place would run significantly better. Maybe I'm hoping for too much. wink.png

  5. The pigs going to market never look all that comfortable either. Not sure if there are any rules regarding the transportation of lifestock in Thailand, but if there are, like most rules of the road (other than selt-belts and helmets) nothing is enforced.

    To be honest, if you eat meat, you're being pretty hypocritical if you start complaining that eating pork and chicken is OK but dogs aren't.

    But it should be regulated. Cruelty is the primary issue here. That I have a problem with. I should probably be a vegetarian, but I really like fish and chicken. My, my. I'm hypocritical too. whistling.gif Oh well.

    ...and, ahh errr ... BBQed baby-back spare ribs. <sigh>

    Man, I'm hungry.

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  6. So the max you can have in any thai bank account with protection is one million baht? Is tha correct? thanks

    As far as I know today it's 50MB and from August it will be 1MB.

    It's always good to keep the Cyprus banking debacle in the back of your mind. Once your money is in the bank, it isn't yours, it's the banks. If the banks make bad investments and go under, they will take everything that isn't insured, i.e., 1M baht. And they'll take your safe deposit box too. I wish they had non-bank, security services (safe deposit boxes and vaulting services) like they do in Singapore. Like, where the heck do the HiSo Amart crowd keep their valuables and excess cash? ah errr probably Singapore ;)

  7. Yeah, the chicken I used to buy for 25 baht per piece is now 40 baht. The Thai restaurants I frequent have all raised prices by between 5 to 15 baht based on the dish. The prices at the Chiang Mai food markets are a good 20 to 30% higher than when I got here 6 years ago. Nope! Move along folks. Nothing to see hear. Bad Democrats, bad Democrats. How dare they insinuate that there is food price inflation.

    Well, really, it's not just Thailand. All fairly developed countries statistically manipulate the CPI and Inflation calculations to show the public that there is little to no inflation; but all you have to do is open your eyes, walk down the street, and compare prices to a few years ago.

    But on the bright side, I can get 3% interest on my funds in my Thai bank. Better that the 0.01% that I get on passbook savings in the US. Hell, I make maybe less than $1 in interest per year from my credit union. That's pretty laughable. clap2.gif

  8. Thailand does not need more laborers. Thais need to get a work ethic. There is no shortage of people available, but they are just too damned lazy to get their hands dirty and do a decent days work.

    Comment of the day ! wai.gif

    Actually, I split my time between Chiang Mai and our village. Based on the work ethic of the villagers I know, and those I met in Issan over the years, your comment boils down to be a BS racist rant. I know too many of these people who work their asses off for next to nothing. Go back to whatever hate-mongering country you came from.

  9. My guess is that if ever it came to that point the government would envoke a limit, even though there is none at present, perhaps something along the lines of the 1 mill, baht per customer is covered, everything over that is considered a bail-in, perhaps. Whether or not they would distinguish between foriegn and domestic customers remains to be seen since there is already the distinction between resident and non-resident accounts.

    What a great way to rid themselves of retirees. Take their 800K as a bank bail-in and give them a big kiss goodbye. Or take my 400K as a bank bail in and destroy my marriage and family. We live in interesting times.

  10. Basically you are asking us to do your leg work and check out all the banks to see who will offer the best one year rate.

    I'm asking those who bank at various banks to clue me in to what they may know about their banks so that I don't have to spend a day driving from bank to bank. You have never asked for assistance on these forums? You are a very special person. Read into that however you like. Your comment is inappropriate.

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  11. I'm thinking more along the lines of what if we go off grid for an extended period of time. What self-contained, electrical generating solutions are available. By "self-contained" I mean systems that do not rely on things like fossil fuels.

    Im looking into solar systems as well and trying to source panels etc. I think your right in thinking about circumstances that could lead to extended blackouts and so on.

    If you get some info, please post it here or PM me as I am extremely interested in developing this further.

    Sorry. For some reason I couldn't post to my own thread. Go figure.

    Yep! I'm looking for a system for extended blackouts.

  12. I'm thinking more along the lines of what if we go off grid for an extended period of time. What self-contained, electrical generating solutions are available. By "self-contained" I mean systems that do not rely on things like fossil fuels.

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