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Posts posted by Deksan

  1. I just heard from my buddy the insanely high price he was about to pay for a simple site.. He then showed me the 3 suggestions and they are all 50 USD templates with a couple of bits of flash animation subbing his GFX.. He really doesnt need a much, a template site would work out for him.

    I have said I will help him to get his site online but dont intend to take the code on myself.. I will just help him get a coder, set the hosting up, that kind of management for him (hes a good mate) as hes clearly getting fleeced here. He doesnt need hardcore SEO type work done as this is more a comms point for customers than an advertsing vehicle to pick up new ones.

    Anyone got experience of the best contract auction / bartering sites ??

    I had looked through some before when I wanted to ballpark price up a possible project, but not actually gone through and used any myself.

    Never made any transaction but been looking a bit in case i could find some extra job to do ... All i saw was foreign indian-china company setting non realistic price like 50 USD for some job who requires sometimes a lot of work. You ll get what you pay for, at 50 USD you ll get a 2h-4h works i d say (In order to get 100$ a day -> 2000 $ a month provided you have 40 customers) . If you are yourself programmer / expert in computer you ll know that wont be a great job or it will be a template job which wont necessarily match what your friend is looking for.

    First part of the job is to ask your friend to describe what he wants as thorough as possible, then you can try to put it on a freelance website and check what proposition you got. But like I said be careful, cheap price = cheap work most of the time.

    Good luck.

  2. Hi All,

    Check this out: http://webcorp.asianet.co.th/eh/linkinter/linkstatus.php

    It seems that True Internet has just added 20 GB/s of international bandwidth but that it is not online yet.

    Anyone to confirm?


    That s why all the internet is fuc_ked up ....

    Actually, no it's not. The cut cables to the Middle East forced a lot of routing through Asia.

    On the other hand, peak hour bandwidth will probably be better once True gets it up and running, but I wonder how long that will last.

    Yes it was last night, and we had a ping of 1second at least to anything (using traceroute) .... Also for the cable cut in middle of nowhere that affect noone but thailand, I ll quote a mail i received from true :

    In case you have a trouble when access international website, we would like to inform that on 30/01/2008 at 01:47 p.m. there was a network event with IIG link drop because of submarine cable problem at international portion that affects with all users had a trouble when accessed International website and low speed. However we have already solved the trouble on 09/02/2008 at 00:40 a.m. Now international website is normal.

    I ll quote another part of the mail which is more important ...

    We would like to inform some hi-speed Internet Tips as the following.

    1. Hi-speed Internet is provided under condition of shared speed. Therefore, the actual Internet speed depends on number of subscriber at current time. It is agreed that the Company shall not make any act to guarantee the Internet speed.

    2. During the peak hour of hi-speed Internet usage between 18.00-24.00 hours, large files downloading whether domestic or international downloading may cause the significant slow down of Internet speed.

    3. The connection speed or Internet speed is the speed connecting between the subscriber's computer and True network, which is not the downloading speed. The actual download speed may be slower (Especially downloading from international website) than the maximum speed the subscribers applying. The factors reducing download speed may cause from length and condition of phone line in the subscriber's resident, the subscriber's computer specification, Internet connection speed and Internet traffic or data interruption including server and router of the visited website as well as other factors.

    It s fun when you receive this answer when you complain about VOIP which use no bandwith at all but needs reliability.

  3. Here is the current connectivity map for February 2008.


    Light blue lines are to the IIG - CAT's international gateway.

    Green are domestic connections through one of two NIX (National Internet Exchange).

    Orange are the ones which are independent connections to outside bandwidth suppliers. They will ALWAYS be smaller than the connection to the IIG. Even CAT's own ISP service (strangely enough, using yellow lines) has less independent bandwidth

    That map is the biggest joke and absolutely no indication of how the international connectivity is at the moment.

    This is the real one, and paints a whole different picture, whereby it's very clear you can't solely blame CAT, but can directly blame the ISP's.

    Here you'll suddenly see that True, TT&T (Maxnet), CSloxinfo, and ADC (which markets buddy broadband) all have their own IIG's, and that they also sell to the ISP's not yet running their own IIG!

    For example KSC buys 150Megs from True's IIG along with 155Megs directly with Singapore's VSNL and 155 megs with CAT IIG. So even if CAT went down completely (which is not possible since they have so many links to the outside world) KSC still would only lose 33% of their capacity.

    On a side note ... most ISP have now their own IIG but as a true customer service 2500/512 line I can tell you that all my traffic is routed through CAT and i have no benefit of their IIG except the fact that the ppl who are using the IIG are not using the CAT link and i m not sharing with them :o

  4. I m sorry but TRUE blaming CAT for their internet issue is a bit easy, for the following reason :

    1) True has is on Internet Gateway 1650 Mbps / 680 Mbps / 1650 Mbps = 3980 Mbps

    2) They use the fact that they have their own internet gateway as a plus (http://www.trueinternet.co.th/networkstatus/index.htm) as they are comparing their IIG and CAT internet speed / delay

    3) Even they have their own IIG they use CAT to access the net ( 800 / 620 / 620 + 800 / 800 ) = 3640 Mbps

    Well I m sorry but when you pay every months for a mercedes bens (1), why would you use the neighbour old toyota (3) ?

    After some checking, I think some ppl are routed through CAT -> slow access, some ppl are routed through their own IIG (TIG).

    Maybe the SME / Corporate go through the True - IIG and the basic users go through CAT.

    Now I dont have a SME or corporate package so i ll check which link way i m using to go to the following website :

    Traceroute from my home (I m taking the first hop that is not inside true network for me it s hop 10-11 after

    www.google.com ---> CAT-IIGservice = ( or

    www.microsoft.com ---> CAT-IIGservice = (

    www.worldofwarcraft.com ---> CAT-IIGservice = (

    www.free.fr ---> CAT-IIGservice = (

    ftp.kernel.org ---> CAT-IIGservice = (

    www.orange.co.uk ---> CAT-IIGservice = (

    www.singtel.sg ---> CAT-IIGservice = (

    www.hotmail.com ---> CAT-IIGservice = (

    Now the same thing using the traceroute on true website http://speedtest.trueinternet.co.th/speedtest/php-trace.php

    www.google.com ---> TRUEINTERNETGATEWAY = (

    www.microsoft.com ---> TRUEINTERNETGATEWAY = (

    www.worldofwarcraft.com ---> CAT-IIGservice = (

    www.free.fr ---> CAT-IIGservice = (

    ftp.kernel.org ---> TIG-US-WAN = (

    www.orange.co.uk ---> CAT-IIGservice = (

    www.singtel.sg ---> TIG-SG-WAN = (

    www.hotmail.com ---> TIG-SG-WAN = (

    So basicly it seems that all my traffic use the CAT network which should be worse than the TIG network as every other ISP's user are usually complaining. I d be interested to see what you get reimar doing the same traceroute as i did as u have a SME package and you seems to have no internet issue at all.

  5. Hi ,

    I am playing WoW on my office and home computers. It was like 300-600ms latency (which is still playable). Since last 3 days I am getting 2000-4000ms latency and alot of disconnect from game server. Anyone here experience same problem with true?



    Are students / kids in vacation ? Well .... Anything that needs realtime transmission is dead (Voip / online game ), but they probably have a good excuse

    so I dont even bother anymore to report it :

    - customer sends an eMail to report a pbm

    - true answers : Thks for reporting the pbm, there is a pbm we ll send u an email when the pbm is fixed

    - customer never gets a pbm fixed email (pbm is never fixed).

    - customer sends another email to complain

    - true answers : Thks for reporting the pbm, there is a pbm we ll send u an email when the pbm is fixed

    - Customers gets mad saying he has already got that email and he s been waiting for a month and still nothing

    - true answers [Roll a 6 face dice] :

    1) We ll send a technician at your home to mess up even more ur connection but the technician will never find anything wrong

    2) It s not their fault a som tam shop was going to hard on the mixing that they break an international fiber link that was lying on the floor

    3) A submarine sent a torpido on a submarine cable in (Taiwan / japan / usa / singapore [peek one country] ) and now the internet is a mess

    4) The internet server you are trying to connect to is having an issue everything is fine if you connect to www.true.co.th so it s not true fault.

    5) Yes we have a pbm, but it s because we sold too many package lately sorry we cant do anything about it.

    6) Yes we dont have enough bandwidth, but if you change package you ll still have the same pbm but we ll get more money to not buy more bandwidth

    Ah well better laugh about it and wait a bit ...

  6. Hi :o

    Thanks for that... will try it out on next weekend when i have time to "shop around". Unfortunately i don't have the $$ to get a complete Mac Mini - they're out of my reach so to say, hence me asking for a mainboard only. I have read on that same website (also deals with modifications) that folks were successful in putting faster CPU's in those and even upgraded from single core to dual core CPU's in a Mac Mini.

    I have or can get cheaply all other parts to put the computer together (case, PSU, drives etc) and i love the challenge of having to modify things (those mainboards don't exactly "slot in" into an ATX case.....) and i do NOT want to run Windows on it - for that i got my Windows PC :D So a G4 would be fine too (those do run OSX, yes?) however me thinks that MoBo withOUT CPU would be cheaper - and as i can use pretty much any Intel that fits into the socket i could go with "cheapest available" for i don't need the ultimate in power - again, for THAT i've got my Windows PC :D I want an experiment platform to get used to OSX, that's all.

    By the way that XP "theme" FlyakiteOSX ROCKS! Got it on my office machine now, a lowly Celeron-D.... looks cool and works fine :D Looks pretty much like a Mac...... but they don't have it for Vista :D

    Best regards....



    Macmini G4 can run OSX though you wont be able to upgrade the CPU on those easily and it s impossible to upgrade a G4 -> Intel processor. The pin are completely different. Though you could install a more powerful G4 processor but those come at high price... Another solution i didnt mention is to get an appletv, it all depends what you trying to do with OSX. If you want to use it as an everyday machine i believe an hackintosh would be more convenient (it s possible to install OSX on an apple TV), if it s for compilation test purpose that could work maybe. It depends on what you need OS X for, it can also be installed into vmware if your main pc has enough memory that could work too and could be convenient.

    Good luck

  7. Hello.

    I am neither able nor willing to pay the crazy amounts of money Apple asks for their machines, but i want a Mac. To be precise, i want to run Mac OSX.

    Yesterday i have informed myself about possibilities - one being a "Hackintosh" which isn't legal because it uses modified versions of the OS to run them on a standard PC.

    The second would be building my own.

    And for that quest i would need a Mac mainboard (they call them "logicboard"), one of those that takes an Intel CPU. I need ONLY the mainboard because the rest of the parts are fairly standard except the PSU which i can modify myself. Building my own Mac on the base of a genuine mainboard is NOT illegal because it's just like upgrading or downgrading a real Mac - as long as the mainboard is from Apple and OSX is genuine, everything is ok.

    So does anyone know WHERE in Thailand to ask for such a mainboard? Apple themselves don't seem to aell them anywhere, i found places in the U.S. that sell such parts but that's no option for me - i have no credit card and hence can't buy online.

    Also any idea how much would it cost? Any model is ok as long as it takes the Intel CPU's.

    I appreciate any information i can get :o

    Best regards.....



    There used to be some selling on ebay sometimes. I think you can try to contact some apple shop in bkk especially fortune they might have some pieces but I doubt apple let their apple store sell anything like that. You could try get a mac mini 2nd hand also it s the cheapest machine but it works quite well. Some apple store in bangkok might still have some mac mini G4 that you could get for 15-20k bahts. I d recommend you getting a recent mac mini with an intel processor so you could recycle this mac mini and install windows.

    Good luck.

  8. Eheh .. you good at quoting article but not at understanding them, read the conclusion :

    "These figures should not be misinterpreted in any way to determine the "most secure" operating system. A straightforward counting of the number of vulnerabilities should be interpreted merely as that: the number of vulnerabilities affecting a particular operating system," Secunia added.

    Why I do not understand them?

    Windows is used by 95% + of all computer while Mac just a bit above 2%!

    Counting the vulnerabilities of Windows, all Versions (118) against OS-X (89) shows that the Windows OS for all Versions since Windows 98 are more un-secure than OS-X!

    The difference is in Application Software: 5 vulnerabilities in Windows against 146 in OS-X.

    It's not the point for me that Windows OS's are more unsecure than OS-X but the point is how much un-secure OS-X is in the real!

    And we should keep in mind that we talking from a lot different versions of Windows against a few versions of OS-X!

    I do believe the numbers speaking very clear and "straigthforward" that OS-X as OS isn't that much "behind" Windows as the Mac Fan's liking to show at all times!

    Are you a Mac Fan?!

    First there is more than one version of macosX so the version count doesnt matters as usually a bug found in one version usually apply to many of the following version.

    Secondly the application software ... This is the 3rd party application installed when the os is setup (For example for macosX it s apache / openssh / samba), but for windows I got no idea which one it could be as there is really a few. MacosX do integration of other softwares like redhat does and that s why there is so many 3rd party application bug.

    The problem of security is in fact not real, as u state 95% ppl are using microsoft products but i m sure that 95% of the virus are also for those systems. For your data which one you think is the best ? It s like having the choice of two car :

    - One that everybody has and many ppl knows how to open the door and steal it

    - Or one that few ppl have and few ppl knows how to open

    Of course both software will have flaws, but few of those flaws will be exploited when the exploit would target only 2% of the population.

    To answer your question, I m no mac fan but i m using the three operating systems everyday (linux / Osx /windows ) so i guess you would agree that I m probably less biased than you are, if you only use one or two of them ?

    Finally those kind of posts only generate flame war about operating systems fight which is the eldest troll of all. You can continue to bash osx / linux or whatever and promote windows but at least assume it :o. Also if ppl wants to use an operating system / computer why should they change ? Because there is flaws ? Or because it does what they are looking for ?

    Have fun !!

  9. Wants to keep older MSIE? Who would want to keep ANY MSIE on a computer if there was an option. Firefox, thanks.

    PS. Reimar, how much does M$ pay you to promote their products at every opportunity here?

    Unfortunate just 60 minutes and fresh air per hour! Are you interested?

    I'll take a Micro$oft geek over an Apple Fanboy anytme...

    Thanks and keep it coming reimar.

    From a certified reimar fanboy

    Like I prefer an apple geek over a microsoft fanboy ....

    There is no such thing as an Apple geek.

    All are just fan boys.

    When their machines break, they blame themselves and goes back to the iShop- the only place where their iComputer can be iFixed.

    I rest my iCase.

    Love generalities :o Hmm let s find one for windows users... Oh, when they get a virus, they blame microsoft so they go to

    dld another pirate version of their next operating system hopping it will solve their pbm ...

    See generalities leeds nowhere ...

  10. Eheh .. you good at quoting article but not at understanding them, read the conclusion :

    "These figures should not be misinterpreted in any way to determine the "most secure" operating system. A straightforward counting of the number of vulnerabilities should be interpreted merely as that: the number of vulnerabilities affecting a particular operating system," Secunia added.

  11. Wants to keep older MSIE? Who would want to keep ANY MSIE on a computer if there was an option. Firefox, thanks.

    PS. Reimar, how much does M$ pay you to promote their products at every opportunity here?

    Unfortunate just 60 minutes and fresh air per hour! Are you interested?

    I'll take a Micro$oft geek over an Apple Fanboy anytme...

    Thanks and keep it coming reimar.

    From a certified reimar fanboy

    Like I prefer an apple geek over a microsoft fanboy ....

  12. ...Took us 4 hours yesterday to waiting in line

    The most annoying thing to me is that at that place there seems to have some ppl who dont need queue paper. Same person come over over and over with another foreigner and sit at some officier desk and handover the passport... This happens the whole day and is really annoying when the queue number doesnt move for 40 mn :o

    Sometimes they want picture of your living place, sometimes they want your wedding picture, some years they dont want anything. It has alaways been random to me...

    Well gluck if u go there, take a book / game / computer to pass the time :D

  13. Man, there is some FUD on the net, especially in here. If ignorance is bliss, I envy so many people who post to TV forums. :D

    1. Statements like "you can't compare North America and Europe to Asia," when meant to imply that Asia, as a block, suffers in terms of infrastructure, investment, technology and internet bandwidth are incredibly ignorant and pointless. The term Asia covers everything from perhaps Afghanistan (and, arguably, Turkey) all the way to Japan in the East, Siberia in the North and what Indonesia in the South? However, even if we assume "Asia" is mistakenly meant to refer to Southeast Asia and Pacific rim Asian nations, the statement is pointless. Nationas like Japan, HK and Singapore are most definitely 1st world, while China, Vietnam and Laos, on the other hand, are at different stages along the path from 2nd world to 1st, though Laos "enjoys" mostly 3rd world characteristics. Thailand is struggling with its endless, fitful attempts at solidifying its place in the 1st world. And what is Malaysia? There is a world of difference between internet access, domestically AND internationally, between Singapore and Burma, but they are both in Asia.

    "Bandwidth in Thailand has sucked miserably for ages" Huh? Thailand actually has some pretty dam_n impressive domestic internet infrastructure.

    ALL of Asia suffers from the same critical issues as far as foreigners are concerned, however: bandwidth to the "real" internet, whose center of gravity is somewhere in the mid-Atlantic, between the USA and Europe. The "real" internet isn't interested in content here, is it? ISPs here have to pay the cost of the ENTIRE link from here to the "real" internet. That's not cheap. Cut them some slack.

    It's very unfair to expect anything even close to the quality of access (bandwidth and latency) here that you might take for granted in the population centres of Europe and North America. If you think your options for reliable, affordable bandwidth suck (in the wrong way) here, try moving to the middle of nowhere in the USA.

    If it s that expensive why arent they doing their best to ensure that it s being used optimally ? Quota ? Restricting the high consummers ?

    2. For reasons of language, culture, tradition, many Asian countries simply don't need to support YOUR access to Hotmail, YouTube, Google.com, etc. For example, there's a very good reason why Japanese countries ruled the fax machine industry and almost totally missed the PC boat.

    So who we address our concern it s not True Intranet ? It's true internet. Solve point 1) and point 2) is inexistant as the expensive internationnal links are used optimally.

    3. If you think customer service sucks here, try living in Malaysia for a while. They even "benefitted" from British rule, so you can't go there and blame education, culture or whatever.

    I have sent an email complaining with a traceroute that their were high packet loss + a shift from 200ms -> 1000ms, the 11 september. The reply i got is we ll check it and send u an email when everything is back online ? After an email every 2 weeks for a month and a half, they told me an internationnal cable was cut and i could contact cat with some phone number. I said i wont call CAT and waiting for them to tell me when it will be fixed. They told me they ll send me an email once it s back online. After 2 months and a half no email.

    Customer support = 0 because

    1) i send them a traceroute showing the issue : Thks for reporting we will contact you when it s solved ....

    2) I never got a reply from them

    About education I ll quote an email I received from true that says it all :

    "Therefore, the issue might cause imbalance speed of information between Microsoft Processor and devices or crowded traffic in Paris, which it is beyond to control the issue."

    4. You really think so many people in Thailand are browsing The Nation and the Bangkok Post websites that Thailand's international bandwidth is being hit? Please....

    No but a thai newspaper being host outside thailand says it all ... Compare the price and service for local hosting and aboard hosting and you ll get your answer. That s where providers fails.

    5. There has never been enough bandwidth here to satisfy demand? Please direct me to this mythical land where there IS enough bandwidth to satisfy demand.

    you are right there never going to be enough bandwidth, but at least there should be enough bandwidth for everyone so you dont wait 2mn for a page to load and ends with a failure to dld .... The bandwidth isnt an issue, it s the way it is spent, there is a point where there is enough bandwidth but if it s not shared correctly ( a torrent x 10000 connection -> 400k/s / voip call x 1 connection cant pass through ) it s pointless to have more. This is where tech center needs to do their job. Ppl cant complain about torrent it s not a real time thing, if you dld a movie in 1h30mn or 3h it doesnt matters, but u cant have a correct voip conversation with one word every 2s it has to be realtime.

    All this debate over bandwidth in/into Thailand will soon be moot, anyway. In addition to clean water and air, we'll soon be killing each other for IP addresses. That's IF all that "endlessly available" bandwidth you all seem to think exists in the "real" world hasn't already collapsed under the weight of streaming HD video; full-page Flash-video "designer" websites; Windows Vista updates; Bluray torrents; misbehaving CISCO routers; commercial, military and political botnet attacks by Russia and China; Californian brushfires; and rolling power outages.

    In the meantime, I'm more concerned about news articles combining phrases like "laptop per child," "shared by a number of children," "free and open," and "Canadian."

    Y'all have a nice day, now. :o

    You too !

  14. From as low as 3 kbps a few weeks ago at 3 pm I now get about 250-400 pretty steady international and 24/7

    Anyone can also see the improvement?

    Before this however my internet was down for about 2 days, seems like they actually got some work done?


    Yes the great CAT/ True / Tot technician found what was wrong ... they sent back million of kid / children / student back to school and improved thai internet.

    Maybe that sounds too ironic but its most probably what happenned.

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