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Posts posted by Deksan

  1. I have sent this to TRUE ... Waiting for an answer, meanwhile I can assure you that

    with a cs Bankgok life card 30h using dialup modem i can play WoW perfectly ... Sometimes I have 560ms in game mostly 700ms but it s far better than the 10000 with


    I was thinking to send that to cscoms as an explanation why I wana move ... Maybe they would have understand ??


  2. I am playing WoW (www.worldofwarcraft.com) and the True line was recently unusable so I have made a little research and ppl using csloxinfo seems to not have any pbm. So Well I decided to test with a csloxinfo dialup bangkok package costing less than 200 baht, and how surprising the game plays perfectly ... I have made some research using pingplotter seems that true pass by CAT which pass by DACOM (Korea), whereas csloxinfo use their singtel line. The dacom way ends with 20-25% packet loss to us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com, the singtel route has sometimes 1% packet loss. No need to say which is better ....

    So I have decided to switch to csloxinfo adsl ... and here the glitches start:

    1) the customer supports call me 7 days after my application telling me that my TOT phone number isnt available for adsl, I have a true phone line ... The website says the opposite and a different call to csloxinfo support tells me it s availble. The csloxinfo support advices me to reapply as my TRUE phone line is ready for ADSL.

    2) I do reapply 1 day pass and today the phone bells, they tells me that if It s slows with true ADSL it will be slow with CSLOXINFO ADSL ... They try to convince me that as they use the TRUE phone line it will be slow as well if it s slow with true (what the ###### ???).

    3) If I wish to apply csloxinfo i have to stop my asianet (true) and wait 5 days, I cant do that as I use my line for tele-working :o

    I m polite so I say "Yes Yes Yes" ... but what should I do ? Continue with modem ? Send an email to csloxinfo customer support ? Meanwhile I start to ring the bell at true network customer support and I will provide some evidence that the DACOM path isnt the right path to use ...

    Any tips ?

  3. Can anyone tell me where I can find decent second hand Powerbooks/ibooks in Bangkok?

    I'm looking for a Pismo G3 powerbook if poss.Been out here a while so any sites shops etc that arent in Pantip or unlimitmac.com would be greatly appreciated.cheers

    Maybe you can give a try at Fortune they have 2-3 Mac sellers there and some big

    shop selling 2nd hand computer ( They even have ultra sparc and some mac).

  4. Hi,

    I dont know if you ever see that it s the monthly upgrade of CAT internationnal link.

    It s also interesting to see that according to true, true own almost 30-35% of the

    total thailand link. Also most of that speed must be used by download (cant imagine

    web site browsing using a lot of that speed.). Therefore an emule / bittorrent server in

    thailand would be a great thing to ease up the CAT speed. Do you think the total speed

    will increase next month ? Sometimes there is big jump on the internationnal speed ...

    I believe they should concentrate on the link to usa and to big country in asia

    (australia / japan / korea ) What you think ?


  5. One thing i would like to know, is if anyone in Thailand playing WoW is NOT having any problems.

    We know True and Ji-Net are the same.  Is csloxinfo also the same, are they all having the same problem or just most of them?  I am sure True has the biggest customer base so we might not be seeing all areas.  Same in other countries some people are having problems others are not.

    I think we all know it is a problem with Packet Loss, and my current theory is that Blizzard changed the code/packet size/protocol of the way their game sends and recieves information.

    With this change some routers /whatevers that we and some other people have to go through to get to the servers from out ISP have firmware that cannot handle these newer "packets" efficiently.

    Where these are or might be I have no idea,. but this is my theory.

    I would still like to see if anyone is not getting problems on any other isp dialup or broadband.  I am moving soon and if there is any hope of a working solution with another ISP i would like to try and find it :o

    Another thing to take into account is that the connection consistently gets better the later it gets until by 2am it is as good as it was before. Presumably, this is due to there being less and less stress on the CAT international connection. I'm not sure how your theory takes this into account.

    Also, recently, another member mentioned how he was unable to play his other online games, which would indicate this is not just a problem with Blizzard.

    There's the twist that seemingly many others outside of Thailand are having a similar problem. Though the vast majority of people still do not have a problem, including players I know from Australia.

    This thread seems interesting some ppl pointing out that it may be attens.net fault


  6. One thing i would like to know, is if anyone in Thailand playing WoW is NOT having any problems.

    We know True and Ji-Net are the same.  Is csloxinfo also the same, are they all having the same problem or just most of them?  I am sure True has the biggest customer base so we might not be seeing all areas.  Same in other countries some people are having problems others are not.

    I think we all know it is a problem with Packet Loss, and my current theory is that Blizzard changed the code/packet size/protocol of the way their game sends and recieves information.

    With this change some routers /whatevers that we and some other people have to go through to get to the servers from out ISP have firmware that cannot handle these newer "packets" efficiently.

    Where these are or might be I have no idea,. but this is my theory.

    I would still like to see if anyone is not getting problems on any other isp dialup or broadband.  I am moving soon and if there is any hope of a working solution with another ISP i would like to try and find it :o

    I d tend to agree, It seems a packet loss have an huge impact on your latency.

    They have probably raised the time between the packet is detected to be lost and the retry to send that lost packet. This probably help them save their bandwidth / server

    overload. So they wont probably go back on it ?

  7. hi'

    and keep in mind that linux respect some standards ...

    internet adsl connection is similar to cable connection and should not need any drivers, one just have to setup network, choose the mode of connection and set it to dhcp.

    if connected with usb, you add a device!

    then you need a driver, or may be your kernel have it already.

    if it was not here at install, compile it, configure it and install it, don't forget to make a link in module section, anyway the install of any driver has a read-me or/and a how-to, read and follow instructions :o

    a read-me or a how-to is always linked to a distro, be careful which one you read ...

    you may find almost everything here :



    In case it may help I have wrote a small help on how to connect to adsl in thailand

    with ubuntu 5.04 and the BILION BIPAC-7000 adsl it s far from perfect but it may

    be a good start :


    Good luck

  8. If we could get to a tiawanese server, who would we complain to about all the Chinese Gold farmers? :D  :D

    I agree you get a 400 ping to the .au site but i suspect that the servers (if any) would have a seperate address in a different location.  Not that i know if it would or would not be any better.

    I was doing some looking and came accross this http://iir.ngi.nectec.or.th/internet/map/2...701-800x600.gif

    Could not find true on that map to see how big their link is.

    I have done trace route to known aussie sites and also get a 2-300 ping.  guess it is just luck on how we get routed to the desitnation.

    Bypassing CAT or finding an isp that does may solve our issues  :o

    Aahha I d prefer complain about the chinese farmers than complain about lag :D I

    can play even there is farmers ... With lag cant play at all :D

    True is on that map it s called asiainfonet, there is also on that website the current

    usage of each isp's bandwidth but couldnt find it ...

    Bypassing CAT is impossibile i think except if we change of country :D

  9. Have you actually tried pinging us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com ?

    (Hint: you cant, its behind a firewall, so i dont know where your getting your 220ms ping from)

    When pinging www.worldofwarcraft.com.au the bottle neck is - which is CAT - so really were gunna be screwed regardless of where the servers are located.

    Try to do a traceroute with tracert or pingplotter (nice freeware) you ll see that the last

    hops before us.logon is at 220ms. Now if you compare with www.worldofwarcraft.com.au

    you ll see that it s at 400ms. Maybe they ll change the server and it s a temporary

    hosting, but I cant imagine a 300ms-500ms in game with australia on their current


    Forgot to mention do the same thing with the taiwanese server :

    www.wowtaiwan.com.tw - 92ms ... That s why we need an english realm on those

    server, like there is an english / german / french server in europe, why not include

    an english realm on the taiwanese server ?

  10. 440ms would be ok to play... PvP vs someone who has a <100ms could be entertaining but certainly the game would be playable.

    Oh and i paid my game subs with my Thai credit card - you only need a US/Auz address for your billing address.

    You dont get it ... If i ping us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com = 220ms, if i ping

    www.worldofwarcraft.com.au = 440ms. I believe that the experience would be

    worse the only good point it s that it might lighten up the link to the usa for us.

  11. One positive note, I just read about this and also lots of WoW adds going on in Aus apparently.

    Hopefully Blizz is doing a turn around and moving ahead which will make a lot of people happy.

    This site was set up not long ago..and hopfully means a server is on its way, in the not to distant future. ( this info i just found whilst bored :o )


    Have you tried a ping from here ... 440ms :'( Be sure it s unplayable at that speed...

  12. I bought it from ebay 50 american dollars a weeks ago was bored to wait for a south

    east asia since i was following this game since 2002 ... Patience is a virtue ...

    I got the key sent by email 10mn after i bought it and start downloading an unofficial

    cd image. It took two days non stop from thailand (2.5Go or 4 images). Would be

    a great hit if the lag wasnt such an issue (check the thread pointed by wolfie), let s

    hope 1.6.0 patch will help things a bit or an aussie / south east asia server will save

    us all.

  13. hi'

    my 2cts here ...

    may be you could try to unlock tcp windows settings which allow only 10 connections/s ?

    go to registry(regedit)

    HKLM(local machine)/system/services/tcp-ip/parameters and in the right panel add a new key: DWord

    name it : TcpNumConnections and set a value (hexadecimal) : fffffe

    and appreciate the improvement :o


    Hmm seems not applicable here because Wow.exe make only 1 connection to the server

    and doesnt use UDP. But thanks for the idea.

  14. Does anyone of you has or know someone who has knowledge in chinese :

    http://www.wowtaiwan.com.tw/  making an english-speaking communauty there

    would be great  (90ms of ping...).

    Making an english speaking community there wont really help you much, the whole game text will still be in chinese, all the quest text, speach text, names, descriptions... everything. You'd need to be able to read/write chinese in order to get by. Nice idea... gotta wait for the Ozzie servers methinks.

    Check my post in the suggestions forum then :o

  15. I've been writing about this problem for the past 4 or so weeks ever since it started.  As a WOW addict, it's really frustrating.

    One thing to add to the puzzle though is that the connection progressively gets better the later it gets.  From about 2am to 6am (the latest I can stay up) it actually gets pretty close to our normal latency of 400-700ms with little/no packet loss.

    Since this coincides with reduced internet activity in Thailand, I had assumed it was an indication of a problem with True's internet being congested during the day time.

    Posters have said this is a blizzard issue, and I really hope it is, but I have noticed degraded internet performance everywhere, not just on Warcraft.

    Does anyone of you has or know someone who has knowledge in chinese :

    http://www.wowtaiwan.com.tw/ making an english-speaking communauty there

    would be great (90ms of ping...).

    Also please signs the suggestion I have been posting on the US forum :



  16. Hi.

    I have skimmed some posts and see many people here play World of warcraft.

    I have been playing since about November last year.  I live in a condo complex and am Connected to True internet via the Complex.

    For most of this time WoW has been completely playable with latency from 300-500.  The game plays well at these speeds not perfect but well enough to do most anything, and this has been the case for 6-7 months.

    Over the last 3-5 weeks Latency has become terrible making the game almost unplayable and in teh last 3 days it has got worse making it actually unplayable.  I now constantly get a latency of 1.2k, with many spikes to 5k+ and also many frequent disconnects.

    What i would like to know is if other people are having similar problems on the same and other ISP's.

    I know this High latency Problem is not limited to only Thailand, but i would like to know if it is just limited to True internet. or if other high speed providers are also having problems.

    I believe it is a blizzard or connection error between Use and the WoW servers, s a look on teh game forums will show that many people world wide are having similar problems.

    Anyway it would be good to some if any ISP's people are not having problems, or if anything you have done on this end that might solve the issue.


    Khun Aus.


    I am experiencing the same problem for what i can tell it s caused from high packet

    lost around 17-25% to us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com ; It s hard to say if it s from

    thai ISP or from their providers. It seems also that 1.5.0 brought a lot of lag.

    Lets hope that 1.6 will be better for the lag.... I dunno if anybody can read chinese

    but it would be nice to see if it s possible to register on taiwanese server because

    the lag there would be really nice. http://www.wowtaiwan.com.tw/

  17. There are no World of Warcraft servers in Thailand (unfortunately) your looking at the US or Europe for the servers.

    From Thailand the connections isnt great, the game itself (World of Warcraft) is playable, although PvP (Player vs Player) doesnt work too well if your having a bad connection day.

    I play this game a lot, its the only game i'm playing o nthe PC at this time, i have a couple of friends who play (or used to play) so if your looking for a regular group or just someone whos playing in your timezone, then drop me a PM.

    just some curiosity....how much would you be ready to pay(hourly/daily/weeky/monthly) if there were a world of warcraft server in thailand...?

    I was joking about the world of warcraft ... It s a blizzard game (www.blizzard.com)

    that is edited by vivendi internationnal. The game licence must be around millions of

    dollars. You ll need a big structure with customer support / translator / GM ... I guess

    that with 100 millions of dollar you can start something. If it would come here i d

    say around 10-12$ / month. It s a massive game so each server can host 5000 ppl

    it s a great hit around the world that is so slow to come to south east asia...

  18. Lineage 2 is a great game, if a painfully slow to 'develop' your character. I am in awe of the world you run around in - the detail is incredible.

    That game is crippled by bot and believe me the gaming experience in World Of Warcraft is 100 times better than lineage2 ...

  19. hey all...

    firstly the only online game i play is monopoly.....with other hubbers in the expat hub...that too very rarely...

    used to play CS and Q3 on lan in a cyber cafe(20 to 30 hours a week) in my college days....

    now im interested in setting up paid gaming servers inside se asia(ping from true is 60 to 70ms) to serve the region.

    the motive is to make money of it....any pointers?

    Check http://www.porar.com/linuxserver.aspx

    They have nice service for what I have experienced and the latency isnt too bad

    from bangkok (10-12ms). You could start with your own connection upgrading to

    the max Upload Speed availabe to see if it catchs up. You could also try some

    partnership with some gameseller (CNet / Zest) to give you some help, they would

    certainly sell more game if the online experience would be far better than what it

    is now.

    Good Idea and good luck man.

    tx a lot for the pointers...

    maybe im straying a lil off topic here....

    the main thing is wether to focus on only thailand or to focus on the region....

    if i host in thailand, the international connectivity sucks....only few countries have fast access to thailand...

    is online gaming a very big thing here?

    is it possible to charge ppl for joining to games hosted on my server?

    im sure ppl wouldnt mind paying some subscription fee for a gr8 gaming experience.

    Online gaming here is quite big especially MMPORG (Ragnarok / Lineage2). You can

    charge people monthly and protect your gameroom with a password changing it

    every month. The connectivity with taiwan / singapour is quite good the other part

    of the region start to be too slow to have good experience. People doesnt have much

    money but you could steal client of internet shop that pay 20/30 baht per hour to

    play. With a weekly fee of 100 baht maybe you can attract some client. The thing

    is you ll need quite a lot of server, maybe 1 per 2 games. Try to attract client first

    maybe with a free service and maybe a monthly reward to the best fragger ? A

    free week / a free game ... Maybe try to contact the zest.co.th owner I ever exchanged

    some mail with him and he seems to be a foreigner.

    How forgot :D If you are very rich :D Buy a World of warcraft license and bring

    a server here :o

    Good luck

  20. Lots of good info posted already.

    I'll just post my experience with world of warcraft.  The latency used to be 400-600 most of the time which, while not optimal, still allowed you to play the game without many problems.  This sort of game can be played without the instant speed you might need from a first-person shooter.

    However, for the past 3-4 weeks, my connection has been severely degraded with stallouts occuring multiple times a fight, lag of 1000+ constantly, etc.  It's to the point that I am finding playing the game to be more frustrating than fun.

    This is with the True home package.

    Ya it sucks :o seems both WoW has troubles and true ... The packet loss is quite high

    around 13%-20% so bad because the latency to us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com isnt

    bad at all. If only taiwan server were in english ... http://www.wowtaiwan.com.tw/ the

    speed there is excellent (70-90ms). Maybe there is some non official private server

    around here ? http://www.wowstatus.net/

  21. hey all...

    firstly the only online game i play is monopoly.....with other hubbers in the expat hub...that too very rarely...

    used to play CS and Q3 on lan in a cyber cafe(20 to 30 hours a week) in my college days....

    now im interested in setting up paid gaming servers inside se asia(ping from true is 60 to 70ms) to serve the region.

    the motive is to make money of it....any pointers?

    Check http://www.porar.com/linuxserver.aspx

    They have nice service for what I have experienced and the latency isnt too bad

    from bangkok (10-12ms). You could start with your own connection upgrading to

    the max Upload Speed availabe to see if it catchs up. You could also try some

    partnership with some gameseller (CNet / Zest) to give you some help, they would

    certainly sell more game if the online experience would be far better than what it

    is now.

    Good Idea and good luck man.

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