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Posts posted by Deksan

  1. I don't care about excuses or even logical reasons for bad service. The point is that I pay 2,600 baht per month for 1024/512 service and I'm NOT getting what I pay for. If they can't deliver the service why the hel_l do they sell it?

    Because it works , ppl are still paying services that they cant deliver. Also maybe you should check true you d pay only 599 baht I think for another bad service but you d save like 2000 bahts.

  2. VISTA OEM cost YOU Baht ~6,000.00 but that don't means the the manufacturer of the machine has the same cost!! You can't acpect to get a refund from the manufacturer. May you can get some from the Dealer but I don't think so!

    How they should take of the Certificate of Authority, the lable with the OS-info and the License Key? Have you ever try to do so? And that is just one of the things which have to be done if you request a refund. The machines coming form the manufacturer pre-installed and with Lable on already!

    Even if you buy the machine with software and want to sell later by yourself, you will face the same problem as the Dealer! Not only that you'll have the Problem of the remove of the Lable, this OS can be leally use on only the exact same type and Model of the computer were it came with!

    So basicly you are telling me that It s my fault that Microsoft and the manufacturer agreed on a very strict marketing and legal deal, and they made it so hard for them to remove it that I must buy my computer with a microsoft Operating System eventhough I m not planning to use it ? The label and sticker can be removed, pre installation can be formated. There is little to no issue, even if the cost for the manufacturer isnt 6kbaht there is still a cost that I m not willing to pay. It s exactly like when you buy a cdrom or a graphic card and you have an antivirus or a partionning software included in the box that costs money.

  3. There is actually no minimum salary as such to allow the issuance of a workpermit.

    However, practically the labor department accepts in general a declared salary of 30,000 Baht/month to issue a workpermit.

    This workpermit will not allow you to extend your stay in Thailand, 90 day visaruns are still needed (you'd need the 4 Thai employees and 60,000 /month to qualify for that extension)

    Anyway, as said before, technical competence of the technical staff would improve the speed you average user experience with a quite big margin...without having to expand expensive international bandwidth.

    Plus start with realistic capping of usage, based on the package you have.

    i.e. 10Gb/month for a cheap 256/128 home package. (a 256/128 connection is capable of 60Gb/month running at 80% of rated speed).

    Double or triple this on the more expensive SME package.

    Use the same cap/speed ratio on the faster packages... Thus a 1024/512 home package should be capped at 40gb/month. People needing more should in my opinion not be on a home package! Certainly not in a country where bandwidth is in short supply...

    With this system you take a lot of capacity away from people overloading the system with downloads they'll never ever have even an intention of using them, and divide it between the people who use there internet sensible!

    To put in perspective, 40gb still allows you to download almost 3 hours of divx video per day. Every day!


    Also this system should be active only for INTERNATIONNAL bandwidth, this is probably the best way to promote local content.

  4. I ll quote an email I have received from true after I complained that my connection to my office using VPN jumped from 250mn to 400ms :

    Regarding the issue of high latency with IPxxx.xxx.xxx.xxx We would like to
    inform you that we checked the issue by tracert your IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx so
    we found the information, when it runs around in local, the latency is
    normal. But it runs through HOP number 7(IIG of CAT Telecom to Paris), the
    latency was increased time. Therefore, the issue might cause imbalance
    speed of information between Microsoft Processor and devices or crowded
    traffic in Paris, which it is beyond to control the issue. You can check
    the details of checking as picture:

    This amazed me, I complained to state that there is a problem, they confirm that there is a problem but wont try to do anything about it : It s normal, we are bandwidth limited so there is nothing we can do. Then they try to provide me an explanation that is really sad to see from a technical support (Microsoft processor ???).

    The biggest problem I had with thai isp is that :

    - First they lack of skill to diagnose problems.

    - Second they just happens to see that there is a problem, but they cant do anything about it.

    - Three you need to exchange many mails to find out it s all CAT fault (easy to blame ppl you cant contact).

    What I d like to see,

    - TRANSPARENCY : I d like to be able to know when something is wrong at my ISP by just checking their website. Their dns server is dead, I want to see it reported on a status website. I dont want to find out by myself. If their bandwith usage is at 95% at 19h00. I want to be able to see it, and not hit my head on the floor for 10mn.

    - LATENCY : I want to see them prefer latency over bandwidth by not using the link at 150% of its capacity.

    - QUOTA FOR BIG DOWNLOADERs : If you reach your maximum capacity you either need to install quota on your users or increase your capacity. If you use all your quota, you have to pay an extra price / mb . This is a natural answer when you cant increase your capacity. Being able to dld xx gb / month from oversea will make ppl change their attitude. PPl will start to find local solution to their downloading needs. They will refrain from downloading stuff they wont use. The ISP will even be able to make more money.

    Thks for reading.

  5. Hey thanks for the replies

    "Does that site use flash? Flash can also use cookies stored in a diffent place. Right-click on the flash thing and reduce the amoun it can store to zero. Then those cookies will be gone too!"

    Yes it does. where exactly is the flash thing? if i do reduce it to zero will that effect my viewing of say youtube and other flash sites. i really dont want to ave to pay to play, im cheap charlie

    hey astral yeah i know all that info is visible it doesnt bother me im not that paranoid really dont think everyone is out to get me!!! although if i were to look at adult sites id usually use a online proxy server but then the proxy server guys can c that info and do what they want with it!!! most of them would probably use your info more than any of the sites you would visit. 6-1 half dozen to the other i suppose not unless you know of a super one that dont keep any info?

    Or play on freechess for free using babaschess against thousands of player ... Both are free of charge ...

  6. Sorry to polute the Opening post ... But i think this would apply as well to a question I have been wondering for a while...

    I have read in france and in other countries ( I m from france...) that many individual had set up a public wireless lan over a town. The idea is to create a free wireless network, where you can do anything that is possible usually over a LAN. So I was wondering :

    - Does anything like that exist in bangkok ? (maybe some ppl started to do it ?)

    - If it doesnt exist, is it illegal in thailand ?

    - Would some ppl be interested in such a thing ?

    Here is an example of a network in australia


    A list of network in the world from wikipedia


    Thanks for reading / replying.

  7. To answer the OPs question: Yes, Internet in Thailand is very bad.

    Ping times on ADSL are inbetween 300 and 400 (U.S.: around 50). On satellite, around 700 or 800 (Satellite delay + Thailand delay because it's going through Bangkok).

    Download speeds during the day on a 1024K line (most you can get where I am) are ~30 - 40K, reaching 100K - which is the normal speed - at night. There are frequent downtimes though it has been getting better.

    On a positive note, Internet has been improving constantly since I am here, and networking equipment is being installed at a blazing speed. Thailand is behind, but it's catching up fast. And I would not be surprised if the CATs international gateway monopoly fell and internet speeds would increase dramatically.

    The ADSL guys where I am (TOT) even talked about wanting to switch to ADSL2+ with 12Mbit download speeds soon. I am guessing they have put it on the back burner because what good is a 12MBit connection to Bangkok when the international gateway is already completely maxed out. Once the CAT monopoly falls things will improve.

    Thailand often gives the impression that nothing ever happens here, but it's deceiving because when it happens, it happens FAST. I am in the north, Mae Hong Son province in the mountains and I have DSL. Who am I to complain?

    From what I see here http://iir.ngi.nectec.or.th/internet/map/firstpage.html , CAT gateway capacity has not improved at all, while they were allocating more bandwith to each isp. I fear we have reached the top of the mountains CAT was going to climb, and now CAT is waiting for ISP to run away with their own IIG. Which so far only ToT seems to have started. I believe true took a IIG gateway only to threaten CAT. It will be soon a year since NTC has said they ll provide IIG licence and that we heard that true and tot were the first one to get it. Where are we since then ?

    True's dns is falling appart quite often, that I have decided to use ToT one. The price are going down sacrificing reliability as Lannig said. Some days at night around 19h/20h it s really painful to do anything. The worst is when you try to play online in the US and have to explain the concept of reliability of your connection to the customer support who is talking only in terms of bandwidth.

    The biggest problem in thailand is the lack of transparency, when something is wrong you never know why, there is no homepage on CAT / True (dont give me the network status link it s totally useless) or other ISP that would explain you why for 5 mn between 7 and 8 you werent able to connect to google. Why your msn connection dropped for an hour. Having problem is normal and every ISPs in the world face it, some transparency helps customers to understand it.

  8. I seem to be living in a world of internet frustration at the moment. The speeds are up and down and mostly down, my 512/256 is only giving on average 300/90, firstly is there anything that I can do to speed this up (apart from changing country that I live in), and secondly what I can I do to speed up Utorrent. Previously it used to work wonderfully, 40/ download, and 25/ upload. If there are any secrets, then please let me know. I saw something about port forwarding, would this help? Frustrated internet user!

    Hi, maybe you could try to find local content for the things you are downloading, PM if you want advices.

  9. People probably know my business is IT and also Telecommunications with IT.

    I also know the Media read Thaivisa.com so if we want better service from True, then we need some hard facts so the everyone can report fact rather than opinion.


    ping proxy.asianet.co.th -t -l 4096

    Start by using metrics that mean something. ICMP echo traffic is given very low priority by almost any kind of router that does QoS, and many do these days, even here.

    There could be a gadzillion reasons for which an ICMP echo or echo reply packet gets lost that wouldn't apply

    to normal TCP traffic. Including the fact that ICMP echo could well be rate-controlled at the server itself!

    You're going nowhere with this. Maybe your business is IT, but I hope for you it's not in technical things...


    No need to be mean or ironic everybody is far from knowing everything ...

  10. All depends - if you're thinking of keeping hives - fine, but you will not find them anywhere near as productive as they are in Europe.

    I have 12 Langstroth hives, and together I am lucky to get as much honey from them per year as a bee keeper will get from 3 hives in Europe. Dont ask me why - I havent got clue, but know that that is pretty much the case with all bee keepers in Thailand - low production rates.

    Your big risk is ants - they will destroy a hive.

    God only knows how clever an ant is - they are mean't to be pretty simply insects, but boy are they good at finding ways into bee hives. Then you have the usual problems with wasps and other pests, but no more so than anywhere else - ants will be your big problem.

    As for the wild asian honey bee - that huge yellow bee that can get between 3cm - 4cm long and forms a huge single honey comb under the branch of trees - well, all I can say is good luck. They are extremely agressive - and cannot be handled like bee keepers handle hive bees. Great honey, but find a local who has experiance dealing with them otherwise you run the risk of getting seriously beaten up - they are really very different from hive bees and not to be messed with.

    Two interesting things about this Asian honey bee - they come back to the same tree season after season, and studies have confirmed swarms from the North East of Thailand migrate as far as Malaysia, and then return to the same tree in North Eastern Thailand 2 or 3 years later. Just how do they do it, because the bees that comprised the swarm in Thailand before it left would have all been replaced by the time the swarm then left Malaysia a couple years later - just how do they pass on to the next generation not only where to go back to but also which tree??

    Oh - and they won't stay in a hive - have tried - went so far as to put the queen in a cage - they built enough cone to breed a new one, feed it royal jelly and then when she hatched, pushed off with her abandoing the old one. So forget it, they cant be hived.

    Then you also get swarms of stingless bees - they're quite common. Its a very small bee - smaller than a fly, makes very small cone out in the open (quite often find them on fences under trees) but commercially they have little if any value.

    You'd think with the flora diversity we have here in Thailand and the climate we have, bee keeping would be a big industry. It isn't, and there arnet many comercial honey producers - most in the Chang Mai area - check out



    Good luck

    Thanks for your detailed answer very intersting ... Thai bees are really weird :D Wonder if european bees could survive in the north of thailand ? That would maybe an answer to that problem ? How thai ppl manage to get honey then ? Do they collect it in the wild ? (Would explain the relative high price) . That website you put at the end, do you recommend the honey from there, my father loves natural honey my oncle got 5-10 hives in france so we got the honey from him. Even in france some producer tends to add sirup in the honey, so i dont trust thai ppl about that do you know any safe place where I could buy 100% real natural honey ? Thanks for your reply again :o

  11. As you get close to the top floor of Pantip plaza they have all sorts of old stuff laying around; it's like walking around in a junk yard. Fortune also has a few places selling old printers and other used things. For online, maybe check bahtsold.com.

    "Secondhand" barely begins to describe some of those parts: 4th-hand or "salvage" would be better descriptions. Seriously though, who are they waiting for to come buy that rubbish?

    Thks for the link, I m currently looking for a second hand mac mini G4 - 1.25Ghz. The first one that were maid. I guess It will be hard to find those in thailand.

  12. My immediate supervisor, a Westerner who is beholden to the Thai manager, fails to see why I find this situation mind-boggling. Could a disinterested Thid Party explain:

    Whether FTP is an accepted and needed protocol for website maintenance.

    What background and training is required to configure a server for webhosting?

    How much UPS or electricity generation backup is needed?

    Is it important for the website to by up 99 percent of the time? How does downtime affect Google rankings?

    When would a company need its own hosting server and what staffing/training is required?


    If you own the server you should be able to decide which protocol are acceptable and which are not. You could also decide what operating system you want to run (linux/windows) and do the administration yourself by remote connection (or pay someone to do it) it s . For the price you paid that should be a minimum. Also you could change the hosting company and get your server hosted somewhere else.

  13. Hi. I need to have access to a few(4-12) 20-30" screens for 1month. Something like dell 2407FPW, apple cinema 30" or something. Tft, high res etc.

    1. Is it possible to rent this kind of things in Bangkok?

    2. How much do a 24" 1920x1200-screen cost?

    3. How much do a generic 1680x1050/1600*1200 20" screen cost?

    4. How much for the 30" one?

    Hmm I dont know about renting especially if you need many ... Maybe buy and resell would maybe do the trick ... Anyway here are the price of the apple monitor one (Those price are from the shop in siam discovery 4th floor).

    20' Inch -> 1680x1050 -> 25390 baht (VAT Included)

    24' Inch -> 1920x1200 -> 57290 baht (VAT Included)

    30' Inch -> 2560x1600 -> 86990 baht (VAT Included)

    If you want to contact them [email protected] since it s a special case. Be careful about availability I m not sure that those kind of shop will have a lot of those high resolution screen. Be aware also that the apple screen use a DVI Connector.

  14. Hi everyone!

    At the moment I am in France studying and I have just subscribed for unlimited connection internet. However, it says "MAX 3GB/MONTH". What does this mean exactly? Does this mean that if the 'packets received' exceed 3gb i wont be able to use the internet? If so, how is this even call unlimited internet?

    Your help would be appreciated!


    ps. On the Wireless Network Connection Status window, is the packets received displayed in bytes or kb??

    That s exactly that ... Belgium had this set up since the begining of ADSL in belgium. Internet through tv cable (UBC like) in france had this as well. It s not a bad idea if you think about it. The company who set those restriction have a limited bandwidth capacity but they arent lying about it. So in order to be fair with every customer they set the rule that high consummer have to pay the bill. (Generally if you go over your quota you start paying a fee / mb you download). Wonder why we dont have a similar system in thailand :|

    Ps: you should try to get an ADSL connection using free or orange, if you have a phone line check http://www.degrouptest.com . If you need help with the french feel free to pm me.

  15. Well most ISP in thailand doesnt have any real way for their customer to check what s happenning when stuff goes wrong ... I think about that today ... :

    bkk, at one ISP's technical suport in thailand 06 September 2006 at 21h30

    "Guys we didnt get much money with hotline this month ...."

    "... 30second pass ..."

    "Hey I know what we could do !"

    "What ?"

    "Unplug link to CAT ..."

    "Nah we did that one last week"

    "...30 seconds pass ..."

    "Hmm kill the dns ?"

    "Whoau good id som !""

    Do you have any other fun ideas ? :o

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