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Posts posted by DaamNaam

  1. post-87375-0-22954500-1305168839_thumb.jGreat school. My kids just finished summer school there and can't wait to get back. Now that says something in itself. It may be slightly pricier than other bi-lingual schools in the area, that's because of the high quality of the teachers there. They were all heavily screened and all had to undergo lots of training to qualify to teach there. In fact that training is an ongoing thing as well.

    We chose the school mainly for it's 100% committed approach to the environment, and it's not just gimmicks and talk, this school is the real deal.

    Schools that focus on installing Buddhist values ( spiritual values ) in their children are very few and far between.

    This school (believe it or not) is a school of the future and is "history in the making".

    For the first time here in Chiang Mai my wife and I feel we have made the right choice. And we can already see it in the kids.

    And unlike other schools, "no junk food sold there, nor are the kids allowed to bring it". Just another plus in my mind.

    No big fountains or big glossy brochures to lure the masses in here.

    Just the concept of caring for the earth and creating good humans. In time that will sell itself.

  2. Not good. Brilliant.

    If you are old enough to remember what an impact the original Star Wars made when it first came out then surely this must have the same kind of effect on film goers now. The plot is a standard western (as was Star Wars) but the art direction and CGI are stunning. A must to see in 3D - don't be fooled, Screen 3 at Airport Plaza is the only one showing it this way.

    James Cameron is about to make a huge return on what seems to have been the most expensive production to date and until you can do 3D at home the movie industry has stolen the advantage back from the pirates.

    Couldn't have said it better.

    Glasses were fine, no scratches, cinema temp was fine, perfect really.

    My 7 year old boy was speechless after the film, he was just blown away. I remember the same effect on me after seeing Star Wars in 1977. Very lasting impressions.

  3. Cleanest my hands and feet have been for ages. Took the kids on the Kings birthday holiday as it was free for the day, kids loved the novelty of it. Wouldn't pay the prices they were asking for the regular times though. A tad steep i would say. Give it 12 months they'll all be gone or on the way out, unless they drop their prices drastically.

  4. McD's coffee is pretty good for washing down their yummy breakfasts.

    As for the 'food fascists' grab a veggie burger at Mikes Burgers, not bad at all.

    I like the comment earlier in the thread about wingeing and complaining your way to a long life, or just getting on with it and enjoying it while you can...

    The later appeals to me. Life's to short to be fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon-McCartney).

  5. I moved my daughter to the Somtawin school on the other side of the bypass last semester and her attitude to school has improved alot. As mentioned in the Yamsard post, she also runs to get the bus, she also gets homework most nights.

    Cheers. :)

  6. Hi there.

    Probably been asked before on here (but here goes anyway). Anyone have any info on Somtawin school ? Any info would be appreciated.

    Cheers. :)

    I can only speak from my own experiences. When my boy reached that age, I went to check out the local schools. I found Somtawin to be very neglectful & careless. The teachers we saw in class seemed not to care what the kids were doing & there seemed little if any discipline. What's more, we were told that there was no homework. We also noted that although the foreign campus is quite new, it already looked old & neglected.

    We then went to check on Yamsaard & suffice to say that is where my boy now goes. Not only is there sufficient discipline & well qualified foreign teachers (English in the mornings, Thai in the afternoons), there is also plenty of homework & after school activities. Final note: My boy RUNS to get on board the school bus each morning! He loves it! (Also, whereas we were told that Somtawin would get a swimming pool "soon", Yamsaard has one & uses it a lot!)

    I am not a teacher or connected with either school, so this is just my own opinion.

    Oh, & the cost is not that different between the two.

    Hope this helps!

    Yes it all helps.

    Thank you very much.

    Will have a look at the schools themselves next week when we are there.

    Does Yamsaard have a website at all ?

    Cheers again.

  7. As a diver for a living i can tell you the only thing to do is cover-up. Prevention is better than cure (and all that jazz).

    Rash vests / leggings (rashies) are available everywhere (Lotus, Big C, etc..)and are a must for kids.

    Otherwise take a bottle of vinegar down the beach with you, apply ASAP to the burning area, usually does the job.

    Be safe..


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