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Posts posted by DaamNaam

  1. If it's anything like Dave and crew's other ventures then it's bound to be a success. Right effort, right attitude, great food, maintains standards. Never had a bad meal with them, nor has anyone else i know. They are top of the pops in Chiang Mai. Look forward to trying the new place.

  2. Has anyone had any physical, medical effects from all this pollution? ME, 10 days ago, after a month of a bad cough that wouldn't go away, woke up at about 3 am, with chest pains, as if someone was standing on my chest. Fearing a heart attack, I had to drive myself 15km to the McKormick hospital, to the ER. An EKG test showed my heart was in good health, & the doctor on duty diagnosed strained chest muscles from the cough. That drive into town seemed to last forever.

    Myself and two of my kids both had blood noses, and my wife and daughter still have bad coughs.

  3. Being a Melbournite myself like the owner of Yummy I have to say the food is just like home. Pizzas are great, ribs even better, missus and kids love them. And as a family venue it's great, kids can be kids and not upset too many adults, lol.

    Haven't been to a Wednesday music night yet but will do so soon.

  4. How is the air right now? Does the recent lack of posts on the subject suggest improvement?

    Missus Dude and myself plan to visit Chiangers next month but I'm loathe to book the flights until it becomes apparent that the burning season is over and the air's moving towards a healthier state.

    Slight improvement. Can see the mountains now at least. Kids seemed to have stopped coughing too. Still hazy though, the sky is a mix of grey and faint blue.

  5. Looking at the firemap: there has been a susbtantial reduction in the number of fires both inside and oustide of Thailand, I wonder why?

    Suspect it is approaching the end of the burning season. It started early this year and hopefully will end earlier then usual. Either that or they are running out of material to burn. biggrin.png

    They are probably all in hospital. Flew over CM the other day and the amount of fires burning was staggering. They just don't get it, nor will they anytime soon. Sadly.

  6. Fish and chips works too. wink.png

    That it does. Kellys bistro at Rim Ping Meechok does great ones. A good Turkish with the breads and all the dips would be great too, just can't see it happening. Needs to be where lamb is readily available.

  7. One a side note. I read that a guy had success, but he included a letter from his wife, written in English. Im not arguing the guys success. But why would a Thai write a letter to a Thai, in English? Other than TiT?

    Anyways. I been away from the forums for a long time, health reasons.

    As always, the sub-forums are invaluable.


    I was successful in Singapore last December. My wife's letter was in "Thai" not English.

    Been getting the same non-imm O there for the past 8 years without a problem.

  8. There's 'Bistro', at Nim Plaza near the Airport (where Rim Ping airport is), next to Wine Connection. Very, very good Fish & Chips.

    I'm hoping for more shops of that kind at Promenada too; independent shops like Wine Connection, Butter is Better, Bistro and Thom's Coffee, and some nice Thai restaurants.

    I hear you, but F&C is predominantly farang dish - can't recall seeing a Thai eat it anywhere, I just don't see the Thai's taking to it in droves, like the established Pizza Hut, KFC etc, and the custom required to pay the rents wouldn't be there. I think any venture must guarantee the Thai's will want it However, I've been known to be wrong.

    Long John Silvers in Singapore and Malaysia packs em in, they love it. My Thai missus loves fish n greaso's too.

    Something different from fried chicken and donuts.

  9. Over the past week or so I have ben sampling various items of this product. Tonight we had a curry night with some friends using this new product from Rimping. Excellent value for money, great aftertaste, creamy and full of meat in those products that claimed as such.

    Some of the best Curries that I have tasted here in Chiang Mai. Great packaging and product information on the product sleeve that lives up to the claim of the manufacturer.

    Far Better value, more content and taste than other products I have tried by many other people who have attempted to provide Curry products to the various retail outlets here in this city for consumption by Farangs..

    I am not associated with the producer of this product, but just felt that I should pass on my good experience with the products I have tasted so far.

    I will be back for more.

    Agreed, very nice curries indeed.

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