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Posts posted by huanga

  1. Who in hell would purposely spike flood-aid vehicles and why? For fun?

    For those people who 'd like to use this flood for personal gains, such as exorbitant charges for the boat trips, are the ones who are spiking the flood-aid vehicles. More people are trapped translate to $$.

    I have always thought or, at least from I always hear on TV, that Thailand is a "Land of Smiles" and Thai people are the perfect representation of this "land". What a bunch of crap. <snip>

  2. I know that its mean to say this......but the thais deserve whats hapenning to them as they voted in this stupid govt. Also the pure thais should start some firm actions after the floods as the thai chinese are the ones that are exploiting the whle situation by marking up rices, etc.

    get back to your racist hole where you crawled out from...

    pure Thai - define what this is??

    Thai Chinese - the only one that is jacking up the prices???

    How about the landlord that raises the rent price and the politicians that are hording the relief supplies and the boat taxis that are charging unusual amount for the short trip inside to the moo baan. The list goes on and they all got to be Thai-Chinese then.. I would rather you just say supply and demand, the human greed, the inhuman actions, etc, and drop your racist hat!

    because you are sounding to me like a PURE IGNORANT BUFFONE

  3. People who live around Suvarnabhumi, get ready to pack your things! This government has promised many things and look how they all turned out: Rojana, Navanakhorn, Bang Pa-in, Don Meuang... The list goes on! Now they are ready to gamble away one of their most important national asset... As for me, I have no whatsoever confidence in anything (or crap, in this case) they have to say. More they promise that something or some place is safe, more I would think it's the next place that will go down...

    Put some capable people to manage this crisis already.... People beg you....

  4. I am of the belief that these Udon convictions and the previous ones for arson will all be quashed under the 'amnesty'. The same amnesty that absolves Abhisit of his crimes and brings Thaksin home. Its just a show for the onlooking punters. Never believe what you see in Thailand, scratch the surface and see the muck underneath

    Abhisit will need to be charged first.

    For what?

    For not being red.

  5. This idea is preposterous. To be "studying" a spur of the moment plan just days ago proposed by Toyota to "cut" through five major roads is totally mind boggling. This is the best case of "thrashing about" that you could imagine. Kill off everything around, but let's make sure that Toyota gets back in business. The Japanese probably gave this Thai partner the "or else" and he's actually proposing it to the government. How much disaster bakup and recovery planning did Toyota do? Let's take a look at their plan for flood and disaster management. How much effort did Toyota invest in educating its employees on flood safety, diseases, electrocution risk? Let's get that plan approved and, protect Toyota's interest and see how many more Thais can get Cholera, Dengue, Leptostirosis, Typhoid..etc. Maybe Toyota will have a new line of ambulances, medical vehicles, evacuation vehicles, and trucks to save all the people they killed off in this preposterous last minute thrashing about proposal to save their business. Shame on them.

    Completely agree! Do this so we can save Toyota at the expense of other innocent Thai's homes and livelihood???? Do theses people have a say in to flood Toyota so their belongings can be saved?? Let wake up and find out the facts? Water naturally goes from high to low so what would be the most natural way for it to flow out causing the most minimal damages is the way that this administration is got to based its decisions on and not bow to some giant corp's pressure!

  6. What abilities did they think she had? She is a complete political novice, a clone, and a puppet. Seriously there is little any one politician could do in the face of this natural disaster, but the PM's handling of it has been awful. Maybe next time Thais should look for some sort of competence in the people they elect.

    Looking at the larger picture, it seems that Thaksin is running the cabinet with Yingluck only a puppet. Perhaps this shows the inability of Thaksin to do anything in an intelligent way - he's great at opening his big mouth and often coming up with nonsensical rubbish, but managing something like this? He's shown that he is absolutely not capable. And once again the poor people of Thailand suffer, losing their jobs and homes. One disaster after another ................

    YS, a political novice with questionable leadership qualities, was well known before the election, but the Thai majority still elected her based on her "image". So, the only things to be said now is "you dealt it and you live with it".

    Not only the poor Thai suffered, I believe everyone suffered to a certain degree. But hopefully next time around, the Thai people will get smarter to elect someone that can actually help and lead, not just look good.

  7. How come it took Chuwit to expose this?

    Why not the police, army or someone in the government?

    Why can Chuwit video them but no-one arrest them?

    Now I believe everyone knows who would be a more capable and qualified person to be the police chief of this country! Obviously, he already showed that he can do the detective work. We just got to get him the power to execute to put stop to these shady smuggling and gambling, etc.

  8. You can go to Big C or Tesco to buy "Blue Elephant' Thai food paste then your friend can whip up some Thai cooking without trying to get all the special Thai ingredients.

  9. While recognizing the political changes in the police force to favour PTP friendly characters, lets not also forget the context of how the previous government placed its own people in power positions throughout the civil service and at the top of the police and also not forget the cleansing of the military down to battalion level, which received scant criticism compared to this.

    Either all agree not to continue this practice or all agree to when in power have the right to plant whoever they want, which is standard practice and has been for ages

    Edited to add: are those that write such things really expecting to see PTP continue to keep in place all the overt political appointments of Dems and BJT who wont work for them, or just taking cheap shots that remain hypocritical considering the limited criticism over a far reaching campaign to cleanse every police, army and civil service post of even those possibly suspected of maybe possibly not disliking Thaksin?

    Understand your point. However, your proposed "an eye for an eye or keep the status-quo" will also not further this country. If PTP campaigned on progress, national reconciliation, democracy, etc, they would get more respect by filling out these positions in a "progressive" manner or be more "democratic". But yet, their moves so far are not furthering this country or the betterment of lives of people that they have pledged to help.

  10. "Campaigning on a platform of progress, Yingluck cannot allow her government to devolve back into the acts that created such disunity in Thailand before. The Pheu Thai Party, populated by many of the people present during the 2006 military ouster, should know better now and avoid any movements that paint them as the same individuals the military could no longer allow to govern five years ago. There is no need to rehash the practices of Thai Rak Thai and People's Power, especially in the completely transformed landscape of a strife torn Thailand."

    "Campaigning on a platform of progress" - is just one of their slogans. Besides just progress, democracy, welfare of the poor, reconciliation, etc. are some other platforms that they campaigned on. However, anyone can see through it that the only objective is to just get elected, and then they can do whatever they wish. I do not believe they care about devolving back into disunity as long as their final objective is met - Bring back the criminal mastermind. Everything that they are doing is working towards this goal - appointment of relatives and friends in key cabinet and ministerial positions, Reds in the government, re-shuffling of police and military etc. After all the chess moves are set and done. The final objective will be met.

    Does anyone really think they have the welfare of the poor, national reconciliation, democracy, etc in the center of their mind? It's only about control and then personal gains. To accomplish this, cronyism, nepotism must be put in place to silence the opposition. Anyone voted for them and hoping for changes had been just used as pawns in their overall machination.

    They just better hope devolution will not be turned into revolution. But then by that time, most of the plundering will be done. Their criminal mastermind already has a get-out-of-jail free card (Montenegro passport) but what do most of the poor Thai that they so passionately swore to help have??? blink.gifblink.gifblink.gifblink.gif

  11. Manipulation of the law starts at the grass roots as of course the income derived from assorted activities does as well, the ultimate plan is being put into place for the benefit of Brother No.1 and his family and their acolytes.

    What a wonderful recipe for a government. Nepotism, criminals empowered into office known corrupt individuals in positions of power, threats from violent political organizations regarding that which one can or cannot do, the plundering of state coffers to fulfil popular election promises and all at the behest of the Puppet master Brother No.1.

    Thai hypocrisy, uh, DEMOCRACY, at work here! Use whatever lies possible to get the majority votes, and, in this case, a farce of democracy as your mantra. Once you are in position, democracy is out of window. Next comes the positioning of relatives and friends (nepotism) in all key positions. Voila, plundering and pillaging will soon and sure ensue for the "elite few" (that was what they were against, no?HYPOCRISY?). Most of the people voted for them really thought they were for the well being of the masses. At the end of it, it will still be the same as before. The fillet mignon go to the "elite few" and the left-over bones (if there is any in filet mignon) are thrown to the majority.

    Let's just watch the drama unfold!annoyed.gifbah.gifblink.gifmad.gifunsure.gif

  12. PTP is just going through their list of hidden agendas. So all these events should not be a surprise to anyone who has seen this coming months ago, even though they (PTP) had strongly denied it.

    Let just get ready for the finale - The final item on the agenda is to bring back the criminal mastermind because all the roads have already been paved (when his cronies and relatives are in control of most of government positions). Then the plunder will begin!

    THAI DEMOCRACY - survival of the richest!

  13. Corrupt and criminal to all levels of this government, All that can be hoped is the Thai Public will see it and yes TAKE TO THE STREETS IN PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATIONS


    "Peaceful "um no, Not in their vocabulary

    Peaceful IS in their vocabulary. It means bring your "piece" like grenade, knife, guns and "full" bottle of molotov cocktail. That is how they roll!


    They have already showed us everything that is RED during their "piece-full" demonstration!

  14. Am I the only one getting tired of hearing about Thaksin ALL the time? bah.gif

    Thaksin here, Thaksin there, Thaksin this, Thaksin that..

    I swear, even a small article about a kitten stuck in a tree, can also soon be turned into something about Thaksin.

    It is almost as if the media WANTS to give him loads of attention.

    Just goes to show that the root of all the problems IS THAKSIN!

    Let Yingluck rule, as Thai "majority" has spoken. But is it possible for Thaksin to remain quiet on the sideline? I DON'T THINK SO!

    Thaksin had his chance to disappear from the Thai political scene, scar-free, but what did he choose to do instead? Meddle some more, buy some more, twist some more, instigate some more, and maybe even burn some more....

    Now why is that some of us are pointing fingers at him for every little things that happen, however meaningless or unrelated to him that they are? Because Thaksin is still stoking fire and craving attention and we are sick of his attention mongering, I assume.

    From the progression of things, I believe Yingluck will soon be his "clown" not his clone, or the "clown clone" that she is!

  15. Makes me think of the old saying " You can keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool or open it and prove it"

    Yingluck keeps her mouth closed, well Aphisit opens his often.

    Or could it be she really does not know anything to say??? Everything she did or said was completely orchestrated by her party members. When questioned - give evasive reply, delegate to another cabinet member, or just simply ignore it! This looks like the symptoms of some novice being thrust into a position of uncomfortability!

    NO-PRIOR-EXPERIENCE-OR-TRAINING-SO-SHE-DOES-NOT-WANT-TO-MAKE-A-FOOL-OUT-OF-HERSELF is more like the action that she is taking on NOW. MY ADVICE IS: HEY, IF YOU CANNOT STAND THE HEAT, DON'T GO IN THE KITCHEN. One day, you will still need to make a stand and act like a leader of a nation! Then again, this is Thailand, strange things and logic seem to prevail over common sense!

  16. Yingluck: Foreign Minister to be Chosen on Ability

    The prime minister to-be reiterates that the next foreign minister must have a thorough knowledge of international relations and strong diplomatic skills.

    She insists that the Pheu Thai party is attempting to strengthen international ties.

    Pheu Thai PM to-be, Yingluck Shinnawatra, said that the next Foreign Minister must have strong international knowledge, along with diplomatic skills, as Pheu Thai Party aims to increase international cooperation.

    She insists her party will appoint someone to the post based on ability. Consequently, it is not necessary that the next foreign minister comes from the Pheu Thai Party.

    Yingluck expressed confidence that Pheu Thai Party could implement every project it promised during the campaign, with the cooperation of the bureau.

    Meanwhile, she pledges to wisely administer all government expenditures.

    Regarding the annual budget, she insists that Pheu Thai Party will not abolish the previous government's projects.

    And additionally, they will implement projects that will stimulate the country' economy.

    However, she did say that some projects have to be adjusted in order to improve their effectiveness.


    -- Tan Network 2011-07-26


    Well, I certainly hope so. And I also hope other cabinet positions are also chosen by abilities and past accomplishments. But I guess that will be difficult, considering herself not having any past credentials as a public servant but got elected!

    I just wished that she could discuss topics with more insight and foresight and not just superficially.

  17. The only cabinet she is capable of picking might be the one fitted in the kitchen. Just not so long ago, it was said that she was "his" clone. I guess, this will be the next convenient excuse why she will pick everyone that "he approves". Please don't play us like fools!

    Taksin thinks, Puea Thai does - now it's Taksin says, Yingluck executes! bah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

  18. Defence Policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Domestic policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Economic policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Education policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Energy policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Environmental Policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Foreign policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Health policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Housing policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Information policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Macroeconomic policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Monetary policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Population policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Science policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Social policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Transport policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Urban policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Water policy: We're working on this but bringing back Thaksin is our main priority

    Do you really think bringing Thaksin back is their main priority ;)

    It's NOT their main priority, but I think it's their ONLY mission.

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