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Posts posted by huanga

  1. This is just a temporary blip. If PTP decide to dissolve the House and hold new elections, PTP will win again, but maybe with a much smaller majority.

    Which will have the same effect.

    If PTP really calls for a dissolution of the house and calls for new election...I believe there will not be one party majority this time. The swing vote will lie with the smaller parties in Bhumjaithai, Chart Pattana, etc. Let's see who (PTP or Democrates) is going to offer more cabinet seats to get the swing votes...

    Then again, I just do not see PTP dissolve the House and call for snap election. They are very aware of this scenario so sound the horn of retreat for now and live to fight another day. As for the Democrats, let see what and how they can squeeze PTP into the microwave and crank up the pressure...

    At the end of it, it's all a never-ending chess game. Winner - crooked politicians. Losers - general Thai population

    • Like 1
  2. Just check the turnover each day - retail investors, foreign investors, institutional investors, proprietary investors.You will see quite a few people do play Thai stock.

    pros - another legalized gambling den is open

    cons - you might lose money and the stock information is not that readily available in English (real-time), if you cannot read Thai. That would probably take the day-trading out if you need up to the minute news & information at your disposal. However, You can always play by graphs or base on the fundamentals of the company. many brokerage house will provide that information to you when you open an account with them.

    good luck!

  3. Do they really need to have meetings and pressconferences to press for safety and security measures for tourists??

    It is very simple, the law to protect anyone from harms way is there. It is just a matter of the police doing their job (I know I am dreaming) : Enforce the law!!coffee1.gif

    Enforce the law? I believe some, if not most, of the scams that police are in on it. So whom to turn to to enforce the law? This is the conundrum that is facing Thailand. A greedy bunch that are willing to ruin a "good" thing in Thailand.

    When it's all gone, then they might wake up and really smell the coffee, but will it be too late?

    • Like 1
  4. The reply have me conjuring up pictures of how dogs greet (sniff) each other's axx. It's zoo politics, in short. What Thailand needs is definitely a new generation of politicians who will put general people's interest at heart over his own.

    Ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for the country! - JF Kennedy

  5. PTP's strategy should be to let the Senate reject the bill from the get-go so the House get to deliberate it again in 180 days. And this time around, the House will not need the Senate's approval to pass it into law. Since they have a House majority, it will almost be a given. During these 180 days, obviously they will crank up their amnesty PR machine and hoping the general climate against this bill will change!

    On the Democrat's' front, they should be hitting iron when it's hot. They want to out-rightly revoke the bill because the general public's sentiment is on their side now. Can they do it and will the general public persevere to revoke the bill? We will all wait and see. PTP is now saying all the right thing up to the point of bill's revocation. Disperse the crowds, do some damage control and we will see again in 180 days!

    Twist here is whether this government be dissolved and new election be called? Interesting but turbulent time ahead. Buddha bless Thailand but please kill all the politicians so a true harmony can be restored!

  6. Do you and your peers ever realise how tired and childish these "jokes" come across as?

    Well, the word "childish" should be applied to YL. They have obviously elected a "child" to do a man's job!

    I sincerely wish that she could stop being the butt of all jokes if she can actually sit her butt down in the parliament and do whatever she was elected to do! Maybe she can shed that "joke" image that she has brought upon herself!

  7. Now we have heard his side of story. Can we also hear the PM's side of story about the current state of affair? What...She is not around? She is busy "shopping" in Lopburi and Singburi, even during this trying time of uniting her people together (thus this amnesty bill)?

    Only in Thailand! How can someone be elected into the prime minister position but be so negligent and ignorant about the responsibility and the sacrifice that she needs to make?

    • Like 2
  8. Let's see here....With this two trillion "scheme"....

    I believe most of us agree,that for Thailand to progress, the infrastructure plan definitely needs to be in the pipeline sooner or later. With this in mind, we Thai citizens or non-Thais living in Thailand, can witness the Puea Thai's " 2 trillion robbery" that is current being debated... or, we can choose another not-so-appetizing option, which is to delay the plan now, vote the "Democratic Party" in and watch them commit the same "2 triilion robbery" under a different cloak.

    In short, it's just plainly sad for Thai citizens because of their corrupt politicians. The only option here for Thais citizens is to choose which party that they allow to commit the "2 trillion" robbery. The corruption will be there and rife, no matter who is at the helm of this country. It's just an element that is "ingrained" in their politics. We might as well sit back and just enjoy whatever convenience that we can benefit from the new infrastructure plan.

    If they are really worrying about the next 50 years of their fiscal future (their kids' and the grand kids' future), then they really need to make "anti-corruption" the most urgent national agenda NOW! But which political party is willing to take on this? It's all about lining their own pocket, Puea Thai or not, NOW!

    • Like 1
  9. The ultimate goal shouldn't be to "bring down the Thaksin regime." The ultimate goal should be to deliver benefits and service to the Thai people in a more fair and practical way.

    So the ultimate goals for both sides have been set...

    After PT was elected, K. Chalerm came out and said the party's ultimate goal is to bring Thaksin back, scot-free. Now the Democrates come out and say their ultimate goal is to bring down Thaksin regime...

    Reconciliation and amnesty??? Anyone?

  10. Good going, guys. Just when you are trying to push through reconciliation bill and the littlest, the most trivial thing can spark an outrage on both sides....simply put, grow up!

    I don't see reconciliation on the horizon but I do see the repeat of suppression of freedom of speech since the Thaksin regime. I guess it's the Shinawatra's brand of politics - silence the critics by all means necessary!

    • Like 2
  11. Krabi incident(s)...

    Phuket Taxi scam....

    Jet Ski Scam...

    Chiangmai Hotel chem. spray....

    not to mention the daily beat down and crime in Pattaya...

    Lots of cleaning up before the "luxury" tourists show... and I thought not so long ago, they were campaigning and targeting Indian, Chinese, Middle Eastern and... Not to be racial, but "luxury" did not spring to my mind when these groups are mentioned...

    • Like 1
  12. It's a topic that has been re-hashed by many on this forum.

    To make it short, unless you are recruited in your home country to be sent here on an ex-pat package, I would work in your home country that would command a better career track and higher salary than here. We all know the fringe benefits that Thailand can offer but not when you are starting out at the age of 27.... then, that's just my opinion.

    Get specialized so the multinational company in Thailand would like to use your service is probably the easier way to enjoy your life in Thailand. With the soaring prices these days, 30-50,000 per month salary will not really let you enjoy Thailand. Then again, this is another often-rehashed topic too.

  13. The political reform for reconciliation is already sounding like a divisive hot potato that no one wants to touch.

    Thailand really needs an independent third party to broker the reconciliation because it will not work with PT or Democrats heading this process. Too much mistrust already.

    In the meantime, let the show begin...yuck!

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