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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Looking good Bangkok seems to still be the problem area.
  2. That is the question ???? to cut a lifetime events short. My take is marriage it's a generation thing as I see it and something people do. All around me was people getting married and it was something that you did and I would do. My parents told me not to marry at the time they were right. I don't regret the time having the 2 children though I enjoy being a father but sadly ended up being a part time father which made a unhappy situation for me. Another short relationship good at first ended in divorce again and never got to see my son. What seemed a long time and a long time being together turned out good and marriage lasted 18 years, left with 2 kids to look after for 8 years I didn't mind her leaving wanting to do her own thing. Met my Thai wife who eventually came back to England and what a great help that was with taking care of house and kids. 3 years later retired early to Thailand and we have been married for 19 years, took care of my step son and adopted a daughter and my only Mia noy is my Blade motorbike. ????
  3. Not retired in Thailand it's not, in UK it would be tough.
  4. Many politician do and say things which the media turn into telling lie's.
  5. That's a car. Go Google Search and get a notification from zigwheels when it's available.
  6. What difference will it make to me living in Thailand who is PM or what political party or parties get to be in power. The parties punn unintended. I like Twitter. ????
  7. That's why neally all Thais are still wearing masks, I still wear a mask in shops and move my seat in a restaurant if people come and sit near me.
  8. Hope her brother finds you and it will be double 40,000 cheaper than a hospital bill.
  9. He is a perthetic troll nothing more than trying to make out he has the best life, a bit sad person really I feel sorry for him.
  10. Why do people think like that it's nothing to do with desperation you have to ring them up and find out whats going that's all.
  11. Well it may well be the case DWP cannot stop you getting your pension when they catch someone whose committing fraud but they are allowed to withhold the pension payment there lays the difference it will be much the same thing they do if they do not receive a life form back as has happened to me twice.
  12. That's not the way it's done and no one knows until it happens £1000 fine from what I remember and they seem to busy to do anything about it anyhow. I would say it will only become difficult to dodge in the future when there is more computer link up, to say for want of other words or they check people putting people who don't live there on the electraul list thingy.
  13. He got lost in space I think.
  14. How do you propose he gets to go unfrozen in Thailand.
  15. Doesn't sound like you have heard of a meaningful relationship.
  16. Actually I was interested in Thai history that's how I ended up living in Old city there are older temples and buildings too from when the Cambodians occupied the area. ????
  17. How smug a majority of how many. Friends and a lot of people they know are still having work. Also you don't sound like you know much on how people can live very well in Thailand on much less than 30,000.
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