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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Covid is still about especially in Bkk and the only people that cop it and get covid in our village is stupid people coming from Bkk and not wearing a mask.
  2. My 1st class annual insurance cost with Roojai with 10,000 baht excess payment if my fault is 864 per month including CTPL paid over 10 months.
  3. Best go ask DLT in the area the car is registered and ask them wants needed otherwise it's just a guessing game IMHO. I know you will need a photocopy of the guys passport page where the immi exit stamp of Thailand is.
  4. Yeah understandable a fair call. ????
  5. It was funny the only time I took my Isuzu in for first service was because I was told it was free. ???? When they gave me a pre-pay bill to sign of what there was to pay they were charging not only for engine oil but wanted to charge for changing gearbox oil, backaxle oil, brake & clutch fluid. I of course refused and they telephoned my wife telling her it would affect warranty then gave the phone to me, I told my wife to tell em to bring the truck back around which they did eventually after some manager guy was trying to tell the truck will be danger. ???? 5 years on still taking it to Cockpit the engineer franchise owner is a knowledgable guy and I am lucky he knows what I do and prefers to look after the truck as I want. ????
  6. Yeah it's a Toyota dealers thing, Isuzu and others are the same I guess.
  7. And 5000k service intervals. ????????
  8. As I have got older I take into account my limitations. I watch what I eat and drink. Eat at home mostly. Have a exercise session on my multigym. Ride my motorbike. Go to govt hospital every 4months for check up.
  9. The digital CDI adjusts to fuel used the backfire is nothing to do with whether it's 91 or 95.
  10. No need to impress as you say no bike to look at or hear hence take it to a kwaka dealer, not a big expense to get it checked out.
  11. Its Kawasaki 650 twin they don't pop and bang apart from being a big engine. My advice is OP should get the digital CDI unit analysis carried by a Kawasaki dealership.
  12. That's not his problem he can use either it sounds like he has a fuel Ecu problem so a computer plug in hook up will be the best course of action.
  13. Well if it's popping that's usually a running lean sign which it not good in the long run. He should get a computer fuel anaylsis hook up at a kwasaki dealer 200 baht and not much more if the fuel sensor has to be replaced.
  14. Get your fuel sensor check buddy nothing big problem.
  15. Your right the engine is designed to run on either.
  16. Borrow another 400 billion from the Musk Tesla guy. ????
  17. That's why you should make sure you don't get caught or come to an arrangement as do Thai couples if you can.
  18. Not the best indicator baht nearly got to 45 to £ but my pension is due so it's now 43 ???? not the end the world I do my budgeting on 40 and forget about it.
  19. Who ever gets to be PM they should start now the country is in an awful mess.
  20. If the US keeps interfering in other countries affairs with UK keep licking it's backside IMHO it's going a money weapon war we seen that already with grain, coal, oil and gas. Iran, Russia, Turkey and China are already making plans of dumping the US dollar, it wouldn't take much for India and Pakistan to join in on that at sometime in the future.
  21. Well a Brontasaurus was walking once upon a time on our land and so it will be with humans one day the way countries treat one another.
  22. Well the French hate UK and always has done and former immigrants in UK govt are doing something about it. ???? My thoughts were from the start of rubber boats why is it not made into law and advertised if you arrive on shore of UK in a rubber boats or picked up by Coast Guard it is illegal for persons to do and you will not be processed, you will be sent back to a country where you can apply formally at UK embassies to enter UK.
  23. I???????? you will go on my aseannow weird list. ????
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