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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Yes, it's 5/15 and have small fridge and a night light 24/7 but usage per month is very little. Only pay when i stick the air-con on for a certain amount of days.
  2. Depression is not a good way to live get some help.
  3. Regarding 4. They will accept anyone in Thailand with ID card who can sign there address in English and give a telephone number.
  4. Possible on much less than that. I guess OP problem is the 1 year extension requirements.
  5. That's reminds of a saying. There are only 2 days in a lifetime that you can do nothing about. Yesterday and tomorrow. ????
  6. Your get what you are entitled to at time of applying. I was here 7 years in Thailand before getting my UK pension.
  7. Lots of bikes you can ride in Thailand electric and engine ones to ride if you want pay fines without DL. The problem is if you cause a serious accident.
  8. Yes really my wife still after 22 years didn't have the the same experience, my wife could of stayed after 2 years but she didn't want to she is typically Thai and wanting to be back with her family. Frankly that is what i wanted my wife to experience in the UK and Thai people she met she found weird brainwashed into the type of living style and the money thing in UK because it was even more easy as borrowing economy. In my wife's words it was so nice to of been there and see London. Downside was it was cold, unfriendly in general and she would never leave Thailand to be in such a place.
  9. There are 50cc 2 stoke scooter bikes in Thailand, maybe Polini 49cc engines don't know haven't had a chance to look at one.
  10. Oh come on that's a bit unfair knowing mates having accidents and one accident which I had years ago there was no problem for me as a falangie. ???? 500 to 1000 baht in most situations sorts things out TiT. ????????????
  11. Thanks for update. Things have changed for Thai wives then, years ago my wife was given the right roundabouts and swings getting to join me in UK. Backwards and forwards to UK embassy 4 times to get 2 year visa, and from Sukhothai to Bangkok was an arduous journey back then.
  12. I only asked because back in 2001 it was a h ell of a job getting my Thai wife into UK. It wasn't easy for my friend who now lives with his Thai wife in UK as recently as 5 years ago.
  13. Out of curiosity why did you have to take a test. I had motorbike on my photocard UK DL and back in 2002 got both Thai DL's with tests only consisting of a reaction braking time and naming traffic light colours. It was then l learnt that Amber is yellow in Thailand. ????????????
  14. I would say any of the Isuzu's range are serviceable for 50 years or more in Thailand. Have it checked over before buying if you cannot do it yourself.
  15. Can OP get his wife into UK to be able to work straight away, if it is her first time to UK i don't think she is able to work for 2 years. Maybe things have changed but my friend took his wife back about 5 years back and his Thai wife was not allowed to work.
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