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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. I use the the cheapest internet one from them ???? you can top it up for a short time if you want a quick service. 160.00 per month.
  2. There OK for stopping wherever you decide to stop over you can look and decide the next place by simply looking up places on Google Search. What do you want or expect to do at the the places you want to visit.?
  3. Use what the manufacturers manual says not the planks in dealerships. My truck can use B20, B10, & B7 whatever fuel garage the difference in kilometres travelling was minimal it only difference shown would be in the way I drove at the time or temperature of the time of year. Anything else in all in your head IMHO.
  4. Keyvisa.
  5. Oh come on not expensive for mobile ATM's. ????
  6. We did arrange a trip and 4 us were to go on our supersport bikes and race each other like we did in UK. Arrangements went pear shaped for the others but I could of gone on my own and wish I had.
  7. Well I did not know of her but a sad way to die so young. RIP xXx.
  8. Yeah it looked familiar and was going to go to nurburg ring but mates pulled out. I wish had gone on my own now.
  9. Excuse my ignorance what's Sabine and where is that track looks good, can the public pay to go on it. ?
  10. Thanks for that I had taken on private pension monthly payment with Barclay's who later dumped it on some other pension provider down the years. That's why I use to ask our companies accountant what was best to do because I didn't have a clue I just thought at the time it would be good to have a top up on top of a govt pension. He gave me the correct advice I guess. ????
  11. Never heard of them looks good. ???? What usually do is look Lazada then go all different places Global, homemart, Big C to just compare. Lazada is always cheaper by not a few baht for example microwave, toaster, electric kettle etc by hundreds or thousands.
  12. Thanks. Frankly can't coment other than what happened to me but use to moan about the amount of N.I. that I was paying.. I remember I did claim something that Maggie did. Remember being told best to be out of something that was the serps thing. Later on when I stop work to retired early I was told to go back in it. I think at one time you needed 44 years to get a full govt uk pension. When I inquired about my pension I had 42 years and DWP said I only needed 30 years. When asked can I have a rebate of 12 years got no answer. ???? When pension was due they said you have 35 years so you will get a full pension. So then I asked about the now 7 years overpaid N.I. and got no answer. ???? When I got the letter stating my weekly full pension amount there were 2 other seperate sums which was added to the full pension which I didn't understand other than maybe the Maggie thing. With my 2 private pensions I was also surprised by the offer of 2 big tax free lump sums and then given 2 monthly amounts paid on the 1st of every month.
  13. Yeah thanks for someone to post a pensioner would be worse than a pensioner in 2016 is kinda silly it would be the other way around that why I guess govt changed it. I was surprised by the amount of my 2 top ups at the time because I had planned on a basic pension amount when I eventually got the UK pension while being in Thailand. Still didn't understand what it was all about and I didn't question it because I actually thought they had made a mistake. ????????????????
  14. When we had the village monk marriage done we then had to make it legal so we made it a holiday by going Bkk and do the embassy bit then off to Koh Samui, called back in Bkk govt building and get married and get the marriage certificate. All I remember of costs was giving the woman who married us 200 baht so she would sign as a witness to the marriage as well. ????
  15. Nonsense the only difference between a person getting a pension in 2012 living in Thailand it that is a less amount than someone who gets the pension in 2016.
  16. I would say a agent is easier because they do all the arrangements I would of thought that was obvious.
  17. You can limit and reduce sound in these cheaply built condo buildings by installing a suspended ceiling which can be bought in many stores. How thick you can insulate the gap between the original ceiling and the finished ceiling obviously depends on height of the existing ceiling.
  18. As said the Thai lady you ask to marry can make it happen either way. i.e. My wife organized everything. A friend of mine his wife got it done through an agent. Just stand there with the wallet and control the spending requests. ????????
  19. Talking to Thais one of the first things they ask is where you from, how old are you. ????
  20. Up to you as said here. ???????? All the gender stuff really only got into view when coming to Thailand none of it was in my face in UK as much. As a typical maverick type of person now at 75 health wise I have to know my limitations and be careful not to do things I could when I was 55. Nearly all of my friends are younger than me.
  21. I don't get increases on nowt ???? retired in Thailand 7 years before pensions age I knew my pensions would be frozen and planned on estimated amounts at the time of receiving them. Ended up more than I estimated and enough to be comfortable on. My wife was eligible for a UK pension which got taken away with all other benefits eventually so addressed that to give her an income when I drop.
  22. What nonsense I still just monitoring the war situation I'm not pro Putin. What happens here if you have opinion on the wider picture of the war in Ukraine you are vilified by the hi-jackers of Chris.B thread.

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