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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. OK you'll be fine but where do you want live, what you want to do, what you like doing.
  2. Well if your out on the road everyday and you want to grass by all means do so it'll be a full time job in a big city. ????????????
  3. Could be either or both I just get the lastest from the Mrs and on every exit / entrance to the village even tiny Soi's there are guard posts checking people in and out.
  4. Maybe your not English I am not the only UK oversea English pensioner there are thousands on frozen pensions surely they would take in to account it would be cheaper for a UK pensioner on a frozen pension to stay where we are. If they do anything maybe they should freeze UK pensions in USA and Europe as well if they want to save money.
  5. Strange reply wouldn't bother me either being English.
  6. Well it's cheaper for UK to keep me here than rather than they would want me coming home I would be just added to there problems by having to go home.
  7. I reckon there will not be any war just some messing around like they have in and around that area for 8 years or so. Probably similarities to the Thai and Cambodian temple thingy.
  8. Do you want to borrow a fiver, go on please.
  9. As long as my pension money keeps coming nothing really matters much to me these days. I'm happy that's the main thing my family are OK so no worries for me really. As always in life you just get on with it that's what I did whatever was thrown my way.
  10. As always the money lender thing applies to anywhere you live. We lend money to the family but only a select few. Remember my mate in UK saying I lend some people a fiver to get rid of em because I don't have to see them anymore. ????????
  11. Everything as usual is always down to money and profits. Many consumerable items last a lot longer than they use to these days so one reason for customer service robots. On-line banking is something I've use for years why bother with a branch. I use to have to go to a bank branch to sent or receive money I don't have to do that anymore. Pay money in by machine take money out by machine, transactions on-line. People are obsolete. ????????
  12. Yeah Omicron still marching about, worse ever infections in our village since the beginning of the pandemic.
  13. Lots visitors in our village Muang Kao Sukhothai of late so lots of Omicron outbreaks.
  14. It's just a waiting game as I see it, from what I hear news wise is price rises on many things, oil for one I guess. I don't think anyone can predict what will happen until it happens.
  15. Yeah I would offer that and she could always find some work if she wanted locally. Still though up to her. ????
  16. I planned my retirement on 35 baht to £ back in 2000 to come Thailand anyone expecting exchange rate to stay at a certain level has gotta be nuts. To rely on a UK pension only to retire here is irresponsible to say the least. To have and keep saving intact is what I did for yearly visa stay and never have touch it. I knew my UK pension would be frozen I had no address in UK except my daughter. I was dealing and settling tax affairs with HMRC when I came to Thailand and they had my Thai address. I had no intention of committing any kind of fraud which may affect me from being able to stay in Thailand. I realize many come here on a shoestring which is not something I was going to do.
  17. As I have stated maybe many don't lend money I'm one who does but only to family and my Mrs sorts it and keeps the 10% interest. ????????
  18. I found a good one in Global house it has a metal crome trigger. Out of the 2 that I have now the first one is 2 year old no problem.
  19. What rising costs I can afford to live here, I couldn't have the same standards of living I enjoy in my retirement even with UK pension rises in UK.
  20. Not really it depends on the circumstances.
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