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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. I sent money to my UK bank using my Bkk bk account but I not not about limits.
  2. When the technology from F1 reverts to tech being introduced on road car engines yes reliable. Same as MotoGP tech going the way of road motorbike. My 1•9 diesel in my truck is not lagging that much behind the power of the 3•0 Vigo I had because of new technology.
  3. Yeah your right that's why fastest race cars in the would use a 1•6 engine that extra 100 cc makes all the difference. ????
  4. How is the beach can still get a chalet on the beach. Thanks
  5. Spot on ???? reminds me about our local DLT years ago when I ask my wife did her eldest sister take a drive test, she said no she just paid 500 baht. ????
  6. Well to get a Thai DL it's just a requirement of the 90 day rule of staying Thailand and drive. No matter what visa you have it would apply. You can't get a Thai DL in our province with a tourist visa but it wouldn't surprise me if some provinces would issue one after all this is Thailand. ????
  7. Yeah my point was if your USA DL has a photo of you and shows everything you can drive in English then what's the point of a IDP showing everything that's written on the DL. No doubt some countries would require a IDP for the language of the country but Thailand excepts English if all the information is on the DL. e.g. A UK photocard DL. I have know idea what a USA DL looks like. I know an OZ DL has to be accompanied with a IDP in our province.
  8. I got my money from wise sent Friday and it was in my Bkk bk same day. Just had an email from WISE saying did we do and how can we improve things for you. So sent reply saying, Get my Bkk bk to mark the funds as coming from abroad.
  9. You no need say anything buddy I understand people here who find the Thai roads dangerous it's a fair call, worse in some places in Thailand than others. Being and advanced motorcycle rider and teaching people in UK, some people can pick up motorbike skills and some can ride but will always be deleted. ????
  10. Cheers, where I live is a good place for a bike. We have ridden pretty everywhere in Thailand and I have never found it anymore of a problem than riding in UK in fact fine it better. On our ride outs we avoid morning and evening rush hours and try and route away from any big Cities, I would never want or need to ride into places like Bangkok.
  11. Yeah I was only stating what I had read years ago to be the way Thailand govt does things. It always amused me that people with a UK DL got a IDP which stating in English what was already in English on the photo card DL, an IDP would make sense if it had the details written in Thai.
  12. I have never needed a IDP but understand why people from many countries are required to have one accompanied with a valid full driving licence from there country. The thing is they do not have a translation in Thai only in English and other languages. In Thailand the cut off point of many things is 90 days whether it is valid for 1 year that may be valid in many other countries that requires IDP. If you have a photocard DL from your country with all categories of what you can legally drive and it's all in English you don't need a IDP, that said you could get into an argument with a Thai policeman who does understand the rules.
  13. Well whatever the moral the story is do not get into a physical argument with an armed policeman on duty or off-duty.
  14. Yeah I guess if there's a category letter by the m/c pix that could be why they gave it. At our DLT I never had a problem although the category shown on my UK DL is for a full m/c DL.
  15. Thanks for pointing that out a lot of police these days are actually getting to know Thai law. ???? There's usually one policeman I've noticed at check points that speaks and reads some English. The IDP has English not Thai for Thai authorities to read and know what you are legally licenced to drive. The UK photocard DL has the same information the consensus to carry a IDP with it as a tourists driving is basically to satisfy some Thai policemen that are ignorant of the requirements.
  16. I no doubt you after all this is Thailand a very forgiving place towards tourists. If you live here permanently as I began to I wanted to be legal and make sure I did what expected of me in case of any accidents or incidents.. As you say things have changed quite a bit over the years and l've only been asked to see my Thai DL at check points when asked but mostly always waved through. I let my UK DL run out, and yes the UK allows you to drive legally in the UK up to one year if you have a 5 year Thai DL.
  17. Fair question if you are not familiar with how Thai DL's work. There are 2 DL 's only. One DL for a motorbike which legalizes you to ride any motorbike or scooter large or small. One DL for cars/pick-up trucks.
  18. Yeah for sure it very much depends on experience of the province you are or any other place and as time goes on the way of how things are done.. Only ever had my UK photocard DL when I first came to Thailand which shows in English what you are licensed to drive. Myself have only got stopped twice no problem, when I came to stay got my two 1 year Thai DL's straight away no tests, only did 2 in office tests when renewing to 5 year DL's My young son uses his UK DL when he comes here just shows that at check points.
  19. From what understand a trike with a m/c engine needs a m/c DL. As for electric vehicles unless they can be registered and have a licence plate no need for a DL. Any vehicle with a number plate and tax disc you can drive without a DL but it is a separate offence.
  20. Yes I would because not everyone has the same opinion as you. I have found and said many a time over the years riding motorbike here is safer than riding in UK.
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