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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Once the chrome fuel cover flap is fitted it will transform performance.
  2. From experience it doesn't 4x4 used all time is good to have Thailand.
  3. I no doubt there are some good Toyota frachizie dealerships in Thailand I never found one. Even Isuzu dealership I found expensive and wanting change things that didn't need changing on the 2nd service so I never bother and go where I always have done.
  4. Exchange rate are exchange rates with financial market traders taking profits for example the UK £ will always go up and down because of trading.
  5. Your spot on my Isuzu truck has a dashboard read out like you Hiso Tuna owners.???? I had it read 26 to the litre on one of the several read outs you get. A real average math check out on the 1.9 diesel is, the worse is nearly 13 kilo per the best with a load not going much over 90 is 16 + a bit, and empty doing same 18 + a bit.
  6. What there doing is normal. Wait until they tell your air-con needs cleaning and needs new filters. Your brake fluid needs changing. Your Transmission fluid needs changing. What about asking them check your wheel alignment. !! Just for starters take to Cockpit if the local one has a good reputation.
  7. I was bought by a cockney father so saying that lemon squeezer is a Richard the Third. ???? It would be shorten to that lemon is a Richard.
  8. My reaction would be no way as I paid to have the house built. Never mind other peoples reaction what is your wife's reaction. ????
  9. It's a certificate form similar to your voluntarily insurance certificate form.
  10. When they sent our renewal sheldule the price was included for following year.
  11. The tax disc you refer as a blue square could be within date but your insurance might be out of date.
  12. Just for information of people who don't know alot about bike capabilities it is not difficult to do a wheelie for anyone who is capable of riding a big bike if you have a new R1. The thing I don't know is if that R1 model is sold in Thailand. The GSXR1000 in the picture is a beaut bike but it takes practice to do what he is doing and what others do.
  13. I agree there's many a piercing remark made on ANF.
  14. I still like high speed and acceleration of bikes I tried to get on with smaller bikes but still missed what makes me feel good, I was wanting and disappointed with there performance. I have some fun with groups of kids sometimes when you get caught up with them at traffic lights. They see my bike and all start revving away. They take off so I catch them and match there speed as they get to eventually as fast as they can go, then I wave and leave them. Even more funny are Harley groups but Night-rod can have a good go with you.
  15. That's not the case with Roojai insurance company they ask you or offer it to you. You have pay for CTPL but I pay both monthly over 10 months of the year for cover.
  16. There's many threads on that question. Don't if the search thing works or not on ANF. At the moment as for m/c DL is business as usual.
  17. My 1st class insurance company does the govt compulsory third party liabilities insurance CTPL cover for me as well, they send the cover document with the 1st class cover document. Then I go to DLT drive through and get the tax disc which I put inside front of my windscreen.
  18. Sounds a bit sadomasochistic not in the whole of meaning, get on ya bike and go for ride it's a great thing for me to do. Feel a whole lot better when I get back home.
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