Yes I dumped Barclay's a long time ago they were my first bank as a kid to.
Nationwide are OK if you use a uk family address as yours too.
I think my FD online bank has been OK so far.
My problem is the 2 private pension providers won't pay into my Thai bank only a UK based bank.
No guessing to where the providers originated from "Barclay's ".
I think Wise has a UK address now so any trouble go there i guess.
You'd have to ask Wise that I don't see why not.
Still like to know what OP friend uk bank even though they have shut his account they have to send his money somewhere.
My wife makes many different types of Bondcafe' bean coffee's in Historical park Suk from hot coffee's to ice coffee's, I never realized how many different coffee's there were.
Hot Cupacino is my favorite.
Yes, and i would say if OP friend had no money in bank and did not use it they would close it.
If he has some money in the bank still the UK bank will let him transfer to some other place.
Haven't seen a cheque book in 20 years.
I haven't got a UK address and i think many posters here haven't but like me still have a UK bank how did the OP mate lose it is what i would like to know.
They reckon to be classified as classic it's 30years old.
What bikers here have bikes that are 30 years old or more.
I have 2 a Wave and this year my Fireblade.
Aircraft other than expendable drones seem to be pretty useless in the conventional ground war of today.
Tanks have not been seen to to be much cop either.
Long range artillery systems protected by missile systems and drones maybe some balloons seem the the best way to go. ????