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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Yeah a bike with a story bought in CM 67,000bht it was the days of you could just have invoice papers only but could still get insurance. The guy I bought it from got me a number plate and green book but the photocopied page was altered to read 400 c.c. as the book and number belonged to a Wave 125. Sold it for 85,000 that don't happen these days.
  2. CB400SF was my first bike in Thailand.
  3. Oh is that why you see them everywhere. ???? An ideal bike for Thailand IMO.
  4. I don't fine a faired bike any hotter than naked. Always have fitted a screen on a naked bike though so you can do high speed at times.
  5. Well not always that simple with many years within marriages but fair call.
  6. Your moral guidance on being faithful because your married. Love and sex can be very different for men and you can be careful.
  7. I suppose blame could be pointed at enployers, the builders bash hats are not expensive.
  8. Well yes broken into for stability.
  9. Just a negative way of putting it, anyone with any sense knew it wouldn't be easy leaving the Euro mafia and time would be needed to recover being independent.
  10. I think the what is called the British public is very different today, they are so contrary and impatient IMO.
  11. If you can't make a claim, just get it fixed and forget it.
  12. That's what I was implying. Rishi should call election now sort the party out while in opposition and get ready to get back in power in the 4 years or less.
  13. They can still claim refugee status though I believe, which started the boat problem.
  14. https://images.app.goo.gl/SSu657tGGZ6Aj9c49 A Fun 400.
  15. Agree the system is diabolical. They should employ immigrants to process applications. ????
  16. 5 years of lost economic growth will be the case because Labour will get into power next year.
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