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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. I don't bicker i helped out all biker guys rich or poor, on the road track wherever joking was fun too.
  2. So why not do what bikers do help each other out also poor people that own Harley's. As for Ducati, hated working on them.
  3. Yes that's how It find riding a bike here for 17 years.
  4. You don't seem to know bikers much and the bikes they are set on, a Harley owner can do whatever they want it to do, knock around, go tour or just ride it around the place like someone with a Wave if they like.
  5. The Night rod is my favorite Harley having ridden most, I would have one in my collection if i had the money. See many Harley's coming to Historic park where i live for a ride out. Great bunch of lads. Carrabull the singer wrong spell but near to speak name was here before Covid for the cock fighting. There was about 15 Harley's all outrageously different a great sight to see. One of them said do you like Harley's, i said of course who wouldn't. ????????????????????
  6. Nothing wrong with the roads here only some road surfacing, no worse than any other country i ridden in certainly safer than UK.
  7. Don't see why your on a wind up, there many Harley's of all shapes and sizes in Thailand, very old and still loved and kept going by their owners. You opinion of them is of no interest.
  8. What i don't understand is why people here seem to think there is only 1 Harley. Which Harley do they not like would make more sense.
  9. There ya go, that's the way, be optimistic. ????
  10. Well there's a job for them straight away, sent in the bricks and mortar, don't forget insulation.
  11. Correct and many are unable to see or wait for what future holds.
  12. There shouldn't be lack of affordable accommodation in UK it's always the dam money thing. I was fortunate back in my time in UK but it still wasn't easy, for younger people now it just seems impossible unless rich Ma and Pa.
  13. All councils should have money to build council houses that are not for sale. Renters should only pay rent in relation to what they earn. Property should be available at reasonable prices.
  14. Yes i guess the whole property thing is another question, it was always a struggle to buy in UK for many.
  15. Many people predict stuff doesn't necessarily make them a liar.
  16. Too many foriengners renting out property. ????
  17. The doom and gloom mob on this thread are obsessed with brexit and don't think anything else made Uk to struggle, so no point asking them to proof you wrong. They will twist and dig up only one side to feed their obsession.
  18. If only timed for nighttime i would of thought that would be OK or try and find a fix for the problem, may @crossy could help better than myself.
  19. My daughter's cut down on home electric use because she spends most of her time waiting and sleeping in an NHS ambulance waiting to get a patient into hospital.
  20. Anyone with half of brain as you put it knew things were not going to be easy, freedom never is easy as an open minded person would also know. I would say to any UK EU supporter also the contrary sort a few other thinhs got in the way of the final finishing of getting Brexit done, give it time.
  21. Well I don't know I don't have a manic depressive disorder. ????
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