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Posts posted by Hanuman2547

  1. Thai International is great, but the problem is they are usually more expensive to fly then their competitors are which means I end up flying with someone else.  They also don't fly to the cities that I need to go to in the USA so I again end up going with other airlines.  Even when I do fly to a US city served by Thai their competitors are cheaper and the service is as good or better.

    • Like 2
  2. There sure are a lot of haters on this thread. 


    Perhaps they are just jealous of her success.  She appears to have done very well for herself.  She did attend university in England where she studied Laws so I would assume she has at least enough brains to get accepted into that university.


    As for her film/TV career well she hasn't made it in Hollywood but seems to do ok in the Thai film/TV industry.  She does have a number of endorsements for a number of product lines.  She has also been named Southeast Asia's Goodwill Ambassador in 2017 due to her past work with UNHCR.


    Never heard of her until today but I do hope that she does well.

    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    I am confused about the profession of the parents, and its relevance to this story.

    Why was his face pixilated out and no pointing by the officers.



    Well, his parents work at a "famous" hospital in Thailand therefore they won't name him and keep his face pixelated so as not to bring the name of the hospital or parents into disrepute.   

  4. I would be very wary of buying anything now.  If you're looking to retire anywhere in Thailand you are at the mercy of the Thai government at what they might require to obtain a one year retirement visa.  For a long time it was just 800K baht in a Thai bank.  What if it were to change to:


    1)  1 million THB in a Thai bank and your daily balance cannot drop below 800K THB at anytime.


    2)  Mandatory Health insurance which covers hospital stays as well as outpatient.  


    All things to think about when purchasing property in a country that could very possibly make it difficult for you stay in the country.  What if you are 75+ and can't get health insurance?

  5. 49 is not that unusual at all.  Both of my kids schools that they attended in Bangkok varied between 42-52 most of the time.  They were also schools that were considered very good by Thai standards.  They each did well and went on to high school in the USA and then graduated from US universities.

    • Like 1
  6. Originally I was thinking of being in Thailand 8-9 months out of the year.  I already have a house and condo that are paid for in Thailand.  My ideas of what I want to do in retirement have changed a bit and now I'm probably going to stay in my home country about 8 months a year with the rest travelling and maybe 3 months a year in Thailand.  The new "issues" that have come up about mandatory insurance and the amount of money in the bank haven't really been much of a problem.  The air quality has really been a bigger problem for me.  Just don't think it is that healthy living in Thailand anymore like it was when I first arrived for work back in the 80's.

    • Like 1
  7. 41 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    Yes.  Conditions apply.  Some hospitals accept and will direct bill some you submit the bill to VA and they send you a check.  I checked with the hospital and set up direct bill before I had any problems.  Details with American military

    Does the US Medicare system also cover those that are eligible if they are in Thailand?

  8. 38 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    Yes.  Conditions apply.  Some hospitals accept and will direct bill some you submit the bill to VA and they send you a check.  I checked with the hospital and set up direct bill before I had any problems.  Details with American military

    That's a very good benefit if it will cover medical services in Thailand.  Does it cover all hospitals or maybe there is a list of approved hospitals?

  9. Yes and No


    If you plan to live full time or spend quite a bit of time in Thailand it would probably be a good idea to have a fairly good grasp of the language.  


    If you are just staying in Thailand as a retiree for 3-4 months over the winter then probably just a few basic words is good enough.

  10. On 5/10/2019 at 8:27 PM, seancbk said:


    You could also get out to Rama IX Park out near Srinakarin.  It's a very big park and a nice place to go for a run or a walk - Use Google Translate on the website - http://suanluangrama9.or.th/



    Also nearby is Nong Bon a park just north of Rama IX park.  Great for riding bikes and running with a 4km path around it.  They were doing construction so not sure if the full path is open or not.  

  11. On 5/1/2019 at 10:45 PM, 55Jay said:

    Wife is a fashionista chick, most of her life in BKK, but prefers SUVs and pick up trucks.  She, and I, like the larger size/mass and that they sit up higher/better visibility.  City or village/countryside is irrelevant to that preference. 


    I've always been partial to trucks/SUVs anyway.  Jeep CJs, Ford Bronco, Explorer, Toyo Landcruisers in the Gulf/middle east.  On holidays in the US, we both like to kick the tires on the large pick ups there - Ford F150s, fully loaded Chevy Silverados, etc. 



    Ford Super Duty F-350 4X4 for me!  It pulls the 5th wheel really well.  Oversize electric mirrors and plenty of luxury items inside.  Runs on diesel.  It would be fun to drive this bad boy in rural Issarn but without the 5th wheel

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