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Posts posted by Hanuman2547

  1. I would always advise tourists to book a hotel in Bangkok, and other destinations in Thailand, that include breakfast in their room rate.  


    Barring that, I can highly recommend The Sportsman over on Soi 13.  Farang managed and the breakfast is pretty good.  

  2. Good write up!  Last time I was on Koh Chang was in 2007 and it had really changed a lot from when I first went there in 1993.  I can only imagine what it is like now.  I used to go there quite often when I was working in Bangkok during the 90's.  

  3. I was in just in Thailand for seven weeks and used my T-Mobile service with International roaming on my old iphone 6.  It worked fine and the calls were clear.  I think I might have had one call that got disconnected but that was it.  As for the cost, it wasn't much more and I hardly noticed the difference on my bill.  However, I made a lot more calls using FB Facetime, FB messenger, and LINE.  

    • Like 1
  4. I've overstayed twice and both times not that long ago.  One time was for one day on a 30 day VOA due to a miscalculation in the way Thais count the days.  They did not fine me for that.  This was about 8 years ago.  The other time I overstayed by two days and they did fine me.  Again it was on a 30 day VOA.  The reason was it was cheaper to pay the two day fine instead of book a flight earlier at a much higher price.  I might add that in my 36 years of flying in and out of Thailand, along with 12 years living in the LOS, I was always legal.  Had all the right  to stay legal.  

  5. You crazy if you believe even half of her story.  Like others have said, forget about her and find someone else that doesn't go with guys for money.  There are a zillion stories about this.  Almost all end up bad.  Go read Stickman for stories similar to yours.  There are plenty of very nice Thai women that don't work in bars/restaurants/go-go's etc.  They have real jobs and have graduated from university.  The thing is if you aren't living in Thailand then it makes it a lot harder to develop a relationship.


    Good Luck with what you decide to do.

    • Like 1
  6. On 2/15/2019 at 9:40 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:




    Under U.S. law, AFAIK, any adult, competent person can witness a will. Doesn't have to be a relative or someone even personally acquainted with the will-maker.  So why can't the Embassy staff serve as will witnesses?



    .............and therein lies the problem, finding a competent person within the embassy staff.

  7. I haven't lived in Phuket since 2003 for a variety of reasons.  There are many other places that are much better that fit my lifestyle.  Don't let that stop you from going.  You might  like it!  Obviously a number of farangs like it and good for them.  It's just not my cup of tea.

  8. 15 hours ago, Jai Dee said:

    Have you visited Suan Luang Rama IX Park yet?




    Also include Nong Bon.  It is very close to Suan Luang Rama IX Park.  Just turn into Chalerm Prakiet Soi 43 and go to the end of the Soi and you are at the entrance to the park.  There is a 4km path around the park for people to ride bicycles or go running/walking.  

  9. 10 hours ago, thonglorjimmy said:

    I decided to ignore some of the naysayers who posted their thoughts on this event and went along, as did many others, it was a good crowd and a truly wonderful evening.


    Frank certainly impressed his audience, Thai and Westerners, young and not so, he gave a very interesting talk and he was sharpe and witty and his answers to questions from the floor were well thought out and meaningful, especially his views on mental health issues which were clearly from the heart.


    An excellent Thai buffet and plenty of booze, I certainly enjoyed myself as, I suspect, did the majority of the crowd.


    Thanks very much to the organisers and sponsors of this event, these sort of evenings take a lot of planning.

    Thanks for the report!  Good to hear that it went off ok.

  10. 20 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    As a condo owner I would advise most people to RENT. 

    I pretty much agree with this statement.  I am a condo owner as well.  I paid cash for it so no loans or anything.  I own it outright.  I bought my 3 year old condo in Jomtien in 2006 and still have it.  I have never lived in it.  Over the span of 12.5 years I have owned it I have spent the grand total of maybe 4 nights in it and that was back when I first bought it.  Although it has nice furnishings and fittings, it's too small for my liking.  It hasn't really appreciated much and I think it would be hard to sell although I have never put it on the market.  Currently I have had the same tenant for the past 4 years.  As I don't live in Thailand anymore, but visit yearly, I have a property management company take care of it.  Now when I visit Thailand I use the baht in the bank from the rent collected to finance my holiday.  The one nice thing is that means I'm a little more protected from the currency changes in the baht.

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  11. 15 minutes ago, damascase said:

    I posted this picture earlier in another cycling thread but I’ll include it again now we are talking cycling lanes. This is a bridge in a dedicated cycling lane north of Chiang Rai Airport, where a car tried  to cross...........


    Looks like that didn't go so well!

  12. 53 minutes ago, balo said:


    That is not what this discussion is about!  It's about riding a motorbike is more safe than riding a bicycle which I strongly disagrees with. Speed kills, a vehicle will hit you and you will have no chance, bike, bicycles or any 2 wheeler. 


    Regarding bicycle paths , we have a few of them in Bangkok, and here in Chonburi.  


    This is a newly opened bicycle path here in the Pattaya/Chonburi area. It's 14 km long and very nice if you want to exercise and avoid all the traffic. 










    They built a very nice bicycle path down in Prachuap Khiri khan along the water front.  Then all the cars went and parked on it so bicycles can't use it and the police have know intention of ticketing the cars parked illegally.

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