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Posts posted by Hanuman2547

  1. My condolences to you over the loss of your wife.  I was married to a Thai for 23 years who passed away in 2005 from brain cancer.  She owned several homes and pieces of property in Bangkok and down south.  To avoid a lot of problems I simply transferred everything into our son's name.  Although he lives and works in the USA he still has his Thai citizenship and ID card.  It did require him to make a visit to Thailand to submit the paperwork but it went fairly smoothly for Thailand.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 10 hours ago, AAArdvark said:

    Seems kind of expensive for such an obscure province.  Do foreigners even ever visit that area?

    Yes!  The foreigners that visit are from Malaysia as Narathiwat province’s Sungai Kolok district sits right on the Thai-Malaysia border.  As for western tourists very few visit this province although I did back in 1999 while riding my bicycle through the deep south.

  3. I lived on Soi 10 for a year around 1999 to 2000.  They opened a nice little market there and even a decent restaurant at the back of the park.  It was also opposite Clinton Plaza which was a fun little collection of bars.

  4. First of all, rent in areas or buildings that you are thinking about buying.  I would do short term leases of say three months.  Six months max even if they say they only do one year leases.  Money talks!  Next, don't ever pay the "asking" price of the rent.  Offer maybe 20% to 30% less.  Chances are the unit you are looking at has been sitting empty for almost a year.   


    Secondly, don't buy a condo or house.  Just rent.  This frees up your money for other things.  Leave it in a bank, CD, or something else that generates money.  Your condo will not increase in value.  It is a buyers market so trying to sell your condo will be very difficult.  You never know when you might have to leave quickly due to government changes, visa issues, or your own health.


    Thirdly, Don't buy a condo to rent out.  It works well in the west but you are not in the west.  Right now there is an oversupply of empty units waiting to be rented out with very few people looking to rent.  Your unit might easily sit vacant for six months to a year!  



    • Thanks 1
  5. I have never had my wife send in the TM 30 when we have visited.  She has a house (that she bought before we were married with her own money) in Samut Prakan and had never heard of this.  Usually when we visit it is for 30 days using a visaon arrival.  This last visit I had to extend my visit which was no problem other than taking a couple of hours at the immigrationoffice in Samut Prakan and paying 1900 baht.  The officer did ask her for the TM 30 form and she had no idea what they were talking about.  Had to pay a minimal fine for this.  I don't think that your average Thai is aware of this.  I fill out the form on the plane before arriving so I am presenting our address where I will be residing.  

  6. I have never had my wife send in the TM 30 when we have visited.  She has a house (that she bought before we were married with her own money) in Samut Prakan and had never heard of this.  Usually when we visit it is for 30 days using a visa on arrival.  This last visit I had to extend my visit which was no problem other than taking a couple of hours at the immigration office in Samut Prakan and paying 1900 baht.  The officer did ask her for the TM 30 form and she had no idea what they were talking about.  Had to pay a minimal fine for this.  I don't think that your average Thai is aware of this.  I fill out the form on the plane before arriving so I am presenting our address where I will be residing.  

    • Like 1
  7. If you do decide to build a one bedroom house on the family land I would suggest purchasing all of the materials needed yourself.  The reason is that Thai builders are notorious for telling you they can get a "special" price to keep the costs down.  The reality is that they then buy cheaper, less quality, or sub-standard materials then what you are paying for.  You really need to be on site all the time so that you can supervise what is being worked on.  It is a headache but by doing so it pays off in the long run.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Khun Paul said:


    Unlike here the British Police are thorough, HM Coroners are not stupid either , no other evidence available , so they have nothing to go on, only hearsay and  

    stories. But as this is Thailand I would suggest Mr Armitage leave before he then gets arrested and held for an  indeterminate time while the Thai Authorities ( RTP ) conjure up a loaded case against him. As for compensation, sounds good but do not hold your breath. 

    I strongly advise Mr. Armitage to leave Thailand before he is detained for an indeterminable amount of time before he goes before the Thai judicial system on the evidence of "hear say".

  9. My oldest luk krung son had something similar happen to him many years ago when he attended a very good Thai school in Bankgok.  The Thai English teacher was having the class pronounce a word that is a little difficult for Thais to pronounce.  He, being a fluent speaker of American English, had no problem pronouncing the word as any native American English speaker would.  The teacher stopped him and made him repeat it until he could pronounce it just like a Thai would!

  10. Don't!

    April is the hottest month and will be very uncomfortable.  Songkran is crazy with a country wide water fight.  In addition, traveling on the roads during Songkran is quite dangerous.  Look at visiting Thailand sometime between November and the end of January.  It will be a little cooler, especially in the north, and you'll have a more enjoyable time.

  11. Yes, Thai citizens working as a government official must retire at age 60.  Being hired as a private citizen is up to the school but they do not receive government official benefits for their work after 60.  


    As for farang, it is up to each school to determine what their hiring policies are.  I have known a couple of Farang Ajarns that taught at some prestigious Thai universities that were 67 & 68 and had been employed by their university for roughly 30 years.  

  12. 9 hours ago, Tripjoy said:

    Tawan Daeng



    Its great! I was at the one in video 1 Its a Thai experience but they are proud to see falang visitors. Friday is one of the best nights.

    Yes, there are two Tawan Daengs.  One in town on/near Rama 3 and the other out on Ram Indra.  I've been to both of them over the years and they are good.  Last couple of times went out to Ram Indra.  Food and beer is great and the entertainment on stage is very good.  Weekends can be very busy.

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