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Posts posted by Hanuman2547

  1. 3 hours ago, Pilot3Boz said:

    Awesome to see this moving forward from the proposed idea... Looking forward to this... Will make my life much simpler for my requirements and schedule.... Thank You PM!! I know I will get pounced on for actually supporting this idea... 1.8M with income works.... I really like the multi entry aspect.....

    You'll need to tell us how well this worked out for you as time goes on.  Especially around year 7 or 8!

  2. Interesting thread.  I was just in PKK two months ago around mid-February.  I haven't been down to PKK in over 10 years.  Despite that the place hasn't changed a whole lot.  The beach promenade in PKK town is a bit nicer.  I did notice a few farang type restaurants and was amazed there were so many older farang expats around town.  Usually when I have visited there were no farangs around at all.  


    I first visited PKK in 1983 with my Thai wife.  Although she is from Bangkok her Mom is originally from PKK  and has a number of relatives that still live in PKK.  We were on a two month Thailand visit to meet her parents and her three older sisters that I hadn't met.  We had a good time in PKK and upon our return to the USA we bought 6.5 rai of land in PKK near the railway station.  In a few more years I may be living 6-8 months a year in PKK.  It sure beats the rat race in Bangkok that's for sure.  

  3. 20 hours ago, transam said:

    A taser would have ended this situation...

    Have you ever deployed a taser in a situation with someone armed with a knife?

    Do you know the effective range of a standard taser?

    Do you know what the effect a taser has on someone in a drug induced state?

    Do you know how quickly someone can close on the person deploying the taser even after having successful contact?

    What happens if the contact points of the taser do not fully engage.  Tasers fail to make contact quite often.  However, given that the man was naked the chances for a successful contact by a trained operator is much higher.

    Have you ever seen the damage that someone can do with a knife?


    While it sounds good to "just taser him" it is much more complicated than that.  In addition to the operator of the taser you will still need to have several officers nearby to assist and provide security for the officer deploying the taser.  

  4. I'm looking to purchase a used road bike in Bangkok.  Any suggestions as to where are the best places to begin my search?  I'm not looking to buy a high end bike but on the other hand not looking at the bargain basement either.  I'm 178cm tall and currently ride a 55cm Lemond Zurich but that bike isn't in Bangkok and will remain in my home country.  Thanks in advance for any and all advice.  

  5. I had two friends that went back to the UK on home leave.  They made a trip to the USA and bought two Santa Cruz MTBs.  Rode them around the USA for the few days they were there.  Took the bikes back to the UK and road them a bit there.  Then they brought them to Thailand as used bikes.  Made sure not to clean the bikes so that they would appear "dirty" and "used".  They whizzed right through customs and paid no import taxes at all.  This was some 10 years ago so maybe things might have changed.  

  6. its amazing how fast things can go when thais smell the presence of large sums of cash. Disappointingly, they left with the money. (i presume they had money. why else?)

    The bikers swear to secretcy based on the Cossi Nostra, and are run by rules based upon the armed services.(The first Hells Angels were a group of ex US pilots in the Vietnam war).

    The Hell's Angels was NOT started by a bunch of ex US pilots from the Vietnam War. The HA was started well before then.

    The Hells Angels were started on March 17, 1948, by the Bishop family, American war immigrants in Fontana, California[12] followed by an amalgamation of former members from different motorcycle clubs, such as the Pissed Off Bastards of Bloomington.[13][14] The Hells Angels' website[15] denies the suggestion that any misfit or malcontent troops are connected with the motorcycle club. The website also notes that the name was suggested by Arvid Olsen, an associate of the founders, who had served in the Flying Tigers' "Hell's Angels" squadron in China during World War II.[16] The name "Hell's Angels" was inspired by the typical naming of American squadrons, or other fighting groups, with a fierce, death-defying title in World Wars I and II, e.g., the Flying Tigers (American Volunteer Group) in Burma and China fielded three squadrons of P-40s and the third Squadron was called "Hell's Angels".[17] In 1930, the Howard Hughes film Hell's Angels displayed extraordinary and dangerous feats of aviation, and it is believed that the World War II groups who used that name based it on the film.

    Some of the early history of the HAMC is not clear, and accounts differ. According to Ralph 'Sonny' Barger, founder of the Oaklandchapter, early chapters of the club were founded in San Francisco, California, Gardena, Fontana, California, Oakland, California and elsewhere, with the members usually being unaware that there were other clubs. One of the lesser known clubs existed in North Chino/South Pomona, California, in the late 1960s.

    Other sources claim that the Hells Angels in San Francisco were organized in 1953 by Rocky Graves, a Hells Angel member from San Bernardino ("Berdoo") implying that the "Frisco" Hells Angels were very much aware of their forebears.[18] The "Frisco" Hells Angels were reorganized in 1955 with thirteen charter members, Frank Sadilek serving as President, and using the smaller, original logo. The Oakland chapter, at the time headed by Barger, used a larger version of the "Death's Head" patch nicknamed the "Barger Larger", which was first used in 1959. It later became the club standard.

    The Hells Angels are often depicted in semi-mythical romantic fashion like the 19th-century James-Younger Gang: free-spirited, iconic, bound by brotherhood and loyalty. At other times, such as in the 1966 Roger Corman film The Wild Angels, they are depicted as violent and nihilistic, little more than a violent criminal gang and a scourge on society.[19]

    The club became prominent within, and established its notoriety as part of, the 1960s counterculture movement in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury scene, playing a part at many of the movement's seminal events. Members were directly connected to many of the counterculture's primary leaders, such as Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters, Allen Ginsberg,Jerry Garcia and The Grateful Dead, Timothy Leary, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Mick Farren and Tom Wolfe. The club launched the career of "Gonzo" journalist Hunter S. Thompson

  7. Amazing how people immediately jump to the conclusion that foul play involved. Far more likely a tragic accident. Wait for the autopsy results.

    You've got 55 posts - surely you're aware of the conspiracists that lurk here in their thousands - by the time this ones wound up, it will be the polices fault, the girlfriend killed him, tourism is doomed and Thailand ain't what it use to be blah blah blah

    Perhaps he only has 55 posts, but maybe he's just not a TV regular but has been around for awhile.

    I've got less than 100 posts on here, but I've been involved with Thais and Thailand since 1979 and worked in BKK for 12 years. The number of posts doesn't tell the whole story.

  8. only your 13th post and already pumped full of preachy trolling! congrats!

    You count posts?

    Just because someone stays glued to their computer all day racking up posts on TV doesn't mean that someone with very few posts doesn't have something valid to contribute. I joined TV in 2004 yet have amassed 86 posts. Obviously I'm doing other things and not always on TV. With that said, I've worked in Bangkok for 12 years but have been coming to BKK since 1983. Perhaps our 13 post friend just doesn't post much but maybe has lived here continuously for 40 years. Who knows??

  9. Bangkok NANA

    TODAY Tuesday 16 th was in Nana visit friend had backpack on and live in PATTAYA. Stopping for a cigarette I see a dirty looking police officer LOL sitting with some dirtier taxi motorbikes. Thinking nothing of it I walked off on phone and to my suprise this police or rat approaches me !

    Asking ME TO COME WITH HIM !

    Where you from bla bla

    Australia and my mate is police commander here

    Which he is !





    All of a sudden this chimps radio goes SAYING LET HIM GO !!

    So off I went and I promise you those monkeys won't get 2 baht from me

    At last. An actual first-hand report, on topic post. Thank you. Makes a nice change from the bickering and backbiting that this thread has become

    Ok, Mr. Johnson.......here's another just for you. I posted this on a similar TV thread two weeks ago but I dug it up and will post it here as well.

    I had been out on 1 December, a Monday night , and I was leaving Soi Cowboy around 12:30am (now technically Tuesday morning) and walked down Soi 23 out to Sukhumvit. I looked right and saw about 3-4 Bib searching two farangs. I was headed outbound so just kept walking. Then I heard a Thai telling me to stop. I didn't stop but just kept walking. I know he repeated himself a couple of times. Finally he caught up to me and tugged on the bag I was carrying. He then told me to stop which I did. He said he wanted to look at my bag. I said "no". He looked puzzled. He asked again to search my bag. I again said "no". Then we stood and looked at each other. I told him I was going. He said "no". I began walking away and after a few steps he got in front of me and said I had to stop and search bag. He then yelled at one of his group to come over which he did rather quickly. This other policeman then also asked to check my bag. I said ok. Are you ready? I went out running earlier in the evening. Inside was all of my sweaty, wet, running clothes that were wrapped up in plastic bags. Up until this time I spoke English. Then I spoke Thai to them and produced one sweaty towel in a plastic bag. I asked them if it stunk (he said yes). Then I produced a pair of running shoes in a plastic bag and held it up to his nose and asked if it stunk (he said yes). Then I produced a plastic bag containing my T-shirt, shorts, and socks and held it up to his nose and asked him if it stunk (he said yes) and laughed. I showed him my stick of deodorant and that was it. I told him I wasn't carrying any ya-ba, heroin, or ganja. He did ask if I had a passport. I said yes but not with me but if they like they can come home with me and check it. That was it. I wanted to comply with them but I also didn't want them to get it so easily. I wanted to make them work a bit. The only thing I was worried about was the police planting something on me. They did not ask me to empty my pockets at any time which surprised me.

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