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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. When you have a bunch of Military Gangsters in Government House only interested in buying Submarines, Aircraft and anything else that will make them even filthy richer than they are already; whilst at the same time taking away people's rights to have freedom of speech and freedom of choice, then nothing will ever be done that actualy helps this country, it's economy or its people.    One day the people of Thailand must wake up and take back control of their lives; it's the ONLY way forward from where they are now.

  2. 59 minutes ago, Forrests Father said:

    It’s not only the farmers and old diesel trucks. Nobody wants to listen to any advice. Department of Land and Transportation is burning the grasslands between the tarmac on major roads. Temples, Army etc are cleaning up and burn the leaves and whatever they find worth burning. No garbage collection in most villages upcountry so the guys are forced to burn their plastic waste and so on…it’s just the time of the year that the smog does not get dispersed over other areas. It just stays where it originated.

    Agree with you to a certain extent.   However; Many Villages have been offered Bin Men to collect once a week but it will cost each family 50 Baht a month and countless times they have refused to pay.  It's high time they were told if they don't pay they will be fined for every Bonfire, as a Community, or the Government has to decide to give the service free.  When you look around the Countryside and see the filth i think the latter idea would be best, a much better idea than buying useless Submarines, High Speed Trains and Vertical Take-Off Military Aircraft !

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  3. 2 hours ago, Thailand said:

    I think they need many more committees to solve the problem. 


    Each committee member to be issued with a fire extinguisher which is designed to give them a clue as to where the root of the problem may be.

    Further committees need to be formed to decide where to buy the extinguishers from.


    etc etc.

    Yes; and the Fire Extinguishers have to be bought from the 'right' people; relatives and friends of Government Ministers and the like, most likely 'connected' to the Committee Members themselves !

  4. 1 hour ago, Cake Monster said:

    As with all of these things, the answer is not to put up prices to the consumers,

    The answer in the modern World, is to become more efficient, and produce your product cheaper.

    This is a concept of Business that Thailand does not seem to grasp, and thats why they are loosing so much FDI, and custom, to other S E Asia Nations.

    The whole Country seems unable to be bough into the 21st Century, of efficiency, lean and mean, and more productivity  per head of population.


    And all the while the Great Leader Prayut is trying to drag them back 200 years !

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