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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. 1 hour ago, Wiggy said:

    Everybody should be eligible. I walked in to an NHS facility here (UK) two days after arriving and was in and out in 12 minutes with a Pfizer booster in my arm. That’s how you protect your country. Not still faffing around with those who are entitled for a jab. Plus, once the UK realised Omicron was already here they cancelled the red list as there was no point trying stop it coming in anymore. Omicron is in Thailand, so continue with T&G. 

    You forget that in Thailand everything is geared to 'Entitled' people and it is protecting them and not the country that matters !

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  2. Anyone who thinks inflation is not yet upon us needs to have a walk around any Supermarket.    I'm no Financial Whiz Kid but i'm not daft either and prices of the majority of food items have risen 20% to 30% this year.   Nothing here ever seems to go up by the odd Baht or two but five or ten Baht at a time always with an excuse like 'Floods' or 'No Rain' or Swine Flu or Chicken Flu or the Delivery Company is causing delays or whatever jumped up excuse they can think of.


    Basically it's the old tale of the Rich ripping off the Poor at every turn !

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  3. 4 hours ago, MaiDong said:

    And that's just the beginning!

    Education next!

    Real changes needed immediately. 

    If nothing changes then the leaders have failed. 

    The only thing they are interested in is bolstering their Bank Accounts and Off Shore Holdings/Interests.   They require the General Public to stay uneducated and ignorant in order that the Plundering can continue.

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