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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. They aren't really interested in feedback complaints from customers. Delays all the time never informing passengers why, I flew BKK KL recently , we are all sat in our seats ready for take off 10 minutes before schedule and then ..No movement, waiting 30 minutes, as it turns out for late passengers, No explaination why the captain decides to delay flight for them,

    If you find a link for email customer service /complaints it s just an automated "thank you for your feedback " message,

    Clearly AA attitude is , we are a popular airline and cheap so we dont need to provide a good service. It needs another big airline across Asia to compete with them on budget and routes, surprised a major Asian/ Chinese airline isnt doing so , Lets hope some company does,

    You've mentioned the one thing that annoys me more than anything else when flying. Delaying the flight for late passengers really gets up my nose as they should be left behind if they can't get their ass in gear like everyone else on the plane. Holding up between 150 and 400 people seems to be a hobby for some of these prats. Yes; I know anyone can be delayed for reasons they cannot help but this happens too often for that to be the regular reason. If you can't get to the gate on time you should expect to be left behind....period.

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  2. Welcome. A lot of good stuff but some not so good. A friend remarked last week..'TV is like a Minefield of Poo with the odd Gold Nugget, which means you should be careful where you step' !

  3. Sadly I did not know your Father Larry but it is obvious that he was a clever, kind and thoughtful man that spent a large part of his life trying to do his best for Humankind. My Condolences to you and your family and may your Father rest in a well earned peace.

  4. Just been invited to eat at this place and wondered if it's any good. If not I may try to convince the others that we should go elsewhere

    As you have been invited to this place, wouldn't it be quite rude to try suggest another place just because you don't like the place?

    Nah; we've been good mates for years and he'd be ok but don't know about his new bird !

  5. What about scanning prints; anyone got experience with getting them done in CM ?

    I have done thousands over the years, and quite frankly you are far better off investing in your own scanner, depending on the quantity you want to scan. If it's only a handful I will glady scan them for you, and put them on a flash drive, Keeping the scanner bed free from dust is the secret, and wiping all photos with an "antistat" cloth before scanning.

    Thanks MM, that's a kind offer. However I think I must go and buy a scanner as I have a lot and I should get them on disc or whatever. Will keep me busy for a while.

  6. Here we go...when I was a young lad in England in the 50's our Mum's bought their meat/fish at the local Butchers or Fishmongers where it was all just laid out on marble slabs with no covers,tongs,plastic gloves, fly killing lamps,ice or any other fandango way to protect you or the product. Sainsburys and the Maypole were where you bought sliced meats and cheeses and they also had it all on marble slabs. I well remember cake shops with flies and wasps on the cakes and you bought your biscuits by the pound out of open topped large tins by taking them out with your fingers and putting them in brown paper bags to be weighed. I could go on but suffice to say nobody I ever knew in those days died from food poisoning; hence most of us are still here today to tell the tale. Indeed; I have known more people in modern times with all the food safety precautions we now have to fall foul of food poisoning and the like. Anyone who cooks knows that the majority of germs will be cooked out of meat and fish if they are cooked properly and all vegetables etc should be washed before they are cooked.

    All in all I don't care if the Thai's handle the meat or fish I may later buy because I know it will be cooked well in my home. If you come to live here you should expect exactly what you get, so get on with it !

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  7. In Wifey's old village a woman hung herself only last week because of debts. Her Husband works in Qatar and sends back good money but in the last three years he has only been back once and she blew the lot gambling, drinking and bragging to show her friends how big it was to have a Husband working abroad and earning high money compared to all around her. She was borrowing cash from money lenders big time to cover her gambling debts and had no way of ever paying it back, and when the Husband announced he was returning for three months next week she topped herself before he found out the ugly truth.

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  8. No matter how many photo-calls Wonder Woman, or her god knows how many deputy's make, they cannot change the fact that the cost of living for most working Thai's has risen and is continuing to rise week on week. Oh, they will Blah Blah about how it's this season or that or the 300 Baht wage scheme(where it's been applied) takes away hardship etc etc but I know from my own neighbours that they are feeling the pinch and cutting back on the amount they eat because of price rises over the last year in particular. Old School clothes are being patched up for re-use and many parents are taking their kids to school on Motorbikes instead of paying for the bus. Nevertheless; in the area around where I live you won't hear a bad word for Yingluck and her merry band of thieves because they hate the Democrats with a passion and would rather have the current lot stealing their money (yes they do know) than have the others doing it.

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  9. Been raining steadily now in Hang dong since 7pm last evening. Reminders of last year really, just seems to have started later this year.

  10. This subject has been done to death on numerous occasions. For my own part I've never lost anything either coming into this country or going out and any delays have usually been in the 'other' country. I think Thailand post is cheap and a very good service.

  11. I kind of disagree with people saying that developing paddy land along the main roads into town is worrisome. I think that's just expected for a city that's growing. Keep in mind the alternative is NOT expanding along those roads, but cramming all development into the downtown area, increasing congestion. Be careful what you wish for. An example of development not away from town you will see within the next couple of years around the old Rincome Hotel which will become a mall & cinema. Let's see how that works out for congestion. I bet by then people will be wishing they had the good sense to build it in a spot like the new Promenada, or Meechoke Plaza.

    Also it's not like paddy land in the North is at risk of running out; as the city's borders extend, it just starts a little further out of the city center than it used to; no biggie. We're talking privately owned land only in use as rice paddies; not pristine forests or national parks. Eventually the likes of Doi Saket and Hang Dong will be merged into a larger city area, just like other villages before, like Ban Jed Yod, Fa Ham, etc.

    Also, once paddy land is developed, it can't get burned anymore every March. wink.png

    40 years ago we used to say this type of thing where I came from, but now when I return all I see is concrete and bricks where fields,hedgerows,streams, wildlife and rare wild flowers used to flourish. All in the name of progress they say but I don't believe that to be the real reason it happened. Many millions of bucks have been made from destroying what the almighty created and there were other ways to solve the problems of new road and housing requirements. Using 'Brownfield sites' instead of 'Greenbelt sites' makes a huge difference to how much land is gobbled up by building. Have a good look around in the City and you will see a lot of empty buildings that require renovation and could be used to house people and create new shops/offices etc. A lot of the new land that is being filled in is hosting shops with living quarters above and if the City planners had any sense they would encourage people to use existing redundant buildings. Traffic congestion can be remedied with the right road systems, underground parking facilities,integrated public transport systems and so on. Not much hope of any real sense coming to the surface though I would guess.

  12. May be a Troll, maybe not as this does happen more often than we view it on here.

    When I first started coming to Thailand many moons ago I first came to size up the country with a view to retirement here and secondly find a woman to share that retirement. Within a few days I found myself being quite openly propositioned by women of various ilk and whenever I met any of them on dates they would tell me they loved me either on the first evening or the next. As soon as I heard those words I left and never sought their company again because what they really meant was 'I love the idea that you will be able to give me loads of money'.

    Now; some people will think that love should be the first priority in a relationship, and if that's the way they feel then it's at their own peril. In my mind it doesn't work like that as other considerations, and there are plenty, come first. Love is something I think will grow as time passes if everything else in a relationship is stable. Better to work on the basics first and make no promises of cash or love forever after. Keep your head and view it as you would a business transaction. What will you get from this venture and will it be worth the time and expense? Sounds kind of cold hearted doesn't it, but these advice's come from hard earned experience in a previous life. At 20 odd the OP still has plenty of time on his side and does not need to hang around with obvious Gold Diggers. This country is loaded with prospective decent partners but it's your job to seek out the right one for you. Start exercising your brain and not just the weapon between your legs !

  13. Could be something to do with the value of contents your Mum is entering on the customs label. No matter what the value is tell her to mark a low amount, about 15 quid if from England, then customs don't bother with them. I receive a parcel every month and have never had a problem and have never even been asked for this mystery 7 Baht.

  14. Up here in the North I would say we have a very good sprinkling of what I would call middle class Thai's. If you take a good look around Chiang Mai province, not just the City, there are a lot of lovely homes tucked away in the Countryside that are not normally noticed on a day to day basis. Quite large families live in many of these homes and they have plenty of new vehicles around and people who look after the grounds etc. A lot of these people keep a fairly low profile, particularly the older members of the family who don't splash indications of wealth around. Much of their money has been made in family business or, more recently, by selling off surplus land left to them by Grandparents and Parents. I know personally of two such families, one of them being my Wife's extended family who have sold off many rai of land to contractors to build on. The second family are neighbours of family in the old City and to look at them or talk to them you wouldn't know they had two satang to rub together as they don't advertise their wealth to the outside world. However; the old lady of the house is always moaning to Wifey's family that they are down to their last five million baht or so and don't know if they will be going on holiday or not. Suddenly they announce that all six members of the tribe are off to Oz for a month, this being just five months after three weeks in China !

    It is my honest opinion that at least 25% of the population in this part of the country are now middle class. There is an enormous amount of hidden wealth and remember too that the Thai's just love to spread the word that they are 'just poor people'. I've met plenty of those and later found out they are better off than I will probably ever be.

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  15. Great. So now when I renew my license tomorrow I get to do an extra test that wasn't required 5 years ago PLUS I get to sit through a dam_n one hour video. Can't wait.

    Only reason I'm renewing my license is to make sure my auto insurance stays in force the next few months before I get out of this country once and for all. Finally something I can look forward to.

    Sometimes they make you watch the video and sometimes they don't. Depends how busy they are.

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