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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. Biggest thing I notice when riding around on my Bike is how many Paddy's are being filled in and built on. Shops, Offices, Houses, you name it, are springing up fast all around the Countryside, which is kind of sad as more green belt vanishes under concrete. Reminds me of the UK in the 80's when most of the green between my Village and the nearest Town vanished in the same way. Also a lot of old wooden houses are being demolished and more modern structures taking their place. I suppose this is progress but some of the more quaint aspects of Thailand are being taken from us.

  2. Proof of residency at immigration……..Am I missing something? I thought you get that from your embassy or consulate.

    Tell me more.

    Most folks obtain that paper from Immigration. It's free compared with a large fee if you get from your home country embassy. Yes I know, Immigration will 'demand' 500 baht. But I just tell them there is no charge and walk away (with the paper). I don't make any friends with immigration rolleyes.gif

    I bet there's not many that have the balls to do that...good on you!!

    I in fact do pay, though I feel bad about it. I guess I know how vindictive they can be.

    If you have your own home just get yourself a Yellow Book sorted at the Amphur and you won't need to keep getting ripped off for 500 Baht. You'd be surprised how useful it can be.

  3. From reading the BBC news today, there were huge queues in LHR last night, not just for NON EU, but for UK passport and EU passport holders. 3 hour wait to clear immigration.

    Heathrow is going to the pits like the rest of the country.


    Big queues at T5 shown on TV news this morning. Apparently the Immigration boss has been called to a meeting NEXT MONTH to explain what's gone wrong. I'm sure his answer will be just give me enough money and I will recruit more staff; otherwise leave me alone !

  4. So being sqeezed in nice and tightly next to some sex tourist, thats all the extra seats mean, how thoughtful. Cant wait to continue flying with Etihad.

    I must have missed the announcement from Etihad that they don't allow sex tourist on their flights, do you have a link ?


    You see your fare share with who ever you fly with, but at least they ain't cramming in all those extra seats and still charging to much for the airfare. And from reading other people's experience and my own, I didn't enjoy terrible service on board and no private tv's from an airline that has a slogan "smooth as silk" more like, rough as sand paper.

    But imagine that as an add campaign for Ethiad, no sex tourists, fly with us.


    I have to ask - how does one recognise a sex tourist on the plane to Thailand? Is it the thinning hair/ponytail combo? Or the extravagant gut hanging over a cinched belt? Or the turn-upped trousers that are too short and worn with 99 Baht, slip-on shoes and no socks? I think we should be told.

    I've seen one bloke on Planes with all those credentials !

  5. I don't know why anyone would doubt this story. The BIB have been running this scam for as long as Farang have been here. Outside Bus Stations are always a good hit point in the daytime and beware if you are a lone traveler with a backpack. Usually it's around a thousand Baht a shot or go to court etc etc and get duffed up on the way to jail for the night. In the evenings they get easy meat with all the young, and dare I say naive Farang who are likely to get pulled at any time. They can make up any figure they like as they know you will have to pay. If they can get a biggy now and then they don't have to bother any more that week.

  6. Whether the story told to the OP is true or not, most people who live in Thailand will find it believable, which is a very sad reflection upon the reputation of our police force.

    Have to feel sorry for the honest police officers here.

    Yes; because there are less than we could count on our fingers !

  7. I disagree, to report this guys you would first have to report you have worked illegally for 2 months without a permit, you may get in more shit than them including fined and deported

    I would call it a loss and move on

    Agreed; Chances are you will end up in deep doo doo and they will just pay off some corrupt <deleted> and carry on doing the same.

  8. Just had my bill and it's still the same rate as last month but I do know it's going up shortly. It used to be free if you used 90 units or less but that was scrapped when the current Government got in so now there is no free ride.

  9. Just more fantasy window dressing by Wonder Woman. Corruption starts from the top and eradication of same corruption would need to start from the same place. Unless the whole Government are going to resign and admit their thievery whilst hanging their heads in shame, how can they ever expect other 'Agencies' to implement any measures to combat further thefts?

    As for 'Transparent and open'; since when did any Government in this country employ such honest practices?

    • Like 1
  10. Too many of them taking huge amounts of credit to buy 4x4's every 2 years so that they can show 'big face' to the neighbours etc. They love showing off to all and sundry...especially Mia Noi !

    I think you are talking about people making quite a bit more money than minimum wage.

    Not really; I have a neighbour who is a labourer on building sites and his wife sells vegetables at the front gate. They live in a half rotted away old wooden building surrounded by piles of crap, but they have a shiny new 4x4 (silver of course) and a hefty bank loan. Not satisfied with that they now want another loan to build a new house. They just put up the value of their land against the loans.

    As a PS; Wifey is a retired Midwife (anyone who works for the State likes to call themselves 'Government Officials' because it sounds very important), and as such she receives constant letters from her two Banks and another institution offering loans of up to 2 million baht with a decision today based on her past job and current Pension. The value of our home is not even taken into account as the fact that she was a long serving 'Government Official' is good enough for them. We don't want or need the money but she has old pals who were Nurses that have taken huge loans in retirement and cannot afford to pay them, resulting in luxury items being removed from homes and extended loan arrangements that will not be paid off until they are 80 !

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  11. It's going to take Britain 7 years to build High Speed 2 and that is only 120 miles long. How long will it take Thailand to build a railway anything between four and seven times as long and what will the final cost be?

    In a country where they can't even get the ordering right for a few School Tablets for kids how are we supposed to believe that the Thai's could manage such a huge undertaking considering the high tech required. We all know that the Chinese and the Jap's are clever but will they be able to convince Thai 'Engineers' that they know best?

    I've said it before and I'll say it again....this won't happen in my lifetime.

    but... but... last year they promised it (and several other transportation pipe dreams)


    The sign reads:

    Developing the new system of transportation – 10 Skytrain lines – 20 baht ticket for round trip

    Double track rails to connect all directions in the system

    The high speed rail project from Bangkok to Chiangmai-Korat-Huahin

    the Airport Link to Chacherngsao-Chonburi-Pattaya

    – Puea Thai Party



    Miracle Thailand....Hub of broken dreams.

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  12. But Thailand does seem to be the 'hub' of hot women who hold senior positions. What with Yingluck and now Ms Kobsuk Iamsuri, wheeew! At least the latter is also displaying some kind of intelligence by highlighting the forthcoming financial hurricane about to engulf the farmers.

    Looks like we are in danger of finding a female politician with at least half a brain. There again, I would have expected a junior High School kid of about 12 to have noticed something is this drastically wrong with Thailand's Rice 'Scheme'. Will be interesting to see how she performs once she gets moved for being too smart !

  13. Personally I don't think there will be bad floods this year because we just haven't had anything like the rain in the North that we had already had by this time last year. Last year it started raining on March 1st and rained almost every other day in large volumes until October. All that water ran South and became the top up for what had already accumulated there. This year it has barely rained at all yet.

    In the final analysis nature will decide the issue and if there are no floods it will certainly not be due to the efforts of the current Government. Of course if there are no floods we all know that they will be congratulating themselves for a magnificent job done !

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