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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. Wifeys pal got hit in a similarly disgusting way by an American. The one doing the 'dating' was coming to Chiang Mai to meet the Lady and was travelling with a 'friend'. On arrival she was waiting at the Airport and received a phone call from the arrivals hall to say that her 'love' had been stopped by immigration and because of problems with his passport he needed cash right away or he would get locked up for the night, so could she get 20,000 Baht quickly and he would send his 'friend' out to get it for him. She rushed to the ATM and withdrew the money without a second thought and was met by the 'friend' within two minutes. He vanished accordingly and she waited more than two hours before going to the desk to find that nobody with the name of her 'love' was on the flight that he was supposedly on. It is disgusting but sadly it happens often.

  2. Well considering that Thailand has about a quarter the population of the US jammed into a country the size of Texas I would say the Thai death toll is pretty low. The World Health Organization statistics for 2007 show that Thailand had 19.6 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants compared to the US figure of 16.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. The death toll has been steadily declining in Thailand over the past five years.

    I would speculate that the relatively low number is attributed to the fact that it is fairly difficult to drive fast in Thailand other than after 10pm and before 7am.

    In my opinion the bus driver is 100% at fault. Besides driving very fast I suspect he was driving fast in the slow lane and then also didn't pay attention to the other vehicles on the road. I am quite adept at anticipating when another driver is going to change lanes, suddenly or otherwise. Not to mention it is very very rare to see any large truck in Thailand exceeding 60kph. I can't imagine the circumstance where I would need to make such an evasive maneuver, more likely an EXTREME OVERREACTION when he finally noticed the big truck after he stopped paying attention to his phone and started paying attention to the road again. My wife does it all the time, sitting in the passenger seat and a big truck or bus moves a little into our lane ... "Oh my god! oh my god! oh my god!" I ask "what is the problem?", and she says "that truck almost hit us!". Not even close. I didn't even have to move a little bit and the truck/bus was just making a small adjustment to get around a stopped vehicle. My wife on the other hand would have locked up the breaks and moved over as far as possible.

    I could be wrong tho.

    It is sad for the other driver his son and the wife/mother though.

    Our wives have similar habits in traffic. Mine wants me to drive at 30kph in case someone wants to pull out on me ! She's terrified of driving or of being a passenger on Thai roads. When we go abroad to Western countries she is just fine and never says a word.

  3. A big thank you to the 81 stall-holders and 501 buyers who turned up on Saturday morning to make this the biggest and best Garage Sale ever at the school. We'll do it all over again in late November/early December, in time for Christmas present buying. Watch this space.

    Great idea; what we call a 'Boot Fair' in England. We need more of them around Chiang Mai.

  4. For the amount of money they say they are going to spend on a High Speed system, which will never pay for itself, they could change the entire existing system to the good old 4' 8'' Standard Gauge that is used in around 65% of the Worlds railway systems to date. They need to double track all mainline routes and electrify as much of the system as possible.

    No point in going on as it will never happen !

  5. All this is very sad for the quietman who has difficult decisions to make, and I hope it all works out well for him.

    One thing is for sure; women can be difficult creatures to understand and get along with no matter where they come from. I suffered a marriage in England in which to me everything was ' we, ours and us' but to my wife it was all 'I, me and mine', wherever she went or whoever she spoke to, including right in front of me. I learned hard and expensive lessons from that marriage which I used in my selection process to meet my Thai wife. So far, after four and a half years we seem to have a solid relationship based on fairly equal footings but I never lower my guard where her family is concerned. We live a fair distance from them and all requests for 'loans' etc have been repelled. However; there is always constant family pressure on Thai women, sometimes in quite subtle ways, and my wife tells me about such things to take pressure off of herself and show me that she values me over them. We discuss everything and it takes a lot of pressure off her shoulders. I do tend to think that a lot of Thai women keep this problem to themselves and do not discuss things enough with their Farang partners, which eventually leads to problems in relationships. Thai families constantly nag women married to Farang and make wild demands on them, even telling them if they can't get what the family wants they should get another, richer Farang. They care nothing for a loving, caring relationship if there is no 'profit' in it. Sounds sad and outrageous to us but it's true and it's happening every day.

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  6. Is it not possible to sit her down one last time and explain that if you continue to be ignored at the expense of all others 'face', your relationship is going to crumble and there will be some sad goodbyes? Surely; if she values your care and support for her and her Son she will at least try to support you in the same way instead of every other Tom, Dick and Harry.

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  7. RIP the deceased and condolences to his family.

    Certainly gives us a shock when we live in the area, which is normally very quiet and appears to be relatively crime free in and around the modern Moobahn's. We have a 24/7 two hour security patrol around ours and three gates out of four are closed at night. There hasn't been a burglary since the project was started 16 years ago but there is always going to be a first time. This has focused me more on beefing up security measures around our home.

  8. Canada has huge diversity as well , I ended up in chinatown once and the gas pumps were in Chineese ! City, country, French, speaking english ect ..... It's a pretty cool country overall

    Cool being the appropriate word. Somebody on here once said:-

    'Canada has four seasons....nearly winter, winter, still winter and road repairs. '

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