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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. Not sure W7 64bit comes with a 32bit compatibility mode. The W7 gurus on this board will know it better.

    My printer that was running happily on 32bit XP hated 64bit 7, running it in xp comaptabilty mode on 7 is fine.

  2. Of no help to the OP but i bought the lastest Xbox360 arcade (jasper) from tukom here in pattaya, i bundled it with an extra cordless controller (arcade come standard with one), dvd remote, HDMI cable and a 20gb hdd total cost was 14,000b

    EDIT: mine came chipped to play dodgy games and has 12 months warranty against RROD, and also got 10 free games.

  3. Ive been running 7 for a while now, first the RC and now the RTM and to me, its the best MS operating system to date, im running 64bit @8gig of ram on a quad cpu and its simply superb.

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