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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. Demps1, what are these bugs you talk off ??

    If you are asserting that MS has launched an OS that is completely bug free I'd be interested to know which planet you have been living on these last twenty years.

    Demps1, what are these bugs you talk off ??

    A lot of new products/programs have bugs "as yet to be discovered" It's up to eagle eyed punters like your good self to report them.

    I'll just wait till next year and visit a torrent site and get it for nicks. Like all Thai schools and Govt. Depts do. Hey ! "When in Rome etc"

    Well come on then, your talking the big game, how bout some facts ...........

    Dont get me wrong, im not a windows fanboi, i have had issues with win7, but the issues are hardware based (new pc i built myself), having said that, iam also running the same RTM on my 3yr old acer lappy, that install has been rock solid.

  2. Have had a True 8mb connection installed to replace my CAT 2mb connection, True have been bunch of numpties to deal with though.

    I had a "non standard" install requirement, i wanted a new cable run into my new office (converted second bedroom) old mate Somchai the installer came a day early and installed into the existing point in the lounge room and so far to date refuses to come back and install into the point as outlined when i signed the paperwork, had a new guy coming today but he appears to stay at home if its raining SIGH.

    Anywho, am happy with the speeds, can drop a movie in 12 minutes so all is good, hopefully the uptimes are somewhere on par with CAT as im liking the 800b per month cheaper price tag......

    Am suprised at the offshore speeds.





  3. I have not seen a single blue screen yet

    Ive had dozens of Blue screens with win7 64bit RTM.

    All hardware based though :) seems my gigabyte Mobo doesn not like the 8gb of 1066 corsair ram i also purchased, yet on the giga website they say its compatible........go figure.

  4. Demps1, what are these bugs you talk off ??

    These are not bugs, just possible problems for u:

    * if u have XP, there is no upgrade. u have to copy ur docs and whatnot somewhere, install a fresh copy of win7, then copy ur gunk back.

    * if u have vista, certain programs are removed, like itunes and google toolbar, and you have to reinstall. there are others, but i don't have the list.

    But i have been running Win7 in VMware fusion on a mac side by side with Vista, and the things I noticed are:

    * much better performance

    * no more nag screens

    So for those two reasons, I would upgrade...cheers!

    No problems for me, ive been running it on my PC and Laptop for quite a while now, pity its so dam_n expensive otherwise i would be more than willing to purchase it, instead i'll stick with what ive got.

  5. Please note the version already being sold the last few months in Pantip was the BETA version and missing features in the RELEASED version.

    Are you sure its the BETA version, ive been running the RTM for a month or two now (upgrade from RC), what is the difference between the retail and RTM version ??

  6. My luckiest find,

    This morning stopped at the 7/11 got out of car went in grabbed some chewing gum and went to pay, go for wallet in back pocket but not there.......HMMMMMMM

    Thinking its in the car i went out to get it, only to find it sitting on the ground near the drivers door, must have fallen out when i climbed out of the car.....lucky lucky lucky.

    Your lucky maigo6 wasn't around LOL

    LOL, if he had of opened it he would have seen my ugly mug, both on the licence and also walking out the 7/11.

  7. My luckiest find,

    This morning stopped at the 7/11 got out of car went in grabbed some chewing gum and went to pay, go for wallet in back pocket but not there.......HMMMMMMM

    Thinking its in the car i went out to get it, only to find it sitting on the ground near the drivers door, must have fallen out when i climbed out of the car.....lucky lucky lucky.

  8. Ive been with CAT for over 12 months, i was initially on the 2/1 standard package, it was terrible, infact no better than the TT&T package i swapped from, i upgraded to the 2/1 premium package, it has been 99% stable for 12 months, i can vaguely recall having two down times, neither were more than 20 minutes, the download speed is consistent, Download a movie in an hour (sometimes less) is the norm anytime of the day or night.

  9. Stolen from another Forum.

    For those who care and desire, on a visit to Chinatown in Bangkok yesterday I was quite astonished to see the touts offering various sex toys for sale via large books with pictures and porn DVD's openly displayed. Normally I wouldn't post this, but it isn't a secret...as I say, in public, in daylight.

    If your are interested...take the subway to the downtown train station.

    Take a taxi to "Chinatown Hotel" which is on Yarawat...

    Cross the street(if standing in front of Chinatown Hotel) and walk with traffic about three blocks...

    Look for a main intersection, cross it....

    About a block further, you will see various police stuff for sale, knifes, etc..

    Take the right at the next half Soi, more of the same items....

    You will then be approached etc..

    It's not my thing, just a public service post. Have had people ask in the past....

  10. Actually for the 8Mbps in Pattaya, True will pull a dedicated cable from their closest DSLAM to your house. So no crappy, taped together cables.

    They use ADSL2+, so 8Mbps carries over a fairly decent distance.

    Limit is 25Mbps on ADSL2+, so with a dedicated cable 16Mbps would be possible if the DSLAM is not too far away.

    Says nothing on international speeds though :)

    Interesting, my True 8mb connection should be (hopefully) getting installed as im typing this, will be interesting to see if a complete new cable is installed, i was told last friday when the lady came round for me to sign all thepaperwork the 16mb connection would be available to me (Soi Khao Noi) in two months.

  11. Cheers Monty, yeah that Nongprue intersection is a major pain in the ass,i sit there every morning for atleast 5 minutes, ohh well, enough time to get out of the car, stretch my legs and suck down a ciggie i spose.

    I don't drive that way very often, but I recall that intersection to be gridlocked at peak times even before that turn of to Soi Nong Prue was possible.

    I think there are not enough lanes to handle the outgoing traffic in the early evenings, maybe they could try to keep the left lane free, which now is for all practical purposes a parking lane...

    This should be eased of if and when the highway nr. 7 extension gets opened, as this will create an alternative way to leave patters.

    Actually, at the moment, taking Soi Siam Country club and then North onto the parallel road with the rail tracks will see you bypass that Sukhumvit gridlock at Soi Nong Prue rather effortless.

    Yeah during peak times they need to clear all vehicles parked in the left hand lanes, that would free up an extra lane and the traffic would surely flow better.

    I used to use the entire bypass all the way to the 36 but its a dam_n lottery at the best of times, sometimes i could get to work in 30 minutes (Laem Chabang) other days it would take 50 minutes, all depends on the morons crossing over, not to mention the random freight trains etc etc.

    By getting onto suk road Via Soi Siam i consistenly make work in 40 minutes allowing me a set time to leave home in the mornings without fear of being late.

  12. Those service manuals are from 2006, the one on Magnum from 2005. Yawn.

    Kawa Chiang Mai said that they don't have the English ER6n 2010 manual yet or they had run out - not sure - and promised to call me when they get it. They seemed to think that that will happen soon but TIT so I wasn't going to hold my breath.

    Please point to where in the OP a year model was specified.


    next time i wont bother.

  13. Thanks for the link - I never heard of this before - maybe check it out some time. (must be new within the last year though?) BUT - at triple the US price, I guess I'll be happy with my 40K baht China made grill (that is pretty good - but not a Weber).


    I have been here (Pattaya) since late 2006, True Value had them then.

    I agree though, dam_n pricey, hence i have not bought one.

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