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Posts posted by JoePai

  1. Sorry can't believe anything he says re. Israel - suggest you check him out before believing any of the nonsense he spouts.

    Have checked him out already. He is a highly respected military leader with lost of experience in the Middle East. You are the one spouting nonsense.


    Sorry it is you who is spouting nonsense as you try and defend the Israelis :

    But recent reports suggest former Colonel Richard Kemp is also a religious fundamentalist motivated in his ideological support for Israel by a hard-line Christian Zionism.

  2. British General Richard Kemp on Operation Protective Edge:

    “Israeli forces have taken greater steps than anyone else in the history of warfare to save the lives of innocent civilians.” “If civilians are accidently killed, it’s not a war crime. The IDF has even gone further than the Geneva Convention… In one particular incident, 17 missions were aborted to save innocent civilians and in the end, they gave up on the mission.”

    “I’d like to ask the world, what would Great Britain do if they were in a similar situation? I can tell you what Britain would do and did in 1943, when Nazis sent unguided missiles at British cities. We immediately sent a bombardment and dropped 600 aircrafts full of explosives. 763 civilians died. The most important concern was for British civilians,”

    Sorry can't believe anything he says re. Israel - suggest you check him out before believing any of the nonsense he spouts.

  3. Cabinet approves May 4 extra holiday, making five-day weekend

    BANGKOK: -- The Cabinet Tuesday approved May 4 as an extra holiday, making a five-day weekend from Friday May 1 to Tuesday May 5, Tourism and Sports Minister Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul said.

    The first of May is the National Labour Day while the fifth of May is the Coronation Day.

    Kobkarn said the Cabinet expected that the extra holiday and long weekend would help boost tourism in the country by about ten per cent.

    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Cabinet-approves-May-4-extra-holiday-making-five-d-30252747.html


    -- The Nation 2015-01-27

    There you have it! Extra days means extra tourist money spent. Why wouldn't they approve such a thing since tourism is down internationally. They have to make it up from their own people. I just hope they don't ban drinking on this long weekend holiday.

    Unfortunately you have to earn it before you spend it

  4. A really wonderful idea in theory, but I cant help but wonder about 3 things.

    1) The defibs are as useful as a chocolate tea pot without trained people to use them, and 2) , Who will stop the recyclers from stealing them ?, and finally, will there be clear warnings on them to stop the people rechargeing their Iphones with them.

    Tell us what you know about defibs?

    The ones we use at work are pretty much fully automatic.... IF YOU CAN READ YOU CAN USE THEM.... U follow the instructions the machine gives you. It won't discharge, unless criteria is met in regards to the heart beat of the patient..... Nothing to do with the operator.


    That unfortunately is one reason this idea will fail - most cannot read

  5. "Hero Tourism", "textile tourism" cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

    I know it sounds odd but my ex back in England was into textiles and when travelling she would visit textile factories and even a textile museum in Guatemala. I, meantime, would indulge in my hobby of sampling beers of the world! But she was a teacher at the London College of Fashion, therefore had a specific interest. Not exactly for the mainstream.

    And hero tourism? I am no historian but what does Ho Chi Minh have to do with Thailand? And I am afraid I have never heard of the other two and am not sufficiently interested to look them up on Wikipedia.

    He lived here a bit - down the road from Udon Thani

  6. British colonization could'nt be such a bad idea, albeit a hundred years too late.

    Not sure if Thailand has forgiven Britain for "stealing" Shan State, that is currently part of Myanmar (albeit reluctantly, according to many of the locals up there) and the north-western portions of Malaysia, both of which were formerly under Siamese administration.

    I always ponder to myself what Thailand could look like if it weren't for European colonization of it's neighbors? Would Thailand be almost twice as big as it currently is? Something to ponder about...

    Thailand would look a lot better now had it been colonised by a European country instead of by the Chinese.

    • Like 1
  7. Yes, yes, do that. The Zionists will love it, but guess what? They have been under occupation for decades, with threats of mass annihilation and famine. Decades, just like Cuba. Didn't stop them.coffee1.gif

    This next move will calm the women and children of Palestine. NOT! blink.png

    What occupation? no one stops them from leaving and going back to where they came from,

    i.e. one of the many Arab countries in the region...

    there is no such thing as Palestinians people, the name Palestine was given to this piece of land

    by the Romans 2,000 year ago, Jerusalem is never mentioned in The Quran not even one time,

    while it's mention 685 times in the old testaments, the prophet Muhammad never set foot

    in Jerusalem and the Palestinians people have no lineage or heritage to this piece of land

    the call home, Yasser Arafat himself was born in Egypt to and Egyptians parents... and yet he claim

    to be a ' Palestinian'.....

    Maybe you are correct - the Jews should go back to where they came from, after all, Israel has only been a blot on the landscape for the past 60 or so years...

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