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Mai Krap

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Posts posted by Mai Krap

  1. Granted there are nightmare cases in the west but I was in no way trying to compare the 2 systems. There can be much higher stakes financialy in the west with more long term disadvantages. Rarely is one told from his porch to go at gun point and never return where he has no other course of action. Nor does one usualy come home and find the house wrecked with all valuables removed where you have no further course of action. Here most cases are instant and final one may argue it is even a better system if not done at gun point. I dont believe anyone regaurds the system here dealing with falang males as fair. It was never intended to be fair, nor will it ever be fair. I just suggest one should try to understand the rules of the game and stash some money somewhere besides a joint bank account.

  2. I guy walked up in my yard today all upset and said "Ive benn off to Bangkok and on ariving home have found everything missing". My first thought was here we go again another DRAMA. The wife was also missing and evidently made the getaway in his brand new truck with 2 new motercycles in the back leaving him afoot. He said he had invested 2.5 million baht but I was thinking he should look at it more as a donation to a devoloping nation. This topic has been around the block but I was just thinking Imagration could open a new office to deal with this, maybe a special VISA that says SUCKER, or a free t-shirt that says 'IVE BEEN RIPPED OFF IN THAILAND" just a thought.

  3. Plachon if you go back to my original post and read it again I in no way said modern farming practices were good or bad but simply said it puts more food in peoples plates.

    Laos has everything to do with Thailand and saying that is doesnt is like say Texas doesnt have anything to do with Mexico. If you believe for one minute that the average person in Laos has more food than the average person in Thailand you have either never been there or you ate lunch with the communist party.

    If people want to raise he11 they created a separate forum and It would be nice to see you there. The Bear Pit . I for one have called for a truce here and vowed to be nice on thai visa. Think of it as family entertainment.

  4. Ive had my card ate in the middle of the day in Khon Kaen when the power blacked out for a few minutes on a very hot day. The people inside the bank were a huge pain to deal with and I was paranoid the machine would spit my card out when it turned back on. No problem after waiting two hours. Be careful on hot days in Issan and only use atms at bank branches.

  5. Why is it that you allow everyone and their brother to go off topic and bash the United States? Is this website about Thailand? Why let a handfull of people hijack and ruin the site for everybody that is not a disgruntled Anti-American expat.

  6. Yea I left out alot of stuff because most of it is boreing and I didnt want to get off TOPIC. The question was why are people in LOS fatter now than they were in the past. I tried to awnser this.

    Last year Thailand dumped a bunch of pork on Laos that was treated with something to make it red, The government of Laos tried to prevent this but the people wanted it anyway. When your hungry you dont care about unhealthy side effects on yourself or your environment. That is what you worry about when you have a belly full of food.

    No I do not think greed and corruption is westernization it has been here since Budda walked the countryside.

  7. We in this instance refers to " People living and breathing on the planet earth". The cattle industry is a good example. in the past you just put bulls out in the pasture with cow and waited for calves to be born. Now before a modern rancher even buys a bull it is checked for fertility. No infertile bulls covering cows and not producing. Then comes artificial insemination. Sperm is collected from the bull and stablized "cooled and having a additive to thin and improve the time it is potent" then divided into straws. Cows are given a shot so they will all be ready for fertilization around the same time. The straws are then used to fertilize the cows. This helps to insure the cow is bred and to which bull. It also takes alot of stress off the bull as one bull is limeted to the amount of cows he can cover and by collecting and freezing the sperm over a period of time one bull can fertilize 200 or more cows in one morning.

    I will mention feed lots briefly, this is simply where cattle going to butcher are given a maximum nutricien to give the them the weight desired before slaughter.

    On to the butchers, They are just more sterilized in the butchering process in general " The longer it takes for bacteria to take hold the longer the shelf life". Then there is vacum packaging, refrigirated shipping, longterm storage"freezing". I could be much more detailed and long winded but this is a decent brief and yes these things are currently being practiced in Thailand to varying degrees.

  8. You are all correct in the asumption that westernization leads to obiesity but just not in the way you think. First thing, the main reason people in Los were not as fat years ago was that many people just didnt have enough to eat much less too much to eat. There was no need for a health club membership or diet plan if you slaved away in rice patties or climed coconut trees for a living. In asia being fat has always been a signal of wealth. Wealthy people do not work in manual labor and they have the meens to provide an excess of nutrician. With modern farming techniqes suplying more food with less hands on labor and electricity to provide refrigiration and freezers for long term storage we have just put more food on the plate for the average person.

  9. I again ask what does a bunch of brits bitchen about the United States on the 4th of July have to do with the westernization of this country? The same people who do the most bitchen are the ones who dont have a clue about this place cause they only talk to each other and all hold the same grandiose view of their hole they crawlled out of. I would rather be preached to by Germans or Italians cause at least they know how to make decent cars.

  10. Dimwit the guy who exited the cab who was brit just pulled out a bunch of change paying him to the exact baht on the meter on a hundred and somthing cab fair and he was clearly aggrevated as this has happened to him many times,,, The American term is getting STIFFED... We clearly are a nice people with lots of airplanes and big guns to back up our politeness........

  11. Why is it that anyone on this forum who refers to himself as a gentleman always proves that he is less than?

    The westernization of Thailand and its ruin of the perfect society... This is a joke at best and at worst the most igonorant eliteist idealism fantisized be the many falang who run about this country as selfimposed dogooder mini dictaters who yearn to have their own pulpit to corect the masses as to why their idealism is the WAY. "All pigs are eqaul some are just more eqaul than others"

    By ruining this country do you refer to bringing a end of slavery because this was certainly a western ideal and eventualy promoting democracy in this country, "Granted it is Thailands version of democracy". Even the great England had to learn democracy from United States. Or do you refer to the bad idea of western medicine. Most of the people in thailand who who wear stupid t-shirts are just glad to have a shirt and dont care what they say, Most of these were ones that could not be sold in another country like my favorite "lovers Panday" which just dosent make any sense but has a cute picture.

    And for the ambassodors refereference to brainwashing and then watering down his words alittle... He doesnt sound like a person who was educated in England with all the brainwashing they do to kids as to why they are the greatist nation in the world and so much smarter than everyone else and even give them the arragance to have english teachers wasting the time of students by trying to teach them a proper britesh accent. The country even has gone as far as naming itsself Great...The mythe of the unpopular American as told in britesh pubs around the the globe,,, Have you ever heard the term "KEE NEOW" the term thais say when brits exit.... I remember my first trip to Pattaya and the cab driver saying "India noo goood,Britess noo goood,German no goood, American dee dee dee" I didnt say it he did.

  12. I went to a friends restraunt and he was all shook up so I knew not to ask at the time and waited til he decided to tell me what happened... It turns out that he had opened the door of his bedroom and turned on the light when of those green vipers "very deadly" fell out of the roof and onto his bed,,, he was going to take a nap at the time... all this was bad enough but then the katoey tao who has the misfortune of being very ugly began talking to some of the other staff members... As it turns out the snake had been in the katoey taos bedroom for sevral days as in his beliefs it was good luck and he would soon be getting a new lover for his trouble... My friend who has a temper on occasion had lost it and screamed at him and then fired him and told him he would be getting a new lover and would also be getting a new place to live and a new job... Bad katoey tao,,, no new panties...

  13. I agree with the best defense is a good offense idea... I went after the source as best I could here,,, First I found that the septic tanks in my area were not sealed and these were were provideing huge amounts of ms... Next I hired some guys to cut the tall grass behind my house... There are at least 60 rai of coconut plantation behind my house and off to the side so I cant cut it all... Across the street is rain forrest and I think the government would get ivoled If they saw a falang out for a buldozer ride...The biggest problem is the coconuts as at some point they came through and cut the tops off and drained the milk and threw these on the ground which makes a perfect ms condo... My neigbors and helpers dont understand why I insist they pick up all these old cocnut shells,,, Ohh falang.I also paid to have the local helper seal the space between the wall and the roof with bricks and install a exaust fan to exit the heat... This has helped a great deal but I carry bug dope in my pocket for a last resort.......... I plan to soon add many fish tanks and I would like a Koi pond but that is on the back burner for now...

  14. Ive used skeetoleen and it doesnt work worth a darn,,, In Alaska we had some military stuff left over from the 50s and it was mighty potent... The misqueto coils I used in alaska caused every misqueto to fall out of the roof of a two story cabin,,, The ones I use here are like fake counterfit bug coils and dont do anything... I stopped buying the aresol can sprays also as they wont even kill when sprayed directly on the dudes when they are on the wall,,, they just fly away.......... I just got some of the WILD LIVES 95 which I payed 200 baht for and it is 95% deet and seems to work well... The bottle claims it will repel leaches and is made in Thailand... In the house I try to keep three fans blowing full blast and one directly on me and this works pretty good but my wife always turns the fans down and off as I have never met anyone here that likes air blowing on them....

  15. My wife was looking over my shoulder as I was checking out some of the very large Italian and French ovens as she does wondering what Im up to next,,, She had that look Ive seen many times in Issan where somone says "ohh Falanggg" and then walks away... I then realized she had never seen a large masonary oven except at the wat... For all the misunderstandings from both sides my wifes family doesnt even bother to comment,,,,, they think Im nuts.... I cant wait til they viset and see that Im building crematoriam out in front of my wifes restraunt.....

    "ohhh Falang"

  16. Anybody ever build a brick wood fired oven before? Where did you get the fire bricks? there are great plans all over the internet and the small ones can built out of clay just like a Issan charcoal maker,,, If covered these will last a long time... Im designing a large one now and I have materials but im looking for some better qaulity bricks... The biggest problem is using a design that does not look like a buddist crematoriam... Sometimes Thailand is like being on another planet... Building a small wood fired oven in your back yard can be done very cheeply and can be alot of fun and you will be able to eat fresh bread that is not sweet and eat pizza with no mayanaise... I would encourage anyone interested in this to do some web searches and check it out.......

  17. I know guys in florida that have no intrest in nice girls and prefer the bar girl type... This is not the case for everyone... Guys there are some great girls in Thailand who arnt carrying around excess bagage and have never even drank a winecooler muchless ever stepped foot in a bar... They get together with guys for the same reasons girls all over the world get together with a boyfriend,,, It is just natural for a man and woman to be together... Simple as that... If you like the bar girl type by all means go for it... Just dont be pathetic and accept whoever you can get easy just cause your lonely and drunk... If I never hear another drunk tell me "I never saw It coming" and then say "She took It all" then hit me for beer money I will realize Im no longer in Thailand......

  18. Recently I passed a girl in a wheel chair who had very small legs and I knew was realy crippled,,, As I rode the train I questioned myself as to why I had not given her anything... The next time I passed I handed her a couple dollars equivilant... I would pass her sevral more times on this day... What did I get in return??? The nicest and most honest smile I have seen in some time... The girl in her early twentys was very clean and in no way looked pathetic nor did I feel sorry for her,,, I was thankful for my health which has given me the oppurtunity to earn and happy to give her a couple bucks ... This happend in Kuala Lampur and with a muslim girl...

    That was the good but here is the ugly,,, How many people in this forum have seen the guy who crawls and drags hisself around sukimvit soi 3... he is disgustingly dirty and drags and rubs his face on the ground and realy makes a whole drama right in the middle of one of the bussiest sidewalks in town... I wouldnt be suprised to see him get up and walk away at the end of the day... In china town I saw a woman who had dragged herslf around on a skateboard thing get up and walk away... Last year in Ventiane some children were out begging for money late at night,,, I noticed a man lingering behind them and then the tuk tuk driver told me the man has a very large house on the edge of town and all the people who actualy work hate him as he employs many children to collect money for him and has had many people beaten and thrown in jail for moving in on his territory or trying to make him stop...

  19. People on both sides of the "she shouldnt have got drunk" and "she shouldnt have been raped" both have valid points.. For what its worth here is another 2 cents worth of comments...

    It can be very dangerous to drink or use drugs and not be one hundred percent in control of your judgement,,, this is a given... In Thailand this should be multiplied by about 10....

    Rape is Rape and is a disgusting abuse of another person under any circumstance... Unfortunatly rape also carries with it shame by the victem and this causes a loss of face... I would guess up to 90 percent of all rapes or not reported in Los,,, Of the rapes reported a good many of these are some type of extortion on farang guys or government officials ... Real rapist are violant and sadistic people who usualy have some type of power over their victem... Out of published English periodicals here in Thailand the only stories I can remember of individuals being prosecuted and actualy handed over to be incarcirated were Police,,, and Monks,,, and those poor construction workers who 2 of 4 died in prison after being railroaded by corrupt Police in the Sherry Lynn murder case... This last Abbot who I believe is still on bond has been free for years while on trial after he raped many children under his protection... The current system does not protect children nor adolesents nor adults from rape nor does it sympothise with them for being a victem of rape or give them much hope of any kind of justice... There is a snowballs chance in hadies any farang will recieve justice under any circumstances here..... There are many good people, Monks, and Police in Thailand,,, There are also ruthless power driven thugs who have money for their God and enjoy raping, killing, robbing, or maiming any person they can Thai or farang...........

  20. As usual a couple whiners have taken this topic out of context,,,,,, I try not to justify my behavoir in the Kingdom but in this case I will........ I have never killed a snake in Thailand on purpose,,,,, "maybe ran over some but had no choice"...... Thais are the first to go after any snake anytime anywhere,,,,, There are Cambodian workers here on Ko Chang and they will eat any snake they can get.... The krait that was killed was around ten feet from my back door and they are deadly and not a welcome house geust.... The king cobra that was killed was trying to get into my neigbors house and she screamed until a Cambodian guy ran over there and whacked it..... This was very good luck for him cause it was on a friday and he and the lads drained the blood and some vitals to mix with homemade rice whisky and start the weekend off right......... I would kill any deadly snake in close proxemity to my home,,,,,, I do not kill or harm any snake in its environment nor would there be any need to....... Im not the guy responsible for <deleted> up the environment here nor have I been dineing on endangered species....

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