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Mai Krap

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Posts posted by Mai Krap

  1. Just wondering if anyone has any good snake storys lately,,, today my niegbor across the street killed a 5 ft long king cobra and a few days ago we killed a banded krait ten feet from my back door...... I also saw a what I believe was a red headed krait on the mainland but it got away before I could get a positive ID..... the red headed krait is suposed to be realy rare..... I ran over a king cobra with my motercycle and have ran over a half dozen unidentified snakes as they crawled onto the road and I had no time to stop,,,, lift the legs and go..... the guy I talked to at the red cross said there were more snakes here on ko chang than anywhere,,,, Im starting to believe him......

  2. This is a simple case and easily solved in any other place but Thailand..... Who is the victem or victems,,, why are they the victems,,, who asaulted who and what physical evidence is there,,, what did the assalent use as a weapon if any.....

    Two guys exit a cab,,, the cab driver wants more money for whatever reason,,, he doesnt use his phone to call police,,, "most cabies have phones and there was also a security gaurd who could have called if any crime had been commited to this point... Cabbie decides to take the law into his own hands "... The screwdriver was not used in the physical asault according to my information" Upon confrontation cabbie decides to use larger knife which he apparntly had to retrieve from the cab giving him a chance to leave if he was under assault... This time he chooses to go after and physically attack causing serious bodily harm to unarmed persons... If the cabbie places himself at the scene of the crime and admits he used a knife and the knife is in the hands of the prosecuter and these guys wernt trying to rob him with a gun ... he is GUILTY AS HELLL,,, but his lawyer and he knows these guys will leave Thailand and the day they do or soon after even if he is found guilty he will be back driving a cab... Whatever happend about the japenese air stewardess that was shot by a cabbie,,, not a dammd thing... this happens everyday here,,,, Tourist are assaulted and not much if anything is ever done about...........

  3. Update ,,, I went to all the trouble of getting letters at the embasy stating I had funds and when I went to the Thai consulate this time nobody asked me anything and I tried to show them all my paperwork I was told to bring and they acted like I was crazy.... I was given a new tourest visa no questions asked..... The bottem line is I spent more money and got nothing extra and didnt need the letter this time,,, next time could be diffrent.....The system seems to work I just dont know how...

  4. One thing this country needs is for drivers to be responsable and if not to be held accountable,,, Nobody wants to take responsibility for anything here unless it is succes and anyone who has money or knows anyone is not usualy held accountable... Public safety should be the chief concern of any free nation... Here it just isnt... I could wear out this keyboard with examples of bad driving Ive personally wittnessed but I will spare us that and just say... Bus drivers slow down... Police, write tickets to influentual people in mercedees, bmw's, etc., concrete haulers, comercial vehichles, bus drivers or anyone who chooses to drive wrecklessly speeding and endangering the public,,, No more get out of jail free cards... For the sake of children who are mamed, killed, and lose parents everyday in this country please take action... Acountability for Irresponsability,,, A simple concept...

  5. The monsoon rains have begun but it seems to only rain a couple hours a day now... Good news is off season priceing has begun also.... FUNKY HUT at Dan Kao Beach is down to 400 baht a nite and is a nice relaxing atmosphere... Internet is 2 baht per minute so ill have more info later when I get a phone line... There is plenty of ice cold beer at Ko Chang,,,,,,....

  6. It will be interesting to see if the same security standards will used on the New Subway,,, I understand it is a totaly different management team... Has anyone noticed if the security has been increased anywhere in Bangkok since the "7 day threat",,,???

  7. I wasnt aware that Iraq and what goes on there had nothing to do with THAILAND since there are Thai Troops there and and much chatter if they will stay are go... American and other troops are probably at the airport here as I type for Cobra Gold,,, American and mostly British troops gave their lives on the death railway and is a TAT tourist atraction... There are much problems in the south that are not understood and nobody knows the direction that is headed... I hope nowhere but that is only hope,,, maybe unrealistic... Will the current headlines in most media effect whether Thai troops stay or come home... Many people on this forum will be voting in the up and coming U.S. Elections including the majority of Thais who do not live in Thailand...Many of these Thais send money here that supports this economie...

  8. What is the definition of torture nowdays,,, These guys were hooked up to wires and TOLD they would be electrocuted,,, Not one reported case of actual electrocution reported... Marching a bunch of well fed naked prisoners around does not seem like torture to me... Some here will be more familier with the DEATH RAILWAY and the BATAAN DEATH MARCH,,, this is torture.................

  9. there is no security in bangkok at all, maybe because if security measures were introduced it would be tantamount to the government admitting there was a danger of an incident.

    That is my observation too,,, It seems that somthing as simple as checking backpacks,,, briefcases,,, and banning suitcases off the BTS might prevent a moron from making Bangkok the next Madrid....

    Many falang + High Profile Target + Lax Security = Potential Disaster

  10. Didnt mean to leave out SAILORS,,, I tried to cover everybody with FREE WORLD SOLDIERS,,, Including Brits, Ausies, and Coalition Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Air Force.... Thats about everybody,,, time for BEER...........

  11. In regaurds to cute little girls wearing NAZI memorabilia... I have never heard of any Thai NAZI,s... Pissed off young radical youths wearing OSAMA t-shirts seem to be the fashion of the week.... There are radical believing Islamist living throughout Issan,,, though in small numbers... The agent Hambali was not captured in the south,,, but in a Buddist community... How many more HAMBALIs are in THAILAND... I only say prevention not reaction... The security level does not coincide with the threat level.

  12. I agree about the dangers of motercycles and tuk-tuks,,, I believe buses are dangerous too,,, The roads here are more likely to take life than any terrorist act,,, I believe there were 40,000 traffic fatalitys in the U.S. alone last year...

    I ride motercycles,,, buses,,, and the BTS,,, and I will continue to do so...

    With all the increased security at the airport one would expect to see an increase in the security of the BTS... The security in the south was not increased on the trains until the railway workers refused work... In the best intrest of Thai people and tourism we do not need anymore reactionary security measures after another preventable scenario... Anyone who believes there are not radical scentiments in Bangkok need only remember the large amounts of OSAMA t-shirts and stickers after the 911 attack in the U.S. ...

  13. I'll pass on the shave,,,Can spell Al Qaeda,,, Dont need grip as I have all my teeth... Thanx for the advice...

    The point is not the beard,,, The point is an absence of basic security measures on a known target of choice by terrorist in the face of new threats and an escilation of violance Thailand...

  14. Recently I arrived at the SKY TRAIN with full beard,,, "Ive been asked by many Thais if Im Lybian, Palistinian, Saudi, cause of the beard" and a big heavy box... It was very aparrent I was struggling to get the box up the stairs,,, The box was all taped up... No one aproached me to even ask what it was muchless look inside it... At this time there was only a guy standing upstairs with a billy club and he didnt give me a second look either...... It was when I arrived home I thought,,, That box could have been anything and nobody seemed to care what anybody carryed on the train... With trains just being a target of choice in SPAIN I began to feel very uncomfortable... I hope with the new threats on Thailand that security will be hieghtend on the BTS....

  15. I would personaly like to welcome all FREE WORLD SOLDIERS to Pattaya who are here on training or r&r... I always try to buy a couple beers for our U.S. SOLDIERS who I am so very proud of.

    With this welcome I will also give a warning... BE CAREFUL,,, Try to keep one sober guy with every group in case there are any misunderstandings,,, Let the sober guy work it out... Pay for beers one at a time so you dont get burned with extra bills,,, Beware of SCAMS... USE CONDOMS... BE NICE... AND HAVE A GOOD TIME...........

  16. How easy it is to forget that the foundations of the first concrete structures were poured with cash from selling beer and entertaiment to AMERICAN GIs. Any smart a$$ who says the SOLDIERS are not welcome or shouldnt be turned loose on the town probably cant speak ENGLISH and know sh1t from shinola....

  17. I dont have the awnser about cars on the island but I know more boats are not the awnser.... Boats stir up silt and silt kills coral... There are many boat operators now who go to the coral reefs and refuse to use morings and just throw an anchor right into the reef... There are few Boat operaters that give a damm about tomorow for the coral or repeat customers... Boat operators have to take the lead in keeping the water clean and the coral alive...

    I asked a dive operator about spearfishing in the islands and was told no way,,, It is against the law,,, Yet night after night the sea is full of trawlers catching every species of fish with no size discrimination or aparent regaurd for the dwindiling fish stocks... Im not aware of the enforcement of any current fishing regulations... It seems a bit ludicrist that five guys on a boat with unlimeted tackle can catch unlimeted amounts of fish and do unlimeted amounts of damage yet it is deemed unacceptable that one guy with one spear catch one fish for dinner...

    I doubt anyone driving from Bangkok would care to leave their luxery vehicle to ride jammed into a mini van with a suicidal driver,,, or ride in the back of a truck to their luxery acomidations.... There are no VIP, ELITE golf carts as of this posting...

  18. I still vote on JOSE'S in Nong Kai...... #1.

    Home School 101,,, 1 kilo chicken breast,,,, Marinated in homemade fahita mix,,, Grilled and chopped... Blenderize garlic,,, tomato,,, cummin, salt, papricka, lime juice, salt, to taste for SALSA....... Heated flour tortillias from FOODLAND filled with all this stuff... With some chopped lettuce,,,,, For breakfest add scrambled eggs....... Topped off with grated cheddar or any available cheese.... Drown it with SALSA or GREEN CHILLI SAUCE

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