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Mai Krap

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Posts posted by Mai Krap

  1. Spent the first night at KC resort,,,,,,, paid 400 baht for hut with restroom..... Loud rave music late into the night and at 6am they cut the power every morning so no fan,,,,,, I think they tell the guests that they are enviromentalist so they are saving the earth by cutting the power....... Loads of misquitos because of the drainage ditch.... Thumbs down on KC.....

    Moved to TIGER BUNGALOW and paid 300 baht,,,,, These bungalows have a real roof and power all day and they have a little bar and pool table on the main road,,,,,, The girls are nice that work there..... Thumbs up for TIGER BUNGALOW,,,, A cheep place and its right next to ODIES and close to 7-11.....

    I rented a small house in DAN MAI and stayed there for the next week,,,, Not many places to choose from but a cool little village..... DAN MAI is where the hospital and police station are on the east coast of the island......

    If you dont have a car or dont rent a motercycle probably your best bet is WHITE SANDS BEACH or KAI BAE,,,,, If you have a car I really liked this place called BEST VIEW HUTS which is all the way past BANG BAO on the end of the island.... Very cheep and very quiet,,,,, Its even a good place just to go in the daytime and hang out.....

    BAN DAN KHOA Is where the ferry arrives and has a really nice place called FUNKY HUT,,,,, It is super clean and has great food,,,,, Very quiet and very private 900 baht....

    If you need a motercycle you can rent for 200 baht a day at BAN DAN KAO,,,,,, Or you can get one from a police officers wife at the police station on WHITE SANDS BEACH across from 7-11.....

    The east side of the island is the best place for motercycle riding.... There are plenty of cheep bungalows on this side and there is great SEAFOOD at DAN MAI and BAAN RONG THAN.....

  2. Didnt meen to come accross as a whiner but I just got drunk and Im pretty frustrated in my current circumstance...... Im moving next week so I no longer have to look at the bassturds that smashed me up but till then I mostly sit at home and till today have stayed drunk...... Its not like I havent had bottles smashed over my head before but this is just the first time I didnt go back for a little revenge......... I cant kick everybody in my vilages arsse so I sit around and whine a little on this computer,,,,,, Also it sucks when you think you have a couple friends on your side only to see the tribalism thing show its ugly head when you are in a desperate situation...... I had to drive myself to the hospital and was worried I might pass out from loss of blood....... The docter called the police and when they got there they just smiled alot cause their friends smashed me up,,,,,, they thought it was real funny..............Ohhhh me so sorry mr. you victem of self defense robbery Ughhh ughhh I mean my friends make self defense.........Haaa haaa haaa haaa you buy me whiskey,,,,, black label................YEA RIGHT.

  3. Just wondering how many people listen to stream audio while they are on the FORUM.....Most of the time I get a good feed from 10 at night till about 10 in the morning...... For anybody not knowing about stream audio?????? You can listen to one of your favorite radio stations anywhere in the world while you work on the internet........ BUBBA THE LOVE SPONGE was kicked off the air in Tampa Florida for abusive language but is now being aired 24/7 with old programs and should be on again live soon,,,,,,, I was listening to him earlier and laughing like crazy,,,,, One of his sidekicks NED prank phone called some muslim organization and hes a bigtime country,redneck, deliverence type,,,,,, He asked a bunch of crazy questions to some arab sounding guy and the whole thing was just insane,,,,,,,, Ill leave out the details to stay pollitcally somewhat neutral and not have to type so many banned words........Now Im listening to PHIL HENDRIE who is my favorite radio guy..... He starts off like a normal talk show and then gets outragous geusts on the show,,,,,, the guests are realy him using 2 diffrent microphones with delay,,,,,, Then he has some idiot call that thinks its a real talk show and they get all pissed off and its just totaly crazy,,,,,, He is a great comidien............ Does anybody else listen to this stuff?????? or have any other favorite streams????????

  4. I think the point here is simple,,,,,,,,, Will the problems in the south make it to Bangkok,,,,,,, I think it is likely...... The reason being is easy targets...... If you go to the mall in the Phillipines every person and every bag is checked and there is only one entrance and all the exits have armed gaurds...... Recently I carried a very heavy box weighing around 70 pounds that could have been anything onto the sky train...... It was all taped up and the security never even looked up..... I have a large beard and have been asked by thais if I was Lebonese,,, Palistinian,,, and such .... In general the security level here is very lax and reactionary.....

  5. "did ya start telling these guys that jumped ya about the time u stubbed your toe, per chance"

    No I waited till I got to the Hospital and got my head sewed up and then I told the nurse about the stubbed toe from my chilhood and had her X-RAY it for a small additional cost..............

  6. "THE WHISKEY ALWAYS TURNS TO WHINE" now im down to three bags of ice and two new bottles of whiskey so just maybe I have a future or at least I can look forward to getting drunker..................................

  7. Four bottles of wine later and only the WHINE is left as I sit in my secured compound and run up massive phone bills to the U.S. where of course my family and friends say Im absolutly correct in my WHINE,,,,,,,,,,,,, but by now I dont give a damm and have came up with a brilliant plan to move to L.A. and get box seats at the LAKERS games next year,,,,,,,, Im just a little concerned when I sober Up that this plan will no longer make sense but then again that will be four bags of ice from now.

  8. Yea yea yea Ive drank a bottle of GLENFIDDICH and I went the store to get more whiskey but the store was closed so now I busted open a bottle of bordeaux out of my collection and now Im feeling just a little to honest but I dont need any sympathy. AS I drove back from the store I looked across the road at the little scum basterds that busted a few bottles over my head a couple weeks ago and I know that there is not a damm thing I can do as the local police informed me that it was not a robbery although money was taken from me....... It seems after they decided to rip me off they got scared and then they were just defending theemselves and then they smashed a few bottles over my head but still couldnt knock me to the ground so then I was hit with a few of those french bowling balls "SELF DEFENSE" and I never threw a punch as all my friends watched I mean so called friends cause I needed everything I had in me to get to the hospital as I was bleeding by the litttre,,,,,,,,, but hay what the ###### you know if the local scum decide to rob you and you dont pass out on the first busted bottle busted on your head and they get scared then they are ughhhh "defending thereselves" just ask the police if you dont believe me...............Its true im not nice but I try to be fair,,,,,,, and yea go ahead all the know it alls that we all know and tell me TIT,,,,,,,, and ohhhh if you were just a little bit smarter and well you must of just got off the airplane and its all your fault cause you caused them to lose face by not passing out.......... but Im still burning with anger and pissing blood...................................

  9. STUPID VISA TRICKS,,,,,,,,,,,,, I will simplify this..... It is stupid to compare getting a VISA from a country where you will most likely spend and lose money to getting a VISA where you will most likely earn and gain money.....

    I for one try not to break laws and Im considered honest by friends in THAILAND and abroad,,,, The point being it would be nice and dreamy to just go down and give the guy at IMMAGRATION 500 baht every month and have my VISA stamped and in the process use only one page of my visa instead of three. It would just be nice if someone would use a commen sense aproach to the VISA rules which we have to live by instead of a system where everyone feels as though they are being ABUSED and RIPPED OFF..... This current system will not get rid of the people the government wants to get rid of anyway,,,, It only discourages honest people of middle class incomes who dont wish to lie, cheat, and steal, forge documents, lease your own property back to yourself, or have your enemys whacked at a discounted rate....

  10. I went to bang boa and had some great food out on the pier,,,,, Also had some great food at DAN MAI the thai village by the main hospital..... had a great time and decided to move here and out of ISSAN.......... WILL UPDATE after songkran when I go home to pack........ P.S. DAVE,,,,, you werent B.Sing when you said the roads can be a little hairy on a motercycle.............

  11. WHAT A CROCK OF KRAPP,,,,,,,,After recently being told that I would no longer be able to get 60 day tourist VISAs unless I deposited 200,000 baht in a thai bank..... My reply was It is my understanding that on a tourist VISA one is not allowed to have a bank account??????? So then I asked what to do when I get married in july and I was told I would need to deposit 375,000 baht if I was married just to get a tourist VISA of 60 days..... Then was told I can get a letter from the U.S. EMBASSY that says I can support myself to which Im checking into,,,,,,, from what I was told you pay 50 dollars and write a note saying your not broke and the EMBASSY signs it and says yea hes not broke and you dont need even a bank statement.....

    Now I dont think this effects the 30 day tourist VISAs and im not even sure if you were red flagged at one checkpoint that they are capeable of contacting say K.L. or POIPET or somthing to red flag you there.... Point being that One can probably live of 30 day VISAs but its a pain in the backside.

    To make any comparison between getting a U.S. VISA and a THAI VISA is just flat stupid,,,,,,,, I want to know how many guys from Las Vegas moved to THAILAND to be bus boys and dish washers in PATTAYA so they could send their money home to support their AMERICAN family,,,,,, This goes out to the rest of you guys and your home countrys too.

    Personaly im building a new house in ALASKA so when they finally kick my arsssee out of the most perfect and clean and incorruptable and fair country in the world I can go home and cry......

  12. SIR, Ive often wondered why people would insert themselves into a forum with a bunch of negative vibes when they have no idea about the subject matter. Most of the comments Ive read on these forums are from people who want to improve themselves or just make life a little easier,,,,,,, like finding a good dog as in MANS BEST FRIEND...... Or just finding the coldest beer in town........ Im not easy to piss off but Ill tell you when you run your mouth off about my Dog,,,,,,, that sir is crossing a line. But its real easy to sit behind your computer and tell yourself what a big man you are for telling a couple nice guys they must have little toys......If I had any say here I would have you removed from Thai Visa.

  13. :o Just a question here????????? If a guy had one of them ELITE cards do you think they would help you unload a ABRAMS TANK at Don Muong and park in the VIP as long as your wife was the driver??????????? This might save your life for another day from a SYCHO bus driver from ###### that passes blind on two lane highways in corners and such....... They seem to think if you turn up the Issan music loud enough you wont crash and burn?????????????????????????
  14. Most of these dogs are traded for a plastic bucket,,,,,, The guy drives down the road with his loud speaker yelling,,,,in thai" Who has a dog and needs a bucket??" They come by my house all the time....... One of my friends came over from Laos and his first observation was " WOW you have alot of dogs" as he smiled as though he was at the OUT BACK steakhouse......... I never realy thought about it but you dont see alot of dogs in Laos...... As a dog owner with a considerable amount of knowlage of dog health and nutrician I would say the dogs here are in a pathetic state......... My dog is in a walled compound and is washed everyday and given the best food and modern vet care......... Anyone who would eat one of these unhealthy dogs is probably at the bottem of the food chain and I say let em eat,,,,,,, no sense in wasten protien.............. Besides loose dogs are a huge problem here that nobody cares to take on.......... The reason Ko Samet has so many dogs is cause the the bucket guy cant drive his little truck out there.......

  15. A few years ago I gradiuated from backpacker to Expat and moved to Issan......... soon me and my wife will holiday at Ko Chang,,,,, Anyone have any good ideas about good food and and a place to drink beer all day without having to baby sit a bunch of kids from khao son rd and listen to rave music,,,,,, I would have to puke up my good beer up to listen to some spoiled brat discuss international politics or tell me we shouldnt blow the ###### out of the middle east til JESUS comes back,,,,,,,, didnt meen to lose it there but facts is facts......... So the question is?????? ICE COLD BEER????? preferably in the shade with no music or maybe a little classic rock woul be good ,,,, THANX.............

  16. Be very careful when buying a large breed dog here,,,,,,,, try to find a place that only has one breed of dog and is very clean,,,,,, the best is if they already have money and they just like dogs...... if they wash the puppys everyday and have a dog groomer this will make it alot easier for you to wash your dog when it reaches over a hundred pounds,,,,,,,,, early social skills development is the key phrase here,,,,,,,,,, if the dog wasnt handled much when it was born to 8 weeks they can have intolerable personalities....... there are some good dogs here but buyer beware.............. get a thai dog magizine and look at the pictures then have a thai friend call around for you,,,, viset the kennel in person and dont fall in love with the first adoreable puppy you see,,,, build a wall around your house and hope your dog never bites anyone outside your property........... I personaly have a very large FILA which a full grown female will wieght no less than a 150 pounds with males usualy closer to 200....... these are potentialy very dangerous dogs and they definatly dont like strangers..........

  17. :o I was cruising around a traffic circle at a reasonable speed when all of a sudden found myself flying through the air,,,,,,,, As Ive wrecked plenty of times and all the cars were stopped so I didnt think id be ran over,,,,,,, I slowly started moving and checking to see if I had any broken bones which I was lucky I landed on a big duffle of clothes,,,,,,, The drunk SOB who hit me from behind and sent me flying and his A-hole lao kaoed buddy were trying to drag me and my scrap motercycle out of the road,,,,,, after refusing their generous offer I finally got up and just bled out some as they had ripped a chunk of hide off my leg...........After a week of drinking whisky and paying for my own repairs I was no longer in pain and I didnt even have to give them any money,,,,,,,,,,,, Maybe next time I wont be so lucky after they run over me ill have to buy them a bottle of BLACK LABEL for their trouble.......... ADVICE: buy a reasonbly safe larger car or truck with maybe a roll bar and a cowcatcher on the front,,,,,,,, maybe a old land rover,,,,,,,,, THEN TEACH YOUR WIFE HOW TO DRIVE.
  18. :o The worst thing,,,,,, having to much money to drink to much whiskey picking up a lady ????? At an unmentionable certain bar upstairs and on the left at NANA........... and waking up the next day with with your pants and boxers yanked down to your ankles laying on a bloody sheet with your aRSSSEEE just killing you,,,, JEP,JEP,JEP, ohhh my arSSSSEEEEEE. At least this is my worst nightmare anyways.........................
  19. :o Ohh yes we have so many friends,,, "Its all fun and games til somebody loses a fng eye"........... Everyone here plays to be friendly and honerable and for sure you can end up with a couple realy nice friends,,, mostly these will be people with a commen goal or intrest,,,, like English football or sea kayaking or business related skills. But mostly people like just having hang around types cause most falang like to drink beer and go out so there is always a free ride,,,,,,, you dont have to worry about being invited out by people with more money than you have because you have nothing to offer them socialy or financialy and most importnt politically,,,,,,, unless you or a embassy or un type...... Everyone here is a social climber. Exibit A= the Elite card,,,,,,, The middle and lower classes use the word Elitest as a insult in the U.S. and Europe but here to be a V.I.P. is all the rage,,,, to be better than someone else,,,,,,"Im better than you"......Have you ever noticed how people will say,,, Oh this is my brother and then later you will find out they hardly even know each other and you just payed for another 6 pack........ So lets get to the point,,,,,,,,, everybody loves you and you are an asset to your community and your invited to every ocaision from weddings to funerals,,,, and your village kids will sit in your lap while you drink beer and the phu yai ban will wai you and say your great until one day when you need the simpleist of things and nobody will help you,,, No one will stand up for you except your wife cause hopefully she really gives a damm and for sure she has the most to loose.... Recently after a argument over a beer bill where I'd spent much cash on hienikins over the past year and was sick of having a extra beer or two added on and finally said somthing about it and told the maneger to go next door and get the police and show them the bill,,,,,,, They decided to have a community activity of smashing bottles over my head at the odds of 15 to one with my friends sitting there watching. so after someone took money from my person and they got tired of trying to kill me..... I drove myself to the hospital hoping I wouldnt pass out so the police could write me off as another traffic accident fatality.... 10 stitches to the back of my head the loss of a qaurt of blood conservativly,,, a broken nose and 2 black eyes and a bottle or knife cut across the lower abdoman......... Two hours at the police station and without one interviewed suspect I was told,,,,,,,, Oh they were just trying to defend themselves......... Every person involved in this knows me personaly as I have been living in a small town but beutiful resort area for quite some time. Bottem line ,,,,,Always choose to live where there is a tourist police office,,,, because they will at least check into any potential crimes against falang ,,,,,,,, And "Fair weather friends are a international phenominom!!!!!!!!!"..............
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