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Mai Krap

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Posts posted by Mai Krap

  1. The BIG DOG lays at my feet happy as I type and dosnt give a damm if Im wrong or right all contented on the verge of sleep as I lie and exagerate and give bad advice the BIG DOG knows Im ALL RIGHT......... GOODENUF.

  2. Has anyone commenting checked out the amounts of silt on the east side of the island,,,, We have mud flats and brown beaches mixed with volcanic lava type rocks,,,,,,,, The ferrys at this point combined with unregulated fishing "dragging nets over corral" and a wild west catch every fish on any boat off the mainland attitude is the biggest local issue,,,, Not to mention the destruction of mangroves to make shrimp factorys............

  3. Since this effects alot of folks Im starting a another thread to deal with reality and not speculation on tourist visas as Im jammed up with this right now,,,Not trying to be a smart ass just trying keep it real and not inflamitory..........

    Recently at the consulate in Vientiane I was called aside and told this is your last tourist visa...... I had been living on tourist visas for two years as Im to young for a retirement visa,,, I am retired and have documentation to prove this... I was caught off gaurd and briefly went into shock,,,, Then I asked what I had done and was told basicaly the computer flagged me... I asked what I could do and was told I needed 200,000 baht in a thai bank to which I replied I was told I couldnt open a bank account on a tourist visa... I then said I planned to be married in a few months and was told if married I needed 375,000 baht for a tourist visa... I begain to ask many more questions and was realy making the lady mad when I finaly said,,, Im sorry but Im just trying to understand what I can do here as this effects many people,,, Girlfriend, Housemade, Som Tam Lady, Landlord, Niegbors, and my Dog,,, Who all depend on me for all or part of their income... No housemade,,, No paycheck,,, No shoes and rice for her kids to go to school and no more free English lessons.... She calmed down and I got a little more cool headed... Finaly I was told I could go to the U.S. Embassy and for around 50 dollars I could get a letter stating I had income and bring it in all would be Ok... I will know the end of this story by the first of june..........

  4. Wow,just came home,and another farang owned big dog lying dead in the soi,another angry loud dog dead.

    WOW what a waste I could have barbqued him along with your genitalia but that probably wouldnt qaulify as a snack for a chipmunk....

    Anyway,,, I always liked the ENGLISH MASTIF and considered getting one,,,, I believe there are some good ones around Pattaya.....

    The best way to get rid of the mange is a few shots of IVERMECTON. Every dog should get a monthly shot of this anyway to get rid of heartworms and stomach parisites.....

    There are some realy nice Thai Ridgebacks up around Nong Kai,,,, They ususaly give away the puppys are just charge a thousand baht,,,, Ive seen some realy nice black ones of medium to large size with a realy nice sword shaped ridge on the back,,,, Very healthy dogs when somebody gives a damm about them.....

  5. WOW thats the first time I ever heard of the EMBASSY staff going to see a victem,,,,,They must have thought they could sell some pictures of the corpse to some SEEDY AMERICAN NEWS AGENCY,,,, Ohh my bad that was SEEDY CAMBODIAN RED-LIGHT DISTRICT.... Hope they get paid anyway......

  6. If I wanted some overwieght, hairy, overopinionated, self-rightous, delousional that desired to strap up and hump me up the pooper telling me what to do all day I could just hang out on khoa son rd and tell all the fat girls how great they are,,, no thanx,,,, heard it all before,,, in a perfect world,,, yada yada yada,,,,,,, TELL IT TO YOUR MAMA...........

  7. I saw one SHAR-PEI here but it was at this sycho dog breeders that went tos kennel.... It was chained to a tree and had one of the worst cases of mange ive ever seen in my life,,,, I didnt even ask him about.... Have you checked out the THAI KENNEL CLUB website,,,, they have a listing of every breed of dog registered here in country and how many there are,,,,,,,, Not sure about the url though....

    Ive had pit bulls, rotwielers, dachsands, a half dachsand half german shepard,,, he was mine when I was kid and was my best friend... a doberman,,, and belgion malenois.... many kinds of coonhounds and duck dogs growing up in HUNTING....

    I love my FILA and im looking for another one now........

  8. The best is any house along the RIO GRANDE around SOCORRO NEW MEXICO,,,,,ROZALES GREEN CHILLIS..... THE BEST.... Everything smothered in cheese and green chilli sauce,,,, and if you get a little bored you can have the red chilli sauce.......

    JOSE'S CANTINA in Nong Kai has the best Ive had in Thailand,,, Last time I was there we drank STRAWBERRY MARGIRITAS as they were in season then.... Pithers of margaritas and pitchers of bloody mary available cheep... FAVORITES there are chicken cassadillio and chicken burritos smothered.....

  9. Kevin,,,, I agree about the CIRCUS atmosphere with the sled dogs,,,, From the time I walked out of the cabin and fired off the cooker to feed it was a total circus... I miss them but I dont miss freezing my backside off.... I still have my snow machine in storage for now....

    Ive fed my dog lots of chicken bones but now I just give it a dozen eggs everyday,,,, with rice and kibble and scraps.... Unfortunatly most thai dogs dont have a long life for a general lack of care,,,, I did see where the nice lady in bangkok held two lao girls as slaves and forced them to wash her thirty dogs everyday and evidently took severe beatings from her for recreation time.... As soon as the police found out they were pulled out of her mansion and quickly deported,,,, thats the girls I meen....

    I like the ridgeback dogs here and have had a couple nieborhood dogs hangaround that I realy liked,,,, My dogs best friend is a little mut that wieghs about 15 pounds and he hates me,,,, trys to bite me even but I just laugh and go on,,,, He likes to stand outside the gate and him and my dog just kinda look at each other and hang out.... My dog has 24 hour supervision and is locked behind a wall that circumnavigates my house.....Your right about the poisening of dogs but ive yet to have a problem as of now,,,, If you dont let your dog run loose there isnt much problems with this....The exception is the burglar who in Thailand prefers to poisen the dog on one day and break in on the next....

    Why have such a animal,,,, Having a LOYAL FRIEND of any size is a good thing. My old lady probably loves that dog more than I do and I know it would readily give its life protecting her,,, shes out there right now giving the dog its daily bath,,,, Later it will come in the house but it only likes AMERICAN movies...

  10. Just wondering how many Expats have big dogs??? Ive got a FILA which is one of the biggest and meanest dogs ive ever seen.... A great friend and lover of its own family but it hates everyone on the otherside of the wall.... The other morning all ###### broke loose so I ran outside,,, My neighbor had climed up the wall to cut some tree limbs and my dog now had him TREED like a RACOON and he was yelling somthing and looked scared..... I gave the dog some petting and took it in the house..... In alaska me and my partner had 75 to 100 sled dogs at any onetime.... that makes alot of fertilizer..... But out of all my dogs this is probably the smartest and best!!!!!!!

  11. It aint even worth trying to tell people that have an AGENDA that some people live a somwhat normal life in PATTAYA or anywhere in THAILAND,,,, They aint gonna believe you..... Bunch of busibody save the world do gooders that they are.....

  12. Bubba is down in TAMPA FLORIDA,,,,, He is always in trouble with the FCC and local cops for airing crazy stuff and having strippers hanging around.... They make a bunch of prank phone calls too.... When they had a barbque they killed a pig on the radio and it realy squeled so the local cops arrested him for cruelty to animals cause they hate him.....Its some pretty good REDNECK humer.......

    Phil Hendrie has one of the best web sites ive seen,,,,, A backstage pass is about 25 dollars for six months but well worth it if you like his style of comedy.... I love his Ted Bell charactor,,,, Bell is the owner of Teds of Beverly Hills Steak House.... He is a real arrogant S.O.B. and you get a bunch of pissed off femminst calling in and bitching and they dont ever figure out its a total set up.... You can burn CDs from his archives and he has a couple free downloads so you can check it out.

  13. I dont know about all this HAIRY, FAT , OLD, BOOT WEARING FEMALES,,,,, And to be FEMMINIST too,,,,,, Thailand should crack down on these undesirable charactors entering the KINGDOM.......

  14. ASAHI is great beer,,,,,, Sometime this year Im told they will have KEGS,,,,, Maybe Ill have to get a new refrigiration device,,,,, My old lady keeps trying to put food in ours.... The Manegment at KHON KAEN BREWERY are super nice people..... There are tours available but not sure about times,,,,,, The BREWERY is one IMPRESSIVE place.....You can have cans delivered in KK for 700 baht a 24case.... AH iced down ASAHI cans,,,,, Who needs air con......Unfortunatly it is not available at most bars but on a recent trip to NANA I saw and drank it at all the down stairs outside bars,,,,,,, 90 baht small bottle...... Ive also found them at most golf courses......

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  15. Ms Nina,,,,,,,,, HOW MUCH FOR A SHORT TIME???????? ..... How many CATS do you have???? maybe I coulds fire Up the old the old BAR-B..... My TERYAKI MEOW is great with a bottle of WHINE....... Why dont you write it in a book and see if anybody will buy that femmininst B.S. .....

  16. The only problem is when my old lady has the kareoke machine turned up on issan music to loud and cant hear me yelling "" GET ME A F,ING BEER,,,, GET OFF YOUR ARSSS,,,,"".... But thanks to modern HIGH TECH,,,,, problem solved....... She always awnsers CELL PHONE,,,,, She doesnt really like having to stop singing just to get me a beer.... But I promised her someday Ill take her away from all this and get her a DOUBLE WIDE TRAILER in ARKANSAS and then she can dial 911 and the POLICE will tell me if I drink to much............

  17. A few pints NO PROBLEM,,,, If I drink I like to drink at least 2 750ML. bottles of JACK or GLENFIDICH,,,,,,,,, I dont drink everyday but maybe once a week,,,,, unless you include beer and I dont even consider that,,,,, "10 to 20 big bottles a day" and "A bottle of Wine with 2 VIAGRA for dinner"...... Be careful about drinking the water here thats whats DANGEROUS......

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