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Posts posted by BKKdreaming

  1. Join a gym.........that will get you out of the house.....


    Buy used dusty exercise bike and treadmill on Craigslist etc ? ,

    then you can sell it again when it gets dusty again :)


    Are you doing this for weight ?????   IF so then look at your diet ,

    and then search Google and see how long you need to walk or pedal to burn 1 kilo , you will be amazed !


    I have an expensive Schwinn exercise bike in my front yard , someone paid $400 , I paid $50 delivered , 

    I try and use it for 5 - 10 minutes a few times a day when I walk past it  ,

    if it was in the house it would soon get buried in clothes I was too lazy to put away.......


    Really joining a gym is the best if one is close , second best is walking a mile or 2 a day


    one thing my German friend did after he was told to exercise was to have one of his workers drive him 1-2-3km from work and then he would walk back to the shop.....so maybe take the bus a few stops and walk back home :)


    Good Luck

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  2. 3 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    I think that's a very good idea with a potentially huge market.

    we all love gadgets , we all have computers


    Next we can make a laptop battery charger / bicycle  pedal set-up where you can only charge your computer by doing exercise ,


    it will sell very well with good intentions to use it  , and then sit in the closet gathering dust

  3. is there something USB that you could plug in your computer ?


    even if the machine part needed to be plugged in the wall , the computer USB could collect and chart the data and tell the machine to "pump" up the air  and hold it for so many seconds.....


    something that is sitting next to your computer might get used more often , plus you could have your computer set to "nag" you  

  4. 28 minutes ago, hdkane said:

    At her present position, she makes about 35,000 THB...


    This seems to be what a "good office job"  is paid after a few years ,  


    Hate to say it , but maybe she just needs to stay where she is ,  because how much extra will she need to take a chance at a new job ?


    I think that is also why there are so many weekend / street markets with people selling stuff they made , it is one way to add 5k-10k baht a month and still keep your regular job

  5. BoBae tower has a lot of places , 


    if you go past MBK-National Stadium at the next light across from Lotus Tesco turn left and that street has a lot of shirt printers too,

    a few can digital print on the shirt so you do not have to make screens......

  6. Where can you find nice heavy "industrial"  quality glasses frames ?


    can I just use industrial safety glasses and have lenses made for +225 reading glasses ?


    it would be nice if the reading glasses frames were made out of flexible plastic , the ones I find are very brittle and crack if you put them in your pants pocket etc :)

  7. what range of pay  has she worked up to after 10 years ?  

    and did her new MBA get her a big jump in pay ?


    Just wondering as at least in the USA it seems so many people have Education up to MBAs -PHDs that do not increase their pay levels as much as you would think,

  8. check that those reading glasses are what the sticker says !


    I bought a handful last time and the sticker was wrong and I just left them at hotel when I checked out


    But is there anywhere to get better reading glasses in Chinatown with glass lenses and frames that will last more than a week !

  9. Thanks for all your thoughts , she does has a physical therapist visiting a couple times a week , 

    and that started in the first month , as that seemed to be important to start treatment early , 


    But when I watched the TV show at the link above and the work they are doing in Vietnam , it got me wondering if the same was being done in Thailand , 

    Of course the TV show is about the pedal wheelchair and does not show all the other rehab work they are doing daily ,

    but if true it is an interesting idea ,  and seems like more "fun" than a stationary bike , 


    its going to be a long road , but  I hope she can keep trying and not give up , being 100% again  is a dream , but even being able  to get  around the house would be great , 


    Anyway , if you have any more ideas please share , it seems the Stroke  is very common in Thailand  and not much is being done as far as rehab ,  maybe there are just too many who need help


    Thanks again



  10. Hi

    I am interested in what is available in Thailand for Physical Therapy after a stroke 


    My friends Mom had a stroke 3 months ago  ,and cannot move her arm and leg on one side , she does have a Physical Therapist come in a couple times a week and do the normal things ( push-pull etc her arm and leg) to try and get the muscles working again ,  and it is going slowly after 3 months




    its a 30 minute show on Japanese TV , it is in English , link will work for 2 more weeks, 
    it shows a special wheelchair that is made in Japan , and the program shows it being used in Vietnam , 

    "Profhand" pedal wheelchair is the name of it , look on google for more info ....


    Is there anything like this in Thailand ? 


    something that will get her Moms legs working better , maybe just a stationary exercise  bicycle machine would work to ,  ?
    the idea on the Japanese Profhand is that the good leg knows how to use the pedals and "teaches" the bad leg and then both legs work together and get the weak leg stronger.


    Maybe someone who makes bicycles can copy it ?  
    They are 90,000+ baht ($3000 US ) if you buy one in Japan !

    it would also be nice to have the same idea but so she can use her arms,


    Any ideas of something like this appreciated ,



  11. 7 hours ago, mortenaa said:


    With a Tesla, you can drive 300km+ stretches, stop and charge about 20 mins - and your good to go another 300km or so. Their supercharger network covers most of Europe, NA and Australia.





    Great idea , but thats in the future ,  and every 300km  will be on main roads , and a limited number of  "plugs"

    if you tried to do a cross country USA or across Europe road trip you better bring some good books and a blanket and pillow :)


    and only Tesla cars can plug in......


    Tesla has BIG plans , and BIG $$$$$  to do them ,  but they  need to work with the other E car makers for a standard plug etc


    Look at the DW link above , or Top Gear when they tried to go from the South of England up North, 


    As they say , Not ready for Prime time yet.......


    Ohhh and I hope that electric cars get better and have longer range ,  but like has been said ,  finding real GREEN energy to power them is also needed....

  12. many people got burned when Ensogo wet away , they had already paid but now the companies had no reason to honor the deal , probably because Ensogo never paid them their cut !


    These daily deal websites do not work out well for the shops ,  with a big discount and Ensogos percentage there is not much left unless you can upsell the customer , 

  13. well you could also go buy some mozzie eating fish  and frogs and  dump them in the pond......


    draining it is not going to help as it will just fill up again since no one seems to care , 


    and I doubt the mozzies can fly up to your high rise condo anyway , but they often catch a free ride in the elevator :(

  14. it also is how the factory cleans from one product to the next ,


    in the USA  you will see on many packages "may contain traces of XYZ"   


    Peanut allergy seems to be a big USA thing , and that is often one of the "traces"

  15. 10 hours ago, SattaheapSea said:


    Fuel Cell from hydro power that same type of hydro bomb that used to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki???. correct me if i'm wrong. 



     Toyota has a few hydrogen cars running around here , but there are only a handful of refill stations here in Southern california , so you are even worse off then trying to recharge your electric car !


    There have been some programs on Japanese NHK TV on Hydrogen cars , they run great but same problem in Japan , no place to refill them ,...


    and just like "green" electric , hydrogen does not come without pollution costs , 


    Hybrids are the only way to go now ,  and that is mostly because of zero "local" pollution in slow local traffic since you are using electric  or nothing if stopped (  OK you would probably have AC on )


    The German show said they recharged 24 times for 2500km , and this was a little BS too as every time they changed cars that car was fully charged , so you really need to add one extra charge for each change ......


    it still has a long way to go to make it work for long range , but good if you are only driving 40-50km a day and have a way to recharge it and not be running a power cord across the sidewalk every night !

  16. Ohhh and if anyone can find it , DW , german TV just did a 2500km drive with new all electric cars , I just saw the last part yesterday and would love to see the beginning....


    but even with a new Mercedes all electric they drove 80km on the autobahn to get some range , plus they had the wrong charging cable from MB and it took 12 hours to recharge , the correct cable would have taken 3 hours (still to long)


    anyway if anyone finds the link it is very well done show


    found it....


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