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Posts posted by SHYTALK

  1. Jom and his bosses at Mcot were probably just testing the water.

    They, of all people, know how to abuse their positions and cry about media freedom at the same time. These guys never ran a politically unbiased story in their lives.

    Perhaps they thought if Democrats are not ordering to run any propaganda they can start working for the old boss.

    Satit had to put them in place.

    All this complaining about media freedom is for internet junkies consumption only.

    Nice you have been able to say that.In the media.

  2. Another clue.

    If anyone imagines that the CIA/ NSA etc were NOT totally aware

    of Thaksin's phony baloney financial wheelings and dealings

    and his attempts at co-opting democracy... well think again.

    Hint two..

    Anyone think money couldn't buy 'several someones' close to Thaksin as a spies??

    Think 'nobody' has MORE money than Thaksin,

    and he bought off all around him enough for dependable loyalty???

    Think that a Thai can't be bought with enough money to snitch on the boss???

    Think the army never planted a mole near him??

    "Deep Somtham" pretending to be Thaksinista for the cause.

    Any one believe Panlope isn't playing Thaksin like a violin at the moment.

    Hint three

    Most trade and alliance partners prefer NOT to have a proven pathological liar,

    as their regional partner in a central location in times of crisis...

    Hint 4

    CIA & NSA deal in information...

    where that information is used best is always in flux.

    Hint 5

    USA and Thailand do large scale military exercises on a regular basis.

    Both sides get on with each other. Who doesn't help a friend if he's in trouble

    and doesn't know it yet.

    You could apply any of that to america and any of its dancing partners,

    Take the uk for example, americas special dancing partner, where debate is now well on if maybe better off dancing in europe.

    Maybe Taksin was also in tune with this and spied another damsel coming to the ball.

    America is notorious for standing up its mia nois.

  3. Another clue to complicate matters further (see immediately previous post plse):

    The day Gen Surayud took office as PM appointed by the coup generals the US Ambassador Ralph Boyce called on him in the office of the PM to wish him well and to discuss the future of democracy in Thailand.

    I'm dropping more clues lately than Hansel and Gretel...

    I hope you are not suggesting that the CIA were responsible for the military coup and the overthrow of thai democracy?

    Certainly not. The coup was entirely an internal Thai affair from top to bottom.

    So to spell it out, I'm referring to the long standing, since the end of WWII almost unconditional support by the Thai Government of US foreign policy in SE Asia regardless of whom the particular prime minister was.

    If needed, read my lips: The militaries of the US and Thailand have a rare and unusual beast called the Thailand-US Joint Military Command headquartered in Bangkok. You may have seen it near the US Embassy. To my knowledge, the only other such existing beast is the Republic of Korea-US Joint Military Command headquartered in Seoul.

    Clue, clue...

    The US Ambassador visited the new PM Gen Suryaud on his first day in the position AFTER the coup. I've already referred to the special and unusual role/sacred mission the Thai army assumes for itself, and likely does so as expected.

    Thailand is a complicated and complex place but I don't see this one as being that tuff to figure. I just don't.

    Your implication is that the illegitemate product of a military coup, and a junta appointed judiciary, is democracy, because american foreign policy says so.

    That is absurd.

    Unfortunately, the only role the thai army doesn't seem to assume is defender of the biggest peoples prize of all, ie true democracy.

    In fact the army assumes the role of enemy of true democracy when it overthrows democratically elected governments, where the people have spoken.

    No, not rational that the "mystery hand" whistles uncle sam.

  4. Abisit is now coming across somewhat confused in his interviews.

    He is an educated man but gets mixed up between what he knows is the right thing, and his masters voice.

    What he means by " Thai society" in his interview is anybodies guess, certainly not the north and eastern parts of thai society.

    But perhaps he doesn't class them people as part of "thai society".

    Maybe he ought to listen to all of thai society, via an election , not just his master, thai hi-so.

  5. Tawp, I'm not even going to read a libertarian article about virtues of the free market.

    There's worldwide consensus that this current crisis was the result of trust in markets being able to monitor and correct themselves, and there's worldwide consensus that this idea needs to be buried and never touched anytime soon.

    Ofcourse you will not, because reading [an opponents views and forming your response to them] might make you enlightened and that is a risk you cannot take.

    I'm with proper regulation on this, and stricter fsa controls, far to many big bonus gambling risks taken by the banks and investment houses.

    Banks gambling?

    Privatised profits and socialised losses.

    Also the behind the scenes manipulation of the markets and especially derivative trades, yuk

    Let the pension fund members and small invester at em I say.

    And after all the crap caused, what do you see, can you believe it, more big bank bonuses.

    Full circle, never learn.

  6. Its allright abisit playing PM with his stimulas package, not that a stimulas package isn't necessary.

    But as usual the unanswered question is "who is going to pay?".

    Can you see it being the lords and ladies?

    How about the elite and businessmen?

    Perhaps the armed forces and associates?

    Surely not the poor uneducated reds?

    More likely the good old walking ATM, the farang!

    And quite right to, democracy in action.

  7. Another clue to complicate matters further (see immediately previous post plse):

    The day Gen Surayud took office as PM appointed by the coup generals the US Ambassador Ralph Boyce called on him in the office of the PM to wish him well and to discuss the future of democracy in Thailand.

    I'm dropping more clues lately than Hansel and Gretel...

    I hope you are not suggesting that the CIA were responsible for the military coup and the overthrow of thai democracy?

  8. The party dissolution came through a coup introduced law. The '97 constitution said nothing about party dissolution in such a case.

    You are mistaken here.

    TRT dissolution was the punishment recommended by the very first investigating panel appointed by the EC, it was in May 2006, long before the coup.


    Thanks Plus for finding facts.

    Gee Pre-Coup wasn't Thaksin head of government then...

    Actually more proto-dictator with only a 'committee / lame duck cabinet',

    surrounding him, and no upper or lower houses.

    Looks like he forgot to buy the election commission enough before hand.

    Counter-propaganda 101: ~Tell the facts clearly and often.

    Just forget that the people gave Taksin his authority in an election.

  9. Everybody knows that the trick regards effective communication is to keep it simple and to the point.

    Only dark force buzz-word slang hides true intent.

    Like a child who is scolded by his parent, you have spit your "dummies" out.Nevertheless I'll give it back to you , here it is.

    Regardless of your opinion, the truth is this passage of history was played out against the backdrop of military coups and junta appointed judiciary.

    Real democratic environment.That is not good enough for me, and ought not to be good enough for you, unless.....

    That is not recognised or adopted by true democracies, only despot third world crony states run by dark forces.

    Take a look what history records, Taksin 3 Abisit 0.laugh.gif

  10. Nato forces have sufferred tremendous losses in bringing free and fair elections to iraq and afghanistan.

    Does corruption still exist-yes

    Does money change hands -yes

    Are ballot boxes disqualified -yes.

    Do election results stand=yes.

    True Democracy can live with it, thai vested interest and dark forces cannot.

  11. Thaksin is right that Abhisit cant make decisions. In a parlaimentary democracy the parliament must ultimately make them and not any minister even the PM. At best Abhisit could take his ideas to parliament. In a parliamentary democracy the parliament remains the ultimate decison maker until voters render their verdict at an election. Few seem to really understand how parliamentary systems work preffering to try to confuse the idea with presidential systems of directly elected leaders.

    Thaksin seems to have learned this since his time as PM when he relied on government issued resolutions that rarely went anywhere near parlaiment and ultimately wouldd run foul of the courts. I guess it is good to see lessons in the proper functioning of the parts in a parliamnetary democracy being learned :)

    Good in theory.

    But until it is practised in a truly democratic environment, ie an election, it remains flawed when set against the backdrop of military coup and junta appointed judiciary.

  12. This is a public health issue, noticeably absent are the public health officials who should be in charge of this investigation.

    A Norwegian man dies of food poisoning a month ago and they are still waiting for the autopsy report?

    So the police are waiting for what, the DNA of the suspect bacteria before they make an arrest!!

    :) yes, this is a public health issue. it warrants more investigations. otherwise call a :D boycott on the island. :D flash this news worldwide. :D email a friend overseas or something. leave no stone unturned until someone somehow is made responsible. :D

    :D a moratorium on phi phi island should be the way to go until someone is held accountable ..............this is bizaare!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Nothing must be allowed to damage the cash cow that is Phi Phi island. A few deaths are just a consequence of milking every last baht out of the place. It will take more than a few posts on an internet forum to change that.

    To true.

    And that needs to start with a shift to true democracy in the country, with accountability to the people at the ballot box.

    Sweep away the vested interest corruption.


    General/King Taksin was put in a silk sack and beaten to death with sticks...

    why are you writing about "taksin"?

    History shows that

    Thaksin Shinawatra wone 2 elections and tried a 3rd snap election that was annulled

    and he was only care taker acting PM at the time of the coup.

    History also shows that

    Abhisit was elected by a Majority of Ministers Of Parliament,

    after PTP party was unable to form a working coalition government.

    Under Thai law it is 100% legitimate.

    Where you get the idea PAD and the military get along, I have no clue,

    since most of the Sondhi assignation attempt investigation points AT the military...

    But hey don't let facts get in the way of your propaganda attempts.

    Who knows your motives?

    Who cares.

    Keep at it you will eventually convince yourself, but you will never change historical facts.

    Just as Margaret thatcher won three peoples elections, and Tony Blair won three peoples elections, also taksin won three peoples elections.

    And abisit.........

    probably saying to himself " <deleted> am I doing here"

    FACT. Thaksin won two and no more.

    An annulled election is no election.

    No matter how many Ad hominum attacks that you rack up,

    it adds up to zeros on your tally sheet. It just shows the obfuscations at work.

    Interesting you diss-associate the PTP election victory from Taksin.

    So the people voted for the PTP and not for Taksin.

    Taksin out of the equation , your beef roasted.

    Poor abi, in his time in england and living through margaret thatchers three election victories, and tony blairs three election victories, he must of dreamt of the thai people sweeping their hero to election victory.

    Well they did, also 3 times, but alas twas not poor abi,the goons dummy ; but a real peoples own hat trick hero.

    So who holds the duck egg.

    abi abi whats the score, abi whats the score.

    BTW leave out the big words untill you can compose a few decent sentences.icon6.gif

  14. Your critique of the Democrat Party is nonetheless well taken. To bring some balance to your perspective consider also that the Chuan government was being stared at by a Baht that had gone from 25 to the USD to 55. The Abhisit government is having to deal with a meglomaniac (real, not a symbol) and his 'do or die' maladies coupled by the similar behavioural disorders of his supporters in the Kingdom.

    Those who do not accept that Thaksin was convicted of a crime in open court in Thailand also do not accept the legitimacy of the Thai Judiciary and fairly can be considered by extension as also likely to have a disregard of all legitimate authority in the Kingdom.

    Thaksin is unwelcome in democracies because democratic governments do recognize the legitimacy of the Thai courts, the laws of Thailand and Thai sovereignty. Leaders of democracies throughout the world are not organizing or holding symposia to figure a way to get Thaksin back into the government of Thailand.

    So take a clue.

    But do democratic governments recognise the legitimacy of military coups and illegal airport occupation terrorism.

    Is open court verdict against a backdrop of military coup and junta appointed judiciary legitimately recognised in democratically governed countries.

    I dont see democratic governments adopting this model, do you?

    Thailand-legitimate authority?, the country is corrupt from top to bottom.

    That is why thailand has 3rd world status and falling fast.

    Before colonel gadaffi was unwelcome, now he is faited.

    Give us a clue.

    No, the worlds democratic governments acknowledge Abhisit and the Democrats

    are the legitimate government of Thailand after an election of MP's to Parliament.

    A coallition is in place and governing.

    What went on BEFORE the election is then rendered moot.

    Except to the losing side, who will howl till the pigs fly home.

    The worlds democratic governments recognised Taksin and TRT/PPT after 3 consecutive election victories.

    Military coups , junta appointed judiciary and their illegitimate offspring are not embraced by democratic governments.

    Democracy will prevail and burma will lose its role model.

  15. Say what you want but history records that taksin was elected by the thai people 3 times.

    He won 3 consecutive general elections.

    That puts him up there with the likes of thatcher and blair, hat-trick heroes.

    History also records that Abisit is the installed pawn of a military coup, and junta appointed judiciary.

    Fact is, poor abi doesn't run the show: even the slightest whif of him thinking about an election would bring him a fate worse than Sondi's.

  16. A condo may very well add on an extra fee to both. the water may be as high as 25 baht per unit and the electric as high as 7 or 8 baht per unit.

    Many (rented) condos charge 25 baht per water unit, with the excuse that they have to pay the electricity to pump it to the rooftop holding tanks. In the Pattaya drought a few years back it went to 30 baht per unit for 6 months.

    Electric units in rented condos is generally 7 baht per unit. However be warned on 1st January 2010 it will rise to 10 baht in central Pattaya.

    Rented condo owners have a kind of agreed monopoly on this.

    My condo water fee was 25 baht and rose to 27 baht per unit.

    Also there has a 5 baht per unit wastewater treatment fee been added on recently.

    I dont know how they measure that yet or if it is just a fixed monthly charge.

    Add to them a monthly meter fee of 50 baht, and its adding up.

    But its cheap to my house,

    30 baht per water unit and a monthly meter charge of 200 baht.

    Ripped off or what?

  17. Essentially those army units were saying we don't support Thaksin.

    Drawing a line in the sand. And letting HIS factions know they are not welcome.

    Never made them big PAD members. Just that PAD had some usefulness for a spell.

    PAD was just the spear point to route out and expose his machinations.

    The barking dog in the night. No one really expected or expects much shelf life from them.

    Try telling them that


    General/King Taksin was put in a silk sack and beaten to death with sticks...

    why are you writing about "taksin"?

    History shows that

    Thaksin Shinawatra wone 2 elections and tried a 3rd snap election that was annulled

    and he was only care taker acting PM at the time of the coup.

    History also shows that

    Abhisit was elected by a Majority of Ministers Of Parliament,

    after PTP party was unable to form a working coalition government.

    Under Thai law it is 100% legitimate.

    Where you get the idea PAD and the military get along, I have no clue,

    since most of the Sondhi assignation attempt investigation points AT the military...

    But hey don't let facts get in the way of your propaganda attempts.

    Who knows your motives?

    Who cares.

    Keep at it you will eventually convince yourself, but you will never change historical facts.

    Just as Margaret thatcher won three peoples elections, and Tony Blair won three peoples elections, also taksin won three peoples elections.

    And abisit.........

    probably saying to himself " <deleted> am I doing here"

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