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Posts posted by SHYTALK

  1. Correct assessment.

    Absolute piss take.

    Lets not bother wasting time on the 'Yellows' decision to hold the country to ransom or the strong hand tacticts they employ, or the laughable reaction from the security forces and the family which they control.

    I would love to debate this topic. However, I am not allowed to do so?

    In a counrty where freedom of speach is against the law, it is impossible to even attempt addressing the issues at hand.

    Correct Assessment

  2. Still preaching your drivel bil7.

    Better you go away, you don't have any idea what your talking about.

    Still waiting to hear how many of the 25 now cannot sell their units, and also how many of the other 12 you mentioned cannot sell their units.

    Also how many of the vt5,6,7 speculators now cannot sell their units.

    Just look in the real estate shops , awash with unsold oversupply.

    Go look in the view talay sales offices, loads and loads of units for sale.

    And more and more stuff going up everywhere, that may or may not get finished..

    Stop being disengenuous to the op, its all tanked, go do your hawking somewhere else.

  3. Another perfect example of why thailand has gone down the toilet.

    Instead of putting the effort into solving all the many problems and issues of the place, what do you get, continued corruption.

    The elite and dems just continue to demonstrate to the international stage what a set of self centred, corrupt, faschist buffoons they are.

    All form a line for "Goose Step" practice.

  4. What on earth are you guys doing spending your money in Land of Scams with all this illegality, circumvention, and top down corruption.

    The place is backward, and totally undemocratic, and a role model for burma,

    Get out of thailand before its to late, and go and spend your money in a grown up , democratic, mature country .

  5. There is some sewage treatment works for pattaya, but its anybodies guess what ,screening, primary,secondary,or tertiary, treatment occurs there before pumping out to sea.

    The idea being that it will all breakdown and disperse, far out to sea.

    Chances are though that the treatment facilities are turned off to save costs, and its quite likely that all the piss and turds and jonnies and jamrags and spew from all the scumbags in pattaya are pumped directly out into the sea, via a long outfall pipe.

    Then, as you all know, the tide brings it all back to the beach areas, where it slops down your clack.

  6. Sausages are full of floor sweepings and bad enough in the west, so can you imagine what crap goes into them in thailand....yuk.

    I knew somebody who worked in a sausage makers, and they said if you could see what goes into them you would never eat them...full of worst leftovers and floor sweep ups.

    Plus a few choice gobs from the disgruntled workers.

    Still ,hope you enjoy them


  7. Last time I played cricket I was fielding at silly mid on.

    As our useless bowler sent another dolly down I turned my back as the batsman gave a mighty heave and the ball wedged up my riggot.

    I went to the doctors and explained to him I had a cricket ball wedged up my arse.......

    and he jumped up out of his chair and shouted OWZAT !!!

  8. SHYTALK go away, you don't have any idea what your talking about. In the last five years I have sold over 25 condos and done well financially because of it.

    LOL Bil,

    I see you to advise people to go away.wise advice.

    For sure give thailand a big miss to spend your money....go away somewhere else.

    Get real, go look around Pattaya at all the empty units everywhere, go in the estate agents and look how many are for sale and rent , and empty.

    And no tourists.

    Take my advice , dont buy in thailand, go spend your money elsewhere.

    Leave the speculators holding the condo's .

    Now tell us how many of the 25 are left with a condo they cannot sell Bil !!

  9. Look, all this disruption is the result of the PAD illegal occupation of the airport.

    The airlines need to compensate their affected passengers.

    The airlines then need to sue the arse off the airport authority for their losses.

    The airport authority then need to sue the arse off the PAD perpitrators for their losses.

    End off.

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