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Posts posted by SHYTALK

  1. Your critique of the Democrat Party is nonetheless well taken. To bring some balance to your perspective consider also that the Chuan government was being stared at by a Baht that had gone from 25 to the USD to 55. The Abhisit government is having to deal with a meglomaniac (real, not a symbol) and his 'do or die' maladies coupled by the similar behavioural disorders of his supporters in the Kingdom.

    Those who do not accept that Thaksin was convicted of a crime in open court in Thailand also do not accept the legitimacy of the Thai Judiciary and fairly can be considered by extension as also likely to have a disregard of all legitimate authority in the Kingdom.

    Thaksin is unwelcome in democracies because democratic governments do recognize the legitimacy of the Thai courts, the laws of Thailand and Thai sovereignty. Leaders of democracies throughout the world are not organizing or holding symposia to figure a way to get Thaksin back into the government of Thailand.

    So take a clue.

    But do democratic governments recognise the legitimacy of military coups and illegal airport occupation terrorism.

    Is open court verdict against a backdrop of military coup and junta appointed judiciary legitimately recognised in democratically governed countries.

    I dont see democratic governments adopting this model, do you?

    Thailand-legitimate authority?, the country is corrupt from top to bottom.

    That is why thailand has 3rd world status and falling fast.

    Before colonel gadaffi was unwelcome, now he is faited.

    Give us a clue.

  2. Yes, he is it is common sense politics. Preventing a potential counter coup or sedition always is.

    And whomever gets the job, will no doubt feel some form if debt is due someday.

    TIT :)

    common sense politics for abisit, but corruption politics for taksin?

    The difference is intent.

    Thaksin was trying to destabilize a reasonably balanced system for his own benefit.

    Abhisit is trying to re-stabilize that system, so it can't go off the tracks again.

    Motive and opportunity;

    removing lingering Thaksin opportunity from the present situation,

    to block the past moves of the motivated clique with bad intent.

    The chess match has not been finished, but stasis is not an option at this point.

    History shows taksin won 3 elections, and abisit was installed as the pawn of a democracy destabalizing PAD military coup.

    Who knows their motives?

  3. Thaksin is shreeking the word "revolution" on his mobile phone while hoards of red shirts are violently storming the Pattaya venue where foreign leaders consequently have to be evacuated from the roof by helicopter. Then during Songkran (of all times) the red shirts riot in Bangkok for days.

    Which is it that you want: democracy or violent revolution???


    "Chon Buri's authorities told me they had blue shirts, which were part of the Interior Ministry campaign for social unity. We agreed to use the blue shirts. At night I inspected different locations and Newin Chidchob emerged. In fact there were others, such as Suwit Khunkitti. Everyone wanted the summit to go ahead without problems. We agreed to group soldiers, police and civilians and prepared vehicles with sound systems for them to counter the protesters. We wanted to buy time; we needed a little over one day before the summit would be completed.

    However, as Pattaya is a tourist city and people wake up late, people who promised to join arrived later than the red shirts. Eventually there were clashes and things didn't go as planned. The soldiers were not prepared for a clash while most of the police had to go to the hotels where foreign leaders stayed, as many red-shirt taxi drivers protested there. (...)

    The blue shirts have been distributed by the Interior Ministry all over the country. That is part of a campaign for social peace and unity"

    Suthep Thaugsuban, the Democrat Party secretary-general in an interview with

    This brings back a few memories.

    My home is a few hundred metres from the hotel that was holding the asean summit.

    For a couple of days a few red shirts assembled down by the police box there.

    I had to go through the line to get to my home, no problems, just happy redshirts men,women, and children.

    More redshirts were arriving, and more policemen were on duty taking a watching brief, as no trouble, and no problem going through to my home.

    The day before the summit,red shirts numbers had increased and police and hired security guys closed off the access roads to the hotel area, and were diverting traffic, but allowing area residents access. By now lots of army guys were assembling in the side roads around the summit hotel, and the redshirt scouts were keeping tabs on them and reporting back on mobiles.

    On the day of the summit I left my home , on the motorbike, went past the army guys,went through the redshirts line, no trouble,but on the way down the main road passed gangs of blokes dressed in blue shirts who had walked straight through the police road closures, and heading for the summit hotel.

    I stopped with another couple of farangs and the tone of our conversation was "who the hel_l are they?".

    An hour later I returned but was not allowed through the police road closure, because some trouble had occurred.

    The blueshirts had been allowed to get to ,,confront and inflame the up to now peaceful and cordial redshirt men,women and children gathering .

    I went to my home via the backstreets and forest pathways, and was suprised to be among the army guys who were moving in on the hotel complex via the backdoor.Felt sorry for them as it was red hot and they carried large backpacks , but in they were going.The redshirt scouts were radioing this advance in.

    Later that day I heard of the redshirt ingress into the hotel.

    My view; a peaceful demo escalated as the reds defended themselves when the blueshirts came on the scene, tensions rose and the army made their move,spooking the reds.

    But for this the summit may well have gone ahead.

  4. The power rating of a lightbulb is 100 watts.

    ie, at any instant it takes 100 watts from the electrical supply.(approx 3-4 amps at 230 volts)


    Water is charged for the volume you take.

    The meter totalises what you have used .

    Some water supply companies use litres as the water unit, others cubic meters, some still ft. cubed!

    So if the meter says you have used 50 litres , at 5 baht a litre, then its 250baht.

    Its only to demonstrate guys,

    I think that you mean approx 0.4 amps, not 3-4.

    I've never seen a company in Thailand use a litre or cubic foot as their charging unit for water. Can you please give an example of a company that does? If water meters were ever available to measure in these units in Thailand, I would have thought that they haven't been manufactured for years.

    Thanks for pointing that out loong, yes about 0.4.

    Wasn't speaking specific to thailand, just highlighting generally that differring unit measurements of volume were possible.

    In the uk I have seen all three , especially in some of the smaller private water companies.

  5. The power rating of a lightbulb is 100 watts.

    ie, at any instant it takes 100 watts from the electrical supply.(approx 3-4 amps at 230 volts)

    Electrical energy used is power rating x the length of time it is on

    If the light is on for 1 hour the total energy it takes from the electrical supply is 100 watt-hours. (If 30mins then 50watt-hour).

    It is usually expressed as Killowatt- hours, so 0.1Kwhr.

    The electric supplier charges you per Kwhr used, maybe 10 baht per Kwhr.so 1 baht for this example.

    Water is charged for the volume you take.

    The meter totalises what you have used .

    Some water supply companies use litres as the water unit, others cubic meters, some still ft. cubed!

    So if the meter says you have used 50 litres , at 5 baht a litre, then its 250baht.

    Its only to demonstrate guys,

  6. .....Now foundations are being dug for another highrise nextdoor which means an outrageous expanse of VTs in the area. ...

    From the VT sales office; the construction is for a resort similar to the Avalon which will be a low-rise at the front (beach) rising to 7-8 floors in the back. The pile driving construction should be minimal when compared to VT7. However, another VT highrise beside VT5D someday should surprise nobody.

    Low rise stuff is a bit against the grain for View Talay.

    Why are they not going for the usual 30 floor highrise ?, especially as it would box in JCC even more.

    The design for another VT7 is done, why spend a load of cash designing a resort? huh.gif

  7. If one cop who owes Thaksin for big favors in the past says SC is cleared,

    Can you please show me more evidence that the investigating officer "owes Thaksin for big favours". Well, other that that some anonymous poster on the internet says so. And being promoted to a position does neither mean that anybody owes any favors, as promotions are quite common in the police force (as they are in most professions).

    Please, can you provide any source for this otherwise libelous statement?

    And the complete quote in context.

    If one cop who owes Thaksin for big favors in the past says SC is cleared,

    well that should just close the investigation right?

    Not hardly.

    Ignoring the qualifying if,

    and that it was a hypothetical question, which I guess you don't understand.

    No elevation of position here is without someone above giving their blessing,

    and expecting a quid pro quo sometime in the future. It is the Thai system.

    The bigger the jump and more plum the position the bigger the debt owed.

    Head of police for the north east district is a VERY plum position for a Thaksin man.

    Very simple and nothing of libel at all, just favors for favors in the classic way.

    But this doesn't mean the investigation is finished, what with a

    police reshuffle NOT controlled by Thaksin happening in a matter of weeks.

    Yes abisit is doing his level best to get his own man in as head of the Police in the reshuffle.

    smells of favours.icon5.gif

  8. Its just as likely that the PAD/Yellows planted a bogus employee in the company.

    abisit is now admiting its his words on the tape.

    Bring forward the guys who interviewed abisit, they must have copies of the original interviews also, mustn't they.

    rats are smelling.

    Disinformation, and trying to tangent things.

    PAD planted a employee in Yingluck's company...???

    Yeah that IS a good one,

    you should be on stage with howlers like that to tell people

    I can make YOU say anything I want with enough raw recordings.

    That it is his voice proves nothing in the digital age.

    'Abisit is admiting its a employee, now in the company

    who planted bogus copies of the original interviews.

    Rats are likely smelling the guys who interviewed Abisit.'

    All your words.

    Just a cut an paste of YOUR words. But I can do that with audio.

    And you would be shocked.

    No sale.

    YOU are an expert of Dis-information , and trying to tangent things.

    We to can cut and paste your words, but we are not that childish.

    I suspect you are a PAD/Yellow shirt plant on tv, or are you just dyslexic to..

  9. Two Irish guys Mick and Paddy were on their first flight , a jumbo 747.

    An hour into the flight the captain came on the intercom and said that No 1 engine had failed, there was no problem, but arrival would be delayed by 1 hour.

    After another hour the captain was back on saying No 2 engine had also failed, everything was fine, but arrival would now be delayed by 2 hours.

    A further hour into the flight the captain announced on the intercom that No 3 engine had now failed , but the flight could carry one, and arrival would be delayed by 3 hours.

    On hearing this Mick turned to Paddy and said " Paddy, you do realise, if that No 4 fails we'll be up here all day".

  10. Well organised politcal hatchet job (by reds or possibly (seems less likely now) some assumed to be on his side) or a few silly and overenthusiatic red supporters doing what they thought a good thing for their side and seeing it backfire badly?

    Any Zinoviev letter type of politcal hatchet job of any kind of course should be condemned by all, investigated thoroughly and the perpetrators punished.

    There again, no back-fires with military coups....eh

  11. Why doesn't thailand just have a legitimate election and put all this sort of stuff to bed?

    Who in thailand is afraid of democracy and letting the people decide.

    Because that would not put it to bed,

    but just stall it with all the battle sides drawn.

    And awaiting a very sad event, and this needs to be settled before that.

    Unless elections are free and fair, unlike the last 3-4 it can never be a solution.

    I need not postulated a " Vast Red Conspiracy"

    Take PTP with direct Tie to Red Shirts

    Jatuporm a PTP MP and RED Shirt leader

    His rabble rousing on the stage and who this could tie in.

    Take Chalerm PTP leader who broadcast long and loud about this file,

    till he found out it was faked and Abhisit was steaming and going for

    the law, with teeth in it, over this and then too slowly,

    and then MUCH more quickly back pedaled away.

    Take major PTP supporter Yingluck,

    little sister of devious symbol of Red Shirt salvation Dr. T.

    And her worker bees being integral to this files moving out to the world.

    We ONLY have their word that they got it at a Bus Stop.

    There is NO corroboration beyond that one person saying something.

    If you mean a meeting was held to smear Abhisit via this tape, nope I doubt it,

    Just standing orders to find dirt on him and the Dems ASAP.

    That most all of these people were hungry for ANYTHING to slam Abhisit with,

    then this is totally plausible.

    They took this audio smear and ALL ran with it.

    Not knowing much about electronic files it seems.

    PTP, SC Management for Thaksin and Red shirts; nice little bundle,

    intending to disseminate this tripe vastly... in Redland.

    Never mind the quality, feel the width eh...

    Only an election will restore any sort of democratic legitimacy.

  12. A couple of years back I was on a Thai flight into Bangkok, cannot remember if Don Muang or swampy.

    Capt came on and said we would have to circle 20 mins to allow other VIP traffic in to land?

    After 20 mins the Capt came back on and said we would continue to circle a bit longer.

    After a further 20 mins the Capt was back on saying fuel was low ,he couldn' t land in Bkk and he would have to divert to "Rayong airport" to land.

    I dont know if the "Rayong airport" was in fact U-Tapo.Probably was about 20mins flight from Bkk.It looked a dump.

    So he landed at this airport and refuelled and after an hour took off again for Bkk.Everyone was pissed off nobody could leave the plane which was hot.

    Several other large aircraft were on the tarmac also.

    Always wondered what the safety backup was at this place in case anything happened.

    my g/f wasn't best pleased either as she had to wait 3 hours in the Bkk airport LOL.

    Anyway , &lt;deleted&gt; , don't tell the looney yellowshirts about this development.

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