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Posts posted by SHYTALK

  1. Quoting Special Branch commander Pol Lt Gen Theeradij Rodphotong in the original report of the doctored tape: "It is unconfirmed whether the voice heard in the clip is the permier's. If the clip is not real, it is seamlessly edited."

    There are a good number of Thais who are actually competent in their positions and professions, such as Pol Lt Gen Rodphotong whose analysis is lucid from the outset of this malicious attempted character assassination of the PM.

    So clearly, it is time to call in the definitively sophisticated analysists who among other matters determine whether the voice of bin Ladin is real and actual to expose the sophisticated forgers and hired gun experts in electronic fraud purchased by Kuhnt Thaksin.

    Wow, lets get this right.

    The ventriloquist's dummy (abi) gives a message.

    But the voice in the message is another's.

    So who is operating the dummy ? icon5.gif

    Some people in their posts are forever working feverishly and repeatedly trying to "let's get this right" with a preceding huffing and puffing of a "Wow." Now we have a new wrinkle, "dummy" as in a manequin that speaks at the hand of another. Cynicism rules in certain quarters, not to mention desperation.

    Well get this right for a change: We know that Thaksin is the puppet master and he has a well heeled multiplicity of puppets in multiple places. No one is fooling anyone around here. This fact is not news to anyone at any of these forums.

    Why can't you and your cronies agree to bring on the proven sophisticated analyists in electronic fraud and deceit perpetrated by global terrorists and others of the Thaksin ilk to expose the criminal for hire global underworld of highly priced cheats, swindlers and unconscienable electronic manipulators who will doctor anything for anyone for the right very high goobal price and rates? Why can you not agree to this?

    Further, what say you to the point besides "Wow, let's get this right." :)

    Nothing except more of the glib same.

    Actually , had Lord Charles in mind, he looks like abi and is similarly gormless.

    Not that I have anything against Lord Charles.

    Yep, no problem with that.

    Do it after free and fair elections, and the country returned to Democracy.

    Even agree to you running the show, but nothing battery operated.ok

  2. Quoting Special Branch commander Pol Lt Gen Theeradij Rodphotong in the original report of the doctored tape: "It is unconfirmed whether the voice heard in the clip is the permier's. If the clip is not real, it is seamlessly edited."

    There are a good number of Thais who are actually competent in their positions and professions, such as Pol Lt Gen Rodphotong whose analysis is lucid from the outset of this malicious attempted character assassination of the PM.

    So clearly, it is time to call in the definitively sophisticated analysists who among other matters determine whether the voice of bin Ladin is real and actual to expose the sophisticated forgers and hired gun experts in electronic fraud purchased by Kuhnt Thaksin.

    Wow, lets get this right.

    The ventriloquist's dummy (abi) gives a message.

    But the voice in the message is another's.

    So who is operating the dummy ? icon5.gif

  3. From the sale of ManC or out of the countless pieces of luggage transferred with 2 aircraft initially to Norway just around the days of the coup?

    How much did he and his entourage really cost this country?

    Hope he got the air-miles.

    "really cost" - only fair courts can decide if anything, but not as much as the PAD and yellow ones have, still are costing, and will cost into the future.

    Maybe the question should be," in his time did he add any value" , not just in monetry terms.

  4. Shytalk>> You need to broaden your library of snippet to paste into every thread here all days.

    TAWP>> Didn't know you cared.

    Best to keep it short, precise , and to the point.

    No bigger point to make than electoral democracy is there.

    Nowl it would be of fine benefit to global warming if some of the hot air merchants on tv were a little more economical with the words.

    I will continue to post to my library thank you, rather than some examples of your library, in the posts you have had deleted recently.smile.gif

  5. If only you could or would consistently read English.

    Installed after an election, and this speaks OBVIOUSLY of the PPP government.

    Which was installed after the election, because that is how it is done.

    the results go to his majesty and he signsa them into their seats.

    And 'Installation'.

    To risk be pedantic with a slow child:

    By your logic there NEVER was ONE legitimate Thailand government,

    because they ALL were preceded by coups prior to their constitutions being installed.

    Sorry, but your logic is so full of holes a ship can sail through them one and all.

    Lets see how your reading holds up with this one then,

    Democratically elected government by all the people.

    Military coup.

    Junta government and judiciary.

    Junta installed government.

    Your assertion that its happened before so its ok now shows you are in tune with the junta.

    The democratically elected government was overthrown by a military coup and replaced with a junta installed regime.

    The only ships around being the junta gunboats.

    Resort to PAD and yellow one like tactics , it shows you have no argument. icon6.gif

  6. Only the guy who won three general elections, as voted for by the people of thailand.

    Democracy in action.

    America has many "special relationships " with governments of every colour, and is not the determinant of what constitutes democracy.

    Do you think america is there for thailands ends?

    Just as a relationship with a lady of the night, one gives a service, one gives the wazza.

    Does the job descrition say;

    Wanted: Pedantic Harpie.

    Repeat this list of lines as often as possible.

    Be annoying if you like, but veracity is not optional.

    He had 5 good years, and then screwed up, a record in Thailand for longevity,

    but a typical denouement. The guy is toast, short of coup/revolution,

    but the news hasn't filtered from his ears to his brain. Ego blockage.

    Not suprising , in keeping with the association youv'e already made for us. laugh.gif

    But job descriptions are only any use in a democracy.

    Any relation to Lord Haw Haw !

  7. After the snap election was annulled for cheating and the ENTIRE Election Commission jailed for malfeasance.

    The coup was not removing him from the seat of Prime Minister,

    but only as the seat warmer ACTING PM.

    Which incidentally does not hold all the powers, rights and obligations of a true PM.

    Let also not forget during this SAME ELECTION that TRT felt obliged to bribe

    tiny irrelevant parties to run against them, in several constituencies.

    Why, you purposely don't ask?

    Because TRT could NOT WIN the 20% of the vote needed to win an UNCONTESTED SEAT.

    So they cheated and got caught red handed and got dissolved,

    and accused the Dems of the same thing, tit for tat, which was never proved.

    Thaksin was already on the road to being banned, and he KNEW IT,

    when he started another tack to hold on to power.

    We NOW know how well that scheme worked.

    Fancifull, but typically stero-typed.

    An even stranger defense of a military coup and actions of junta appointees.

    But then , do what you want when you are holding the gun.

    And would the tit for tat ever be proved in such circumstances?

    All that was annulled was democratic means.

  8. ..implication is that the illegitemate product of a military coup, and a junta appointed judiciary, is democracy, because american foreign policy says so.

    Of course not.

    They installed a government that for once listened to the people, ministers who were ashamed of stealing from the people, and parliament that represented the people.

    And they didn't appointed judiciary. Post-coup Constitution Court was staffed with judges from other top courts, not military barracks, and top judiciary is NOT under army's boot - they get their own audiences and inspiration directly from the Head of State.

    "They installed" is not good enough, certainly not a democracy there then.

    Yeah, but that government is long gone while Thaksin inspired election fraud still lives on, under the guise of "democracy".

    So to is electoral democracy...long gone.

  9. Proof of truth in this respect means nothing in Thai law.

    And that seems to count for ThaiVisa as well. Here one can state whatever one feels to, no proof needed, regardless of all evidence to the contrary, as long as one hates Thaksin. :)

    Hate? No just feel sorry for him as he is obviously suffering intensely but why does he suffer so?

    "The kind of seed sown

    will produce that kind of fruit.

    Those who do good will reap good results.

    Those who do evil will reap evil results.

    If you carefully plant a good seed,

    You will joyfully gather good fruit."


    Shame about the seed of electoral democracy.

    Sure you will reap what you sow.

  10. IMHO, the interviewer MIGHT have committed a crime by speaking to Thaksin, and should go to court to defense himself.

    Let the un-bias court decides if he is guilty or not. It is not your job or mine.

    But it is yours and my job to ensure the courts are unbiased, and free speach maintained.

    To ensure use of the ballot box and not gun barrell democracy.

  11. There were no empty hotels on New Years day.

    There's a general decline in tourism worldwide, don't make a mistake of attributing all of it to the airport closure.

    I don't.The world recession is at least an equal factor in Thailand's tourism downturn.But the recession will pass.What will remain is the memory of the international airport being seized and the government standing by powerlessly.Furthermore the criminals responsible remain unpunished and a key supporter remains Foreign Minister.A reputation once destroyed by this kind of criminality is hard to restore.The good news is that Thailand is a very attractive destination, and I believe will eventually restore its position but the damage done by the yellow mob, the criminals that led them and the elite that gave them moral support is very severe.

    Pishposh, hyperbole without facts again.

    I posted an article here earlier from one of Sweden's biggest papers and a survey they did regarding traveling and the outcome was that neither the airport seizure nor the 'Black Songkran' violence had any noticeable affect on the travelers minds. I.e. people didn't take it into account when selecting traveling destination. People still tried to travel all the way to Thailand if they could and if they felt an economical pinch it was more likely they would vacation within the nations border or not at all.

    But why listen to what tourists themselves say when you have an agenda?

    So could either side please rest their "your side's action killed the tourist-industry"-nonsense now?

    So where are they all then?

    Thailand realities have had some real good airtime lately.

    Internationally, people are getting educated as to what thailand is really all about, and they dont like it.

  12. And creating a VERY PAD at the same time. Oct 7 planted seeds for sure.

    Each time they were attacked they didn't back down, they got more angry.

    We know where this led. PPP mishandled PAD over and over again.

    What was just a barking, howling dog, they made into a mad dog.


    So now PAD is a VERY militarized mad dog (I agree).

    Do you recall the posts on this forum where you explained how peaceful and wonderful PAD are.

    When did you change your mind? :)

    I did not forget, and up until the Red violent attacks it was quite true then too.

    And I made a dyslexic mistake not very but ANGRY.

    I had to go out the door at the time.

    From Oct. 7th onwards as the violence towards PAD escalated further,

    so did their anger and martial posturing.

    Red attacks for months on end forced PAD to be less peaceful in self-defence.

    And no amount of red propaganda or re-writing of history,

    will make that clearly observed fact change.

    Oct 7th put them on high alert against the coming onslaught.

    With unconscionable the night time grenading of their government house camp,

    they, not unreasonably, got beyond angry, and made a move to the

    detriment of all, but under duress and out of previous character.

    But when did you change your mind?

    Troll laugh.gif

  13. My take on this:

    None of the politicians above need to be charged unless there is evidence their give instructions do perform actions that would lead to the outcome it had. They were more likely than not incompetent, not evil.

    The ones that should be charged is the police officials that should know how their gear works and know what theit tactics will do if done - and yet ordered it.

    The politicians would be the ones appologizing and stepping down to show backbone and moral responsibility for lacking any control - it's ineptitude, but not criminal negligence.

    But as we know that most TRT/PPP/PT politicians (shared with many others too) lack any moral fiber, them stepping down or apologizing for anything is a slim chance.

    And the PAD and yellow ones leaders are complicit to.

    They knew what they were doing was illegal .

    Poor guys , in the middle of that lot for 100 baht a day.

  14. Because TiT and anything can happen to any elected government official--any charge--we see why Abhisit must get the doctored tape matter straightened out and the principal culprits identified, charged and tried.

    Doing so might open a trail elsewhere to other culprits in other crimes as well.

    Elected !....by who , the people in an election?

    Appointed by the junta.

    Couldn't we just set a filter so one doesn't have to see these mind numbingly stupid posts ever again?

    These sock-puppets with their re-hashed lies and propaganda is just so annoying and really dilutes the news-forums value.

    You prefer junta democracy I prefer electoral democracy.

    Advocator of Censorship

  15. Any country, Any NATION, that can't field enough PROPERLY TRAINED riot control police is <deleted>.

    As was noted at the time, these were border patrol police units, loyal to PPP and Thaksin,

    not the Bangkok Police's riot control force that SHOULD have been used. Normally used.

    Hang on,

    Nobody asked you what kept your ears apart.

    Are you telling us that the PAD and yellow ones were there to RIOT?

    So much for the propoganda peaceful PAD demo then.

    Sounds to me the PAD and yellow ones were lucky that only the borders were there.

    No, that is not what I said. But you are trying to say that.

    Attempting to confuse a simple issue, because you can't win the argument.

    And of course start with a flame that isn't even inventive.

    Was there malicious intent by the police or the politicians who ordered the clearing.I doubt it.

    Clearing out protesters, regardless of intent to riot or not,

    is better done by trained professionals, not loyal thugs in uniforms.

    The very fact that it was Border Police trucked in specially and atypically,

    and not the Bangkok Police trained in this job, makes it obviously mal-intentioned.

    No doubt one of the points in court will be, Who ordered this special border unit to come do this?


    YOU are forced to expletives because you cannot win the argument.

    I made no flame at all, merely made a statement, but YOU have made the association in your own mind.

    You thought about it and you made the association.Right for once.

    YOU said the riot police needed to be there.

    No confusion .

    Riot police deal with riots.

    The PAD were rioting, I'm with that one with you.

  16. Because TiT and anything can happen to any elected government official--any charge--we see why Abhisit must get the doctored tape matter straightened out and the principal culprits identified, charged and tried.

    Doing so might open a trail elsewhere to other culprits in other crimes as well.

    Elected !....by who , the people in an election?

    Appointed by the junta.

    Yes, elected in open session by ALL the Mp's in the Lower House of Parliament

    and then confirmed and installed by HRM.

    As are ALL Prime Ministers.

    What junta? There hasn't been one in years here.

    Don't let facts get in the way of a 'Rant for Pay' job description.

    NOT elected by the people by way of democratic elections.

    The product of an overthrown legitimately elected government.

    Installed in closed session by the military junta.

    Thailand has never been without its junta, its running the show, and you, now.

    Bring back electoral democracy

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